Hannibal And The Punic Wars



A History Of: Hannibal and the Punic Wars is a biweekly biography of everybody's favourite Carthaginian general. We follow Hannibal throughout his campaigns as well as looking at the Punic Wars at large. This is done through a mixture of lecture style episodes as well as more relaxed Let's Talk episodes; in which I invite guests onto the show to talk about Hannibal, Rome, Carthage, the Punic Wars and the ancient world in general. Please note, I have recently upgraded my recording equipment and am updating the back-catalogue. Presently episodes 4 through 17 need to be re-recorded; so bear with me.


  • 25th Episode Spectacular - Let's Talk Rome

    21/06/2015 Duration: 01h53min

    This week we celebrate the show hitting 25 episodes by doing our first ever 'Let's Talk' episode. I invite my lovely friend Hannie onto the show and we talk about Rome for 2 hours, answering your questions. Topics discussed include the weather, is Rome Overrated, could Hannibal have won the Punic wars, football managers, Albert the Fifth Musketeer, green-orange colour blindness, how the show is made, the length of my beard and which actor should play Hannibal in film. Cameos are made by Zack Twamley, Jamie Jeffers and Ray Harris. Oh yes, and the Alexander book is released! I hope you enjoy the show!

  • Episode 24 - Trebia

    20/06/2015 Duration: 18min

    This week I battle a cold, attempting to cover the battle of the Trebia. We look at the events leading up to the battle and Hannibal's ambush.

  • Episode 23 - The First Line of Defence

    20/06/2015 Duration: 20min

    This week we cover Hannibal's actions after crossing the Alps and the first battle of the war, the Battle of the Ticinus, fought between Hannibal and Publius Cornelius Scipio. We also introduce his son, a certain Scipio Africanus.

  • Episode 22 - Treacherous

    19/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    This week we cover treacherous Gallic tribes, Hannibal's treacherous crossing of the Alps and the song Treacherous by Taylor Swift. Featuring special guest Robin Pierson of the podcast, The History of Byzantium.

  • Episode 21 - My Side of the Mountains

    19/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    This week we cover the first conflict between the Romans and Carthaginians in the war, as well as beginning Hannibal's journey over the Alps.

  • Episode 20 - Gauls and Elephants

    18/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    This week we cover the Gallic revolt of 218 BC, as well as bringing Hannibal over the Rhone and introducing the elephants. But, this is not the most important thing. Also announced is the first ever TheHistoryOf Podcast meet up! We will be hanging out with Jamie Jeffers of the British History Podcast at 5PM on the 25th of November in the Black Swan Inn, York. It should be a ton of fun and I hope to see you there! Also announced is the 25th Episode Specular! I would love to have a bit of a Q and A, so if you want to know about the podcast, how it is made, the origin story, future projects, about me, about Manchester City, about Hannibal, about Rome, Carthage, the Punic Wars, Alexander the great, maybe you would want to guest introduce the show, maybe you have some ideas about something for the 25th episode, whether it be something to talk about or something to do, for all of the above and more, please let me know. Just nothing about the X factor, I cannot stand that rubbish. I am sure you know how to contact m

  • Episode 19 - The Journey Begins

    18/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    This week we begin Hannibal's journey to Italy. We assess his options in the winter of 219-218 and find out why he had to invade Italy by land. We then follow him as he travels to Gades, before heading north and crossing the Ebro.

  • Episode 18 - Saguntum

    17/06/2015 Duration: 22min

    This week we slow down the pace. Having looked at the break out of the Second Punic War last episode, we now look at the specifics of the siege of Saguntum. Also included is a description of the podcast's facelift and a preview of the second Project History Cage Match.

  • Episode 17 - The Iber

    17/06/2015 Duration: 25min

    This week we begin the Second Punic War. We have an overview of Hannibal's character, then go into some detail about whether Hannibal was planning war with Rome, who broke the Iber treaty and who started the Second Punic War.

  • Episode 16 - The New Town

    16/06/2015 Duration: 12min

    This week we look at Hasdrubal's consolidation of the Carthaginian position in Spain, briefly mention the Ebro Treaty and go on a very pleasant tangent about the Spanish Navy.

  • Episode 15 - Stabbed in the Back

    16/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    This week we look at the Hamilcar's invasion of Spain. We examine the situation in Spain, and Hamilcar's motives. We look in detail about why it is unlikely Hamilcar was plotting revenge. Featuring as a special guest Ray Harris of the History Of WWII Podcast.

  • Episode 14 - Meanwhile, At Carthage

    15/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    This week we look at the Mercenary War in Carthage, as well as including a special feature. 10 minutes of the first 'Project History Cage Match', staring myself, Jamie Jeffers, Roifield Brown, Zack Twamley and Ray Harris.

  • Episode 13 - They Think It's All Over

    15/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    This week topics discussed include classic moments in English football comentary and the European economy in 1946. We also get into Rome's invasions of Sardina, Illyria and the Po Valley.

  • Episode 12 - The Siege of Lilybaeum. Part 3 - Hamilcar Barca

    14/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    This week the siege of Lilybaeum comes to an end through matters elsewhere. We introduce Hamilcar Barca and end the First Punic War with the Battle of the Aegates Islands. Featuring Special guest Zack Twamley from the When Diplomacy Fails Podcast.

  • Episode 11 - The Siege of Lilybaeum. Part 2 - The Fleets

    14/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    This week we continue covering the siege of Lilybaeum looking at Publius Claudius Pulcher's disaster at Drepana.

  • Episode 10 - The Siege of Lilybaeum. Part 1 - The Towers

    13/06/2015 Duration: 16min

    This week we cover the beginning of the siege of Lilybaeum as well as why the episode is a week late.

  • Episode 9 - If at First You Don't Succeed

    13/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    This week we cover Rome's attempts to recover after the invasion of Africa, and attempts to recover from that recovery and then recover from that recovery etc. Featuring special guest Jordan Harbour of the Twilight Histories Podcast.

  • Episode 8 - How Not to Invade Africa

    13/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    This week we cover the disaster that was Rome's invasion of Africa and the genius that was Xanthippus.

  • Episode 7 - How to Invade Africa

    12/06/2015 Duration: 21min

    This week we get into classical naval technology as well as bringing the First Punic War from the Sack of Agrigentum to the Roman invasion of Africa.

  • Episode 6 - Marauding Mamertines

    12/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    This week we cover the First Punic War up to the Sack of Agrigentum and I announce a secret project.

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