Kali Mandir Satsang

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 189:46:48
  • More information



Spiritual Discourses given at Kali Mandir, a traditional Hindu temple located in Laguna Beach, California dedicated to the worship of Divine Mother Kali in the tradition of Sri Ramakrishna


  • Kali Sahashranam: Aparna

    01/09/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    Satsang with Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Thousand Names of Kali   Verses 98-202

  • Kali Sahashranam: She Who is What is Heard (Vedas)

    18/08/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Satsanga with Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Sahasranama (the Thousand Names of Goddess Kāli). In this discourse Swamiji discusses names 195 through 198 from verse 27 (given below). śrutiḥ smṛtir-mahā-vidyā guhya-vidyā purātanī | cintyācintyā svadhā svāhā nidrā tandrā ca pārvatī |27| 190. Śrutiḥ– She who is what is heard (Vedas) 191. Smṛtiḥ - She who is what is remembered 192. Mahā-vidyā– She who is the great knowledge 193. Guhya-vidyā– She who is hidden knowledge 194. Purātanī– She who is ancient 195. Cintyā – She who is thinkable 196. Acintyā– She who is unthinkable 197. Svadhā– She who is the mantra “svadhā” 198. Svāhā– She who is the mantra “svāhā” 199. Nidrā– She who is sleep 200. Tandrā – She who is half awake 201. Pārvatī– She who is the daughter of the mountain

  • Kali Sahashranam: She Who Knows Knowledge

    11/08/2019 Duration: 01h31min

    Satsang by Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Kali Sahashranam (Thousand Names of Goddess Kali).  In this class Swamiji discusses names 185 through 194 from verses 26 and 27 (given below). vidyā-dharī vasumatī yakṣiṇī yogini jarā | rākṣaśī dakini veda -mayī veda-vibhūṣaṇā |26| 181. Vidyā-dharī– She who holds knowledge 182. Vasumatī– She who is wealth 183. Yakṣiṇī– She who is a Yakshi/ who guards wealth 184. Yogini– She who is in union 185. Jarā– She who is elderly 186. Rākṣaśī– She who is a demon 187. Dakini– She who is a Dakini 188. Veda-mayī – She who is the Vedas 189. Veda-vibhūṣaṇā – She who is decorated by the Vedas śrutiḥ smṛtir-mahā-vidyā guhya-vidyā purātanī | cintyā-cintyā svadhā svāhā nidrā tandrā ca pārvatī |27| 190. Śrutiḥ– She who is what is heard (Vedas) 191. Smṛtiḥ - She who is what is remembered 192. Mahā-vidyā– She who is the great knowledge 193. Guhya-vidyā– She who is hidden knowledge 194. Purātanī– She who is ancient 195. Cintyā –

  • Kali Sahashranam: She Whose Light Destroys Darkness

    04/08/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Discourse on “Kali Sahashranam” by Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati. Swamiji discusses names 177 through 185 from verses 25 & 26. nāga-kanyā deva-kanyā gandharvī kinnareśvarī | moha-rātrir-mahā-rātrir -dāruṇā bhāsvarāsurī |25| 177. Moha-rātriḥ– She whothe night of ignorance 178. Mahā-rātriḥ - She who is the great night 179. Dāruṇā – She who is severe/ferocious 180. Bhāsvarāsurī– She whose light destroys darkness (who is both light and darkness) vidyā-dharī vasumatī yakṣiṇī yogini jarā | rākṣaśī dakini veda -mayī veda-vibhūṣaṇā |26|

  • Kali Sahashranam: She Who is the Supreme Ruler of Heavenly Beings

    30/06/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    Pravachan (discourse) by Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Thousand Names of Goddess Kali. Swamiji discuses names 173-176. Verse 25

  • Kali Sahashranam: She Who Descends from the Himalayas

    23/06/2019 Duration: 01h25min

    Satsang: Discourse by Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Saharanama (Thousand Names of Kali). jagaj-jīva-mayī haimavatī māyā mahā-mahī | nāga-yajño-pavītāṅgī nāginī nāga-śāyinī |24| 166. Jagaj-jīva-mayī - She who is Herself the world and living beings 167. Haimavatī – She who descends from the Himalayas 168. Māyā – She who is the illusion 169. Mahā-mahī – She who is great and wonderful 170. Nāga-yajño-pavītāṅgī – She who wears a serpent as the sacred thread on Her body. 171. Nāginī – She Who is a serpant 172. Nāga-śāyinī – She who Rests upon serpents

  • Kali Sahashranama: She Who Is the Daughter of Katyanana Rishi

    16/06/2019 Duration: 01h34min

    Satsang: Discourse by Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Kali Sahashranam (Thousand Names of Kali). kātyāyanī jagan-mātā jagatāṁ parameśvarī | jagad-bandhur-jagad-dhātri jagadānanda-kāriṇī |23| 160. Kātyāyanī - She who is the daughter of Katyanana Rishi

  • Kali Sahashranama: She Who Loves Music

    09/06/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Sahashranam (Thousand Names of Kali) with a discussion of names 154-159: gīta-priyā vādya-ratā preta-nṛtya-parāyaṇā | catur-bhujā daśa-bhujā aṣṭā-daśa-bhujā tathā |22|

  • Attaining the Goal of Life

    26/05/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    by Swami Sarvadevananda, Minister of Vedanta Society of Southern California

  • Kali Sahashranam: She Who is Intoxicated

    19/05/2019 Duration: 01h32min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Sahashranam (Thousand Names of Kali) with a discussion of names 147-153: mattā pramattā pramadā sudhāsindhunivāsinī | atimattā mahāmattā sarvākarṣṇakāriṇī |21|

  • "Pranam Mantras, Asking Forgiveness, Arati & Homa" Introduction to Kali Puja (Part 30)

    28/04/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on pranāma (salutation mantras), aparadha-sodhana (begging forgiveness for mistakes), ārati (waving of lights) and homa (fire ceremony), given at Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram on  27 April 2019. This is part of a series on the theory and practice of Kali Puja, the ritual worship of the Divine Mother Kali.

  • "The Worship of Mahakala, Food & Japa Offering" Introduction to Kali Puja (Part 29)

    21/04/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Puja

  • "External Offerings to the Goddess" Introduction to Kali Puja (Part 28)

    07/04/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Puja

  • "Prana Pratistana: Invoking Life into a Sacred Image" Introduction to Kali Puja (Part 27)

    30/03/2019 Duration: 01h31min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Puja

  • "Establishing the Diety in the Conch" Introduction to Kali Puja (Part 26)

    23/03/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Puja

  • "Manasa Puja" Introduction to Kali Puja (Part 25)

    10/03/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Discourse by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Manasa Puja

  • Talk on the Mahasamadhi of Sri Ramakrishna

    02/03/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Satsang by Rev. Swami Chetananadaji Maharaj, Head of St. Louis Vedanta Society

  • Stories of the Old Monks of the Order Part 2

    23/02/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Satsang by Rev. Swami Chetananadaji Maharaj, Head of St. Louis Vedanta Society

  • Stories of the Old Monks of the Order Part 1

    17/02/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Satsang by Rev. Swami Chetananadaji Maharaj, Head of St. Louis Vedanta Society

  • Talk on Swami Shradanananda

    10/02/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Rev. Swami Chetananadaji Maharaj, Head of St. Louis Vedanta Society, speaks on the life of Srimat Swami Shradanananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, attendant of Holy Mother, and author of the “Ramakrishna Lilaprasana”.

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