Prophecy Insight's With Bro Stef



A news analysis site dedicated to providing you with up to date intelligence and analysis from the perspective of Bible prophecy. We help you to connect the dots between the Bible and our headlines of today. We also provide sound biblical insight's that will encourage you.


  • Will the 3rd Temple Bring Peace?

    29/07/2014 Duration: 09min

    Will the third Temple bring peace? Actually unfortunately, the answer to the question is no it will not bring a "lasting" peace. Peace will only be for a short period of time and Jeremiah chapter 30 will occur. listen to the audio to find out more... I hope you enjoy the Audio. Join the conversation at Facebook: My blog: Sponsors Needed:

  • Shemitah Year and Prophecy Trends

    28/07/2014 Duration: 08min

    How God used the Arab Spring to setup His plan and could we be ready for something of huge spiritual significance due to this being a Shemitah Year? Join the conversation at Facebook: My blog: Sponsors Needed:

  • Iran, Israel and Ezekiel 38

    20/07/2014 Duration: 03min

    As we watch the world and the geopolitical landscape develop, it becomes clear that the United States is going to allow Iran to become a nuclear power. Israel is the only country in the world that has the will and the means to stop this from happening. If they do stop Iran, could this be the fuse that ignites the Ezekiel 38 War of Gog and Magog? JJoin the conversation at Facebook: My blog: Sponsors Needed:

  • Peace is leading to tribulation

    18/07/2014 Duration: 06min

    Peace at any cost is not safety nor is it security. There is a time for war, there is a time to talk peace, there is a time to protect yourself and peace always comes at a cost and in most cases in this world, peace is found through strength not through passivity. See Joel 3 for where we are headed. A little hay-fever today sorry for the sniffles. Join the conversation at Facebook: My blog: Sponsors Needed:

  • The Way Prophecy Seems to be Revealed

    18/07/2014 Duration: 07min

    We don't always know what God is doing until it is almost finished or completed and then as we look back using hindsight, we can see the hand of God in some thing that he has done or is doing. Join the conversation at Facebook: My blog: Sponsors Needed:

  • A Birthday Gift Fom God

    17/07/2014 Duration: 04min

    Does God care about our birthdays? I believe he does and he gave me a birthday gift today July 17, 2014 just for me on my birthday. Join the conversation at Facebook: My blog: Sponsors Needed:

  • Update: Israel Conflict

    13/07/2014 Duration: 04min

    Update on the Israeli - Hamas conflict and links from DebkaFile and also Jan Markell's Saturday radio report update.

  • War or No War?

    10/07/2014 Duration: 05min

    Flareups in the Middle East like the one were seeing in Israel right now can stop as fast as they start.

  • HaShem (G-D) is Waiting on His People

    09/07/2014 Duration: 08min

    The Lord is waiting on his people to cry out to him and to repent of their sins and to turn to him. When that happens He will return and defend His land and people. He will put an end to the tribulation and the pain and suffering here on this earth that is on the horizon.

  • Iran and The Global Oil Supply

    09/07/2014 Duration: 06min

    Iran is trying to make a move on the global oil supply and take over Saudi Arabia's oil supplies and Iraq's oil supplies making them the majority global oil reserve provider.

  • Iran, Russia, ISIS & Ezekiel 38

    08/07/2014 Duration: 04min

    My thoughts about Iran, Russia, ISIS and Ezekiel 38. Amazing what God is doing right now!

  • Jesus Messiah

    05/07/2014 Duration: 04min

    This is a song I want to share while we all pray for our brothers and sisters in the ME who are suffering in ways we can not understand! Yeshua is our hope and salvation!

  • God will provide

    03/07/2014 Duration: 02min

    God will provide and he will never leave us or forsake us. He's always there for us helping us along the way .

  • Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus?

    28/06/2014 Duration: 03min

    Could the developments in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East end up being the spark that brings about Isaiah 17? Very interesting video:

  • Psalm 83: Isis and the Golan

    28/06/2014 Duration: 03min

    Could we be seeing the developments of the Psalm 83 war especially now with Isys running through the whole Middle East?

  • Words Are Everything...

    22/06/2014 Duration: 04min

    Words create perceptions and when it comes to Israel and the Jews we need to be careful what perceptions we are creating.

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