Ardent Faith Ministries



Does God have an opinion about our worship today? Is it all acceptable to Him? Our lives are blessed when we walk in the assurance that God is pleased with our sacrifices of praise. An in depth look at the foundations and values of Ardent Music Worship.


  • Calm and Kill Your Giants


    Giant killers learn to look at tought circumstances through the lens of God's promises.

  • Sovereignty of God


    SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD Jesus didn't reveal everything about the sovereignty of God but He did reveal that God is sovereign. God is great not only because nothing is too big for Him but also because nothing is too small for Him.

  • Jealousy of God


    THE JEALOUSY OF GOD Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. The jealousy of God is His intense passion for us and for the purposes, plans and blessings He created us for from the beginning of time. He isn't satisfied that only some of His creation would love him back. Pastor Jeff shares some insights on how to satisfy God's jealousy rather than provoke it.

  • Mercy of God


    Mercy of God Embracing God's mercy and letting it transform us sets a new pattern for our lives.

  • How Big is Your God?


    How Big Is Your God? Sometimes our biggest problem is not our problem. Our low view of God can be our biggest problem. The scriptures tell us that He is more powerful and able than even our best thought on our best day!

  • Mystery of God


    MYSTERY OF GOD Whatever we can understand about the mystery of God doesn't require more knowledge, it requires more relationship.

  • The god's We Serve


    The Perils of Idolatry What we worship, we put in front of us, what we give ourselves to is what we become like.

  • Living the Resurrection Life


    The ability to live the resurrection life comes from a greater vision, a greater freedom, the knowledge that we are chosen, holy, and dearly loved by God, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Easter Sunday


    Like the disciples, sometimes our hopes fade as things don't go according to script. The empty tomb proves that Jesus was who he said he was, and that he will do what he says he will do.

  • The Hidden Power of Serving


    THE HIDDEN POWER OF SERVING Jesus elevated and empowered others by serving others, and he told his disciples to follow his example. Why serving is more powerful than lording over people when it comes to changing the world.

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