Beth Jones International Speaker



The official podcast of Beth Jones, International Speaker and Amazon Best Seller Author. Use your gifts for God. Live a life you love. Fulfill your great purpose.


  • What would your best life possible be like?

    29/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    What would your best life possible be like? I was listening to K-LOVE Christian radio station in our truck driving one day, when the DJ asked this question. In this episode, I tell about God's calling for me in 1989 during a suicidal depression in Olathe, Kansas, and the Bible chapter He gave me as my life's purpose, Isaiah 61. I also share about what my best life possible is, including spending time with my precious beautiful daughters; my marriage to be happier; divine health for me and my family; my friends; making an eternal impact; and traveling (I share about the different nations where I and my family have been and want to go). What does your best life possible look like? --- Support this podcast:

  • A lesson in grace: House-sitting and puppy-sitting

    20/06/2022 Duration: 15min

    For the last 9 days, I've been house-sitting and puppy-sitting for our daughter Heather, who drove with her fiance Andy and his 3 kids, Kelsey, Kayden, and Eian from Belton, Missouri (a suburb of Kansas City) to Gulf Shores, Alabama and then Pensacola, Florida, for a beach vacation. Before she left, Heather asked me to house-sit and puppy-sit her mixed breed, female puppy, Angel while they were gone. This saved them a ton of money not having to put Angel in a vet kennel 24/7 for over a week. I did this because I love my daughter Heather so much and I did it as unto the Lord as an act of service. There were many challenges for different reasons, and this was a VERY stressful week. It was a lesson in grace and endurance. But I have no regrets, because Heather really needed this fun vacation and R & R! Listen as I share what happened this week, including the trouble with the puppy eating, a heat advisory all week (and having to keep Angel in the house most of the time), my granddaughter Violet's car battery

  • Shelby B. Ketchen: Get the "tech" help you need if you feel frazzled and frustrated

    13/06/2022 Duration: 18min

    Dealing with "techie" problems in your business can be overwhelming. Shelby B. Ketchen will step in to be your "wing woman" to help you soar  to success, if you feel frazzled and frustrated from "tech" stress. She helps women grow their business so they can experience freedom in fulfilling their purpose. In this Women in Biz series episode, I interview Shelby to ask her about the joys and the challenges of being an entrepreneur -- from the different perspective of being a virtual assistant (and more!) for coaches, speakers, authors, and other entrepreneurs. Shelby emphasizes the importance of delegating tech issues, praying, and never giving up in your business. She has happily watched her own business grow and thrive in just over a year in business. You can find out more about Shelby and her services at --- Support this podcast:

  • Doreen Penner: Get clear & be confident (Women in Biz series)

    06/06/2022 Duration: 16min

    As you are building your business, it's vital to get clarity about the vision that you have for your business and to walk in confidence---God confidence! This is part of my Women in Biz podcast series. Listen as Life and Leadership Coach/Speaker/Author Doreen Penner speaks about her challenging but exciting journey as a woman in business. She shares how God unexpectedly took her through a hard season of working outside the home at a women's shelter, which gave her more wisdom and compassion for women and put more tools in her toolkit as an entrepreneur. Doreen helps women get to the true heart of who they are and helps them discover their own unique brilliance. She coaches women entrepreneurs to grow a profitable business, doing what they love to do with ease. You can find out more about Doreen at her website at --- Support this podcast:

  • Interview with Diane Cunningham Ellis: Catch on & stay on fire (Women in Biz series)

    30/05/2022 Duration: 14min

    Several years ago, I noticed someone creating intriguing posts, videos, and live streams on Facebook. She was and is on fire! She is a Christian believer, is beautiful inside and out, encourages me and kicks my butt when needed --she is my business coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis! Listen as Diane shares her mission to inspire women to dream big, catch on fire, and change the world. Diane is a business strategist, coach, speaker, and author. She shares her mishaps, as well as her many wins, on the journey of becoming an entrepreneur---and the importance of not ever quitting if this is your calling! She vulnerably tells pieces of her recovery journey, such as her client committing suicide, the family suing, and Diane losing her counseling license; becoming sober from alcoholism and other addictions; her struggling with money and mindset issues but to go on to create a successful national membership and an elite mastermind inner circle; and more good stuff. Join me and Diane as she moves you with her brave story.

  • Therapist Maria Willis: You can reach your dreams, even with mental health struggles (Women in Biz series)

    25/05/2022 Duration: 21min

    In this encouraging episode, I interview a very special guest - my beautiful, precious sister, Maria Willis. Maria has a Master's degree in Clinical Counseling and is a therapist in Valdosta, Georgia. She has worked for her company for eight years. Maria counsels families, and offers parenting education, substance abuse counseling, domestic violence counseling, and does assessments on clients who are coming into the system. She is employed by a company who works with families who have Child Protective Services involvement. Maria shares how often people who struggle with mental illness/mental health issues feel alone and struggle to reach out for help. She tells the powerful story of counseling a married couple with a strife-filled relationship (who were even cursing each other and throwing things at each other!). The tools Maria gave this couple helped to heal their marriage. Maria also shares why mental illness/mental health issues can stop someone from achieving his/her dreams and God-given purpose. She giv

  • Dana Arcuri: Trusting in God's Unknown Territory (Women in Biz series)

    24/05/2022 Duration: 25min

    I'm excited to have guest speaker Dana Arcuri share on today's topic about trusting God in the dark, when you aren't sure what direction to go in your life and/or business. God may even surprise you and take you somewhere that is not even on your radar, like He did with Dana! He doesn't want you to stay in your comfort zone, but to obey Him and to stretch your faith, as you walk into the Great Unknown. It can be scary, but exhilarating! Learn 4 tips to help you when you are entering uncertain, unknown terrain. Dana is an anointed, passionate speaker, author of 6 books, and a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach. You can find out more about Dana at her website at This episode is part of my Women in Biz podcast series. I have more podcast interviews coming up soon with dynamic women in business.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Women in Business Kickoff

    12/05/2022 Duration: 16min

    I’m excited to announce my Women in Business podcast series is now kicking off. An entrepreneur is defined as someone starting a new business with a greater than normal financial risk. He or she starts a business from an idea or a product created and reaping the reward. There are stress and challenges, but also exciting adventures. The Proverbs 31 woman is an example of a great business woman. I share about why I have my own biz and other jobs I’ve had. Are you a woman with your own biz? How is it going? --- Support this podcast:

  • 10 Tips for Mental Health Well-Being (Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Defamation Trial)

    04/05/2022 Duration: 16min

    The world has been watching the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial. Through this trial, we've observed mental health issues such as possible borderline personality disorder, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, and more. Please keep Johnny, Amber, and their families in prayer. May is Mental Health Awareness month to help with the stigma of mental health issues, especially for those who need to reach out to others. In today's episode, I share from Ryan Duncan's article, 10 Ways Christians Can Improve Their Mental Health, at Crosswalk, and a few tips from my own journey of healing from childhood sexual, physical, and verbal abuse. Jesus Christ is the Healer. Please don't stay isolated and feel like you are all alone (or a loved one). You are never alone; God is with you and loves you very much. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. To contact me as a speaker, visit my website at My Amazon Author Page is at

  • When you feel pressed on all sides. The crushing of grapes into fine wine.

    26/04/2022 Duration: 13min

    Do you ever feel surrounded? Wondering what in the world is going on here? Whether it's a marriage on the brink of divorce, a prodigal spouse or child, an alcoholic or drug addict in your family, health issues, financial stress, a job loss or unemployment, it seems that so much is happening in your life. In this episode, I share about the crushing and the pressing of grapes in order to make fine wine. When you feel that life is crushing you, remember that God is after something--to make fine wine out of you and your life. The romance movie which I highly recommended on this podcast, showing women stomping and dancing on grapes, is A Walk In The Clouds with Keanu Reeves. The book excerpt that I share about on this podcast is from Crushing: God Turns Pressure Into Power, by T. D. Jakes. The blog post I reference is The Crush is the first step into turning grapes into wine, by Laura Burgess. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 NLT and Isaiah 53:5 NKJV. --- Support this podcast:

  • Testing mobile app for Record With Friends

    24/04/2022 Duration: 50s

    Testing Anchor’s mobile app to begin using the Record With Friends feature. I’d like to begin interviewing Christian speakers, authors, coaches, and other entrepreneurs to encourage you to use your gifts for God and to make an impact. --- Support this podcast:

  • When life throws you a curve ball

    19/04/2022 Duration: 11min

    Have you or a loved one ever had something unexpected happen - something bad, overwhelming, or stressful? In today's podcast, I'll be speaking on the topic of "When life throws you a curve ball." Sometimes unexpected good things occur - serendipity. A pleasant surprise. But for today's topic, I'll be covering the topic of those times when you're wondering what in the world is going on here? The good news is that God is never taken by surprise, even when we are. He hasn't been knocked off His throne and He's still got this chaotic, crazy, hectic world under control. He will help you to make it through to the other side, as you rely on and trust in Him. The 2 featured books that I mentioned in this podcast are my memoir, Promises In The Dark: One Woman's Search for Authentic Love, and Stained Glass & Marriage: Reflections of Light & Hope by an Imperfect Wife. You can find out more about them and the other books that I've written at my Amazon Author Page at Need

  • Passion Week. Trust in Jesus for your day to day life.

    12/04/2022 Duration: 10min

    You see colored eggs, bunny rabbits, and Easter baskets in Walmart and other stores now, indicating that Easter is coming up this week. For Christian believers, Easter isn't about cute little bunnies but about Jesus dying for us, being buried, and resurrecting so that God would forgive us and we could live and co-reign forever with Him. The week before Easter is called "Passion Week." Why is it called this? Learn more in today's episode. This week's podcast Scriptures are Matthew 16:21 and Romans 12:1-2, The Message version. St. Therese of Liseux said, "Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart." Will you let Jesus in? Will you trust in Jesus for your day to day life? God wants you to have exciting adventures through faith in Him! Podcast episode art: Photo by Vladimir Soares on Unsplash. Today's featured book is Stained Glass & Marriage: Reflections of Light & Hope by an Imperfect Wife. Available at Amazon. https://w

  • Knock, knock. Letting Jesus in.

    06/04/2022 Duration: 06min

    One thing I love to get is a knock at the front door and it's the Amazon delivery driver with a package for me! This week I got a package and outside the bubble-wrapped envelope it read, "Knock, knock. I'm here." So cute and creative! This reminded me immediately of the verse in Revelation 3:20, where Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart and wanting to be invited in. Timely words, as I just received texts and emails from my family and my friends with serious prayer requests. Jesus wants you and me to let Him in to help us with our struggles--and to give us the desires of our hearts.  --- Support this podcast:

  • A miracle (my iPhone pics restored). Press on.

    29/03/2022 Duration: 13min

    Are you under a lot of stress? Having techie issues or other frustrations or distractions that are hindering or stopping you from your God-given calling? This episode comes from a video I recorded this past weekend about all the stressful internet, techie, laptop, podcast, and iPhone issues that I've been having lately. I share the story of how 1000's of my pics and videos from my old iPhone got lost, but how God miraculously restored them - thanks to Jason at the phone store, my family, friends, and intercessors who were praying for me, because I was crying so hard. I've never backed up my phone before to the Cloud, because I didn't know how to use it. (Lesson learned: always back up!) God can do miracles for you, too. Don't let the enemy stop you from your calling. Press on in faith to victory! Listen in as I share the story and what's coming up soon at --- Support this podcast:

  • Do you want to be used in amazing ways by God?

    09/03/2022 Duration: 02min

    Welcome to my first podcast at Anchor! My mission is encouraging women to use their spiritual gifts for God's glory, fulfilling their great purpose, and living a life they love. I help aspiring speakers and authors to share their hearts' powerful messages. God wants to use YOU in amazing ways! It is always an exciting adventure with God when we walk in obedience to Him.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Jesus is the anchor

    09/03/2022 Duration: 09min

    Who or what is holding you steady in this crazy, hectic world? Jesus Christ is that anchor. My new platform for podcasting, Anchor, gave me the inspired idea for this podcast. An anchor is streamed from a boat or ship in heavy weather to stabilize the vessel. Early anchors were crude metal devices, but most today are a marine drogue parachute, acting like a brake. They keep the boat or ship from overturning from the winds, the waves, and the current. Our faith keeps us steady in the midst of the storms of life: a rocky marriage, problems with our kids, financial struggles, health issues, natural disasters, identity crises, and more. At times, we as Christian believers can struggle in our faith with fear, doubts, questions, and even anger at God. But He's big enough to handle these. He does not move and is always there for you and me. Whatever battle you and I are facing, Jesus is our anchor who holds us steady.  If you found my podcast encouraging and inspiring, please donate here at Anchor. I'd greatly

  • Love, The Most Powerful Force

    09/02/2022 Duration: 08min

    Valentine's Day is coming up this week. I love Valentine's Day to show my family how much I love them and because I love hearts. Love is the most powerful force of all. God demonstrated that love for us through the death and the resurrection of His Only Son Jesus Christ. It's not always easy to love God and others. But it's even harder to love our enemies, yet that is what God does to His. He has called us to love those who hate and persecute us. I wrote a book called Metamorphosis: Transformed From Hate to Love, available for sale at Amazon here: --- Support this podcast:

  • 2022 and White As Snow (A Brand New Start)

    15/01/2022 Duration: 18min

    I love the beginning of each new year. It’s like a brand-new, fresh start with God. My ”one word” for 2022 that God gave me is ”miracles.” I believe He is going to do miracles in 2022 and give you, me, and those we love serendipity - which means ”pleasant surprises”! God loves us so much and will forgive us of any sin if we ask Him and have faith in Jesus. His forgiveness covers us like the beautiful, white snow covers the ground today in Missouri. --- Support this podcast:

  • Alignment with God, your purpose, and your dreams

    31/10/2021 Duration: 14min

    Are you in alignment? Alignment means "arrangement in a straight line, or in a correct position; a position of agreement or alliance." I believe that you and I need to be aligned in 3 areas of our lives: aligned with God; aligned with your purpose; and aligned with your passions, dreams, and goals. In today's podcast, I unpack these 3 areas where we need alignment. The Scriptures are Deuteronomy 11:1, Psalm 138:8, and Psalm 37:4. I also share about my radio interview on on Sunday, October 31, 2021, where I am interviewed about my speaking, writing books, and traveling to other nations.  It airs at 11 a.m CST (12 noon EST). My new Kindle fiction book, The Game Blocks of Life, is about alignment - based on the popular game Tetris, where you line up colored blocks. It launches Tuesday, November 2, 2021, as a Kindle eBook on Amazon for just $2.99. Please tune into my radio interview on Sunday and if you buy my new book, please leave a review at Amazon. --- Support this podcast: https://an

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