Flapdoodle Forum



Join hosts, Lucas Wilson and Matt Buckley, as they scour the internet for the world's most unbelievable stories, from the humorous to the curious to the bizarre. There is no shortage of entertainment to be had as these two try to make sense of it all through jokes, debates, and critical analysis. You just might find yourself shouting, "That's poppycock," too!


  • Lucky LSD Salad


    Join us for a wild ride as we discuss the finer points of defying death on multiple occasions, marinating your steaks in LSD, and making sure you find the hidden bird leg in your salad.

  • Ghostly Potato


    What starts off as an article on the most haunted island in the world quickly becomes a discussion on the ghostly experiences of Matt and Lucas as they share paranormal stories from their past, oh, and a guy robs a store with a potato. 

  • Brain Regenerator


    Traumatic brain injuries reveal hidden talents, and science will make your organs like new again on this episode!

  • 13 McFlurries


    Throw superstition out the window by forming a club to prove that you have nothing to fear from anyone angry over their McFlurry. 

  • Suicide Rocket Gun and Chocolate Record


    Don't be putting that gun in your pants now, it's gone and joined a suicide club as fast as a rocket! But if that made you depressed, try a delicious chocolate record. 

  • Dwarf Cat


    On another Josh Gatesless episode of Flapdoodle Forum, our dearest hosts get to the down and dirty deeds of making up outlandish excuses for driving well underage, or the horrors of a man who adopts cats just to satisfy his appetite. 

  • The Banana Show


    Grab the remote and turn on the tv! There's a AK-47 toting Banana showing all the world the best way to eat food. Don't miss the show!

  • Flatulent Goblin Chipper


    What happens when you put a goblin in a woodchipper? Well, farts of course!

  • Wifi Duck Nerves


    It's a special episode today as Matt and Lucas are joined by actor Travis Richey! The three show their concern for deceased rubber ducks, marvel at the advancements in brain science, and contemplate the future as wifi is used to detect movement! 

  • Magic Robots


    Do you know the signs you may be dealing with a cursed coconut? Do you know how the tell tale signs your friendly telemarketer is a robot or not? The Flapdoodle gang is here to help.

  • Injured Drone


    Lurking in the woods may be a moose just waiting to dart out of the way to let a bullet strike you while you poo, but don't worry, while you lay bleeding on the floor of your bathroom you can order a bandage on Amazon and have it delivered by drone in 30 minutes!

  • The Ghostly Russian Fish Elf


    What do you say? Putin is your friend? Perhaps then you need to look at these lovely facades for they prefer teeth of a fish and an elf on every cliff. Just don't forget to return a screaming skull's dying wish.

  • Squirrel Butt the Video Game


    Another Highwaymen cast member comes to join us for this week's episode of Flapdoodle Forum! We discuss video games' effectiveness at increasing your brain power, the scientific reasons for studying the size of one's bottom, and just how crazy you have to be to fire off a gun in a store full of people to kill a squirrel. Plus! A short bonus ghost story by a friend of our guest! Enjoy!

  • Alien Bear Scarf


    Prepare to be tantelized by tales of super-bears hybrids posing as Yetis, alien life residing just on the cusp of our dear planet's atmosphere, and just how far one man is willing to run before he finishes his knitted scarf. We're also joined by special guest, Ulisses Gonsalves, known for his role as Roland in the Psycho Jellyfish original series, Highwaymen.

  • Undead Cricket


    Prepare for Flapdoodles! Matt steals the story Lucas picked out, leaving the two with no choice but to settle their differences with a cricket fight in an attempt to revoke their death certificates.

  • Jetpack Clown


    Quick everyone, put on your jetpacks, we need to escape the scary British clowns!

  • The Infertile Mystery Man


    Mystery and intrigue abound in this round of flapdoodles! The implications of a medical breakthrough are pondered, and a mystery man is on the loose in a forest not near you. Don't miss out on the craziness!

  • Regenerative Tube


    Science wows the world once again as hearts are made to order, teeth are grown from urine, and tubes rocket passengers to far off reaches of the country!

  • Psychic Head Transplant


    Heads are swapped and bodies are found in this psychic filled episode!

  • Hitler in North Korea


    Matt and Luke solo episode in which the two discuss the absurdity of Hitler being associated with superheros and those wascally shenanigans of North Korea are up to again.

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