Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 65:18:46
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Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors.This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs Concerts Workshops



    20/07/2015 Duration: 56min

    Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition. Relaxing and truly opening to spirit, whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly spirit, requires trust. This is not a quality that we have learned much about in our daily lives. Trust requires knowing ourselves first. Trust requires knowing who we are first. Trust requires knowing our bodies, the vibration of our bodies, and our emotions. When we trust in our own competence to know ourselves, it becomes easy to feel and to know that what surrounds us can either be in tune with us or not in tune with us.  1 Introduction 2. Invoking the Nature Sphere to feel how Nature supports you.   An explanation of The Pure Energy of Nature.   Connecting to the Energies within the Earth from which Your Body Came. 3  Invoking the Angels: Welcoming Archangel Michael   Updating your connection to your guides and angels   Angels reflect Polarity and Unity simultaneously by containing both Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine vibrations. 4 MEDITATIONS:


    10/04/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    Inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences.  The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life. I included an improvised song of mine, Transition, from my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song.  For more information on my music, as well as what else I offer, please see the Sound Healings or Recordings pages of my website     


    28/10/2014 Duration: 01h07min

    Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming Next.            In responsibly releasing patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now—not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul’s journey now.   - Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward - Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns- Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves- Invocation of Sacred Space- Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World- Your Brain and Healing (don’t always mix well)- Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming- The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer   - Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive - What is Your Next Step?  How will You Know It? - Some Results of this Meditation - Releasing from Sacred Space - Why Release Angels and Guides? From a telephone meditati


    06/09/2014 Duration: 53min

    Find your new relationship with your body, your soul and the Earth1 Introduction2 Essay: Earthquakes, Emotional Intensity, EM Fields & Gaia3 Invoking the Nature Spirit Sphere4 Exploring the 2nd dimensional self5 Gaia is releasing ancient energies from deep within the core of the Earth to the Consciousness Grids surrounding the planet6 Step out of the way and allow the Creative process to take over7 Tuning into the lower dimensions of your soul8 Innocence - a Sound Healing from Spirit9 Releasing the magnified connection to your soul in the lower dimensions, as well as to the Nature Spirit Sphere10 Q & A: Stability and Shifting within the Earth11 For more Information


    20/08/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    (audio meditation) Using your body’s innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energiesLife issues, physical pain or discomfort are simply reflections of the fact that who you are and who you aren’t cannot take up the same energetic space inside of you.  How do we maintain our own inner peace when the world around us is spinning more and more into a state of ongoing, seemingly non-stop chaos?. Each of us has our own tools and we are developing new ways to reach and maintain that quiet space within ourselves. This is essential, especially when surrounded by turbulent events.  Here is one of those new ways; utilize the stability of your soul’s unique and ongoing communion with Earth and the Pure Energy of Nature to awaken from deep within your body it’s own remembrance of stability and your innate inner peace.        - Maintaining inner Peace amidst Chaos  - Nature and Archangel Michael  - Our ability to sense the unconditional quality of love that we associate with divin


    11/06/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    Consider how you are asking for guides, angels and energies to assist you. The back side of each chakra draws to you guides and angels that support you, according the quality of the chakra itself. Ideally the back side of each chakra perfectly reflects your soul’s journey now. But like all of our energies, the webbing of the chakra’s vortices can be out of tune or not fully and accurately reflect our soul’s journey. Here is a meditation to help you re-weave the chakras, and call to yourself guides and angels that more fully support you in your life, here and now.   1. Opening Thoughts on Healing2. Create Sacred Space3 Multitasking leads to doing what is not yours to do4 Thymus (High Heart Chakra) keeps us on our soul’s journey. 5 Releasing Past Heart-based Guides/Angels6. Discerning what are truly Healing Energies for you7. Resetting Pituitary Pineal Glands8. Reignite Soul-Earth Connection (healing songs)9. Releasing Sacred Space10. For more information 2. Creating Sacred SpaceThere are many emotions and ener


    29/01/2014 Duration: 01h11min

          Connecting to the Essence from which You Came for Deep Healing and Spiritual Intimacy.Changing our reality isn’t about thinking the change. It’s about going to the foundation of our reality, reconnecting into that point from which we have all come, and feeling our ability to now sense all the consciousness’ with whom we have incarnated. 1 The Pure Energy of Nature (what it is, how to connect with it)Within our first dimension lies a Divine Feminine energy that creates all form and simultaneously contains the consciousness within all form, including water. 2 Co-Creating Sacred SpaceQuestion: Why ask for other beings, such as Nature Spirits, to show us their level of love?  Shouldn’t they reflect my level of unconditional love? Response: Recognizing that we do not want to limit other beings in their expression of unconditional love is what makes us co-creators, rather than dictators.  I invite those Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the room and land to step forward into my awareness at what


    02/09/2013 Duration: 01h11min

    Your full potential is a promise made by your soul to All of Creation. According to this promise, your only task is to bring the unique vibration resulting from the union of your body and soul into the Earth now.  As your soul embraces through the body, not just the mind and heart, those qualities of energies that you agreed to create for all of us are more palpable, more available, and more generously offered to All of Creation. When your soul is fully engaged into your body, there is a palpable frequency of energy that is generated. Your soul emanating through your body and generating this energy is what you agreed to bring to this lifetime. It is your soul’s  promise to Spirit. Each one of us has this responsibility. Fulfilling this promise usually begins with a longing to simply be still.  Here are a series of mediations and songs to help you do that now.   1. Intro 2. We can only hear Spirit when we are listening. 3 Meditation: Cultivate Stillness Within 4 Invoking Sacred Space 5 Just DON’T do it 6  M


    27/07/2013 Duration: 58min

    How to connect with those guides and Angels within the Earth and lower dimensions that support you. A flow of spoken insights and healing songs from Spirit. Archangel Michael and the Hathors worked through me to create this experience of healing in words and songs. It includes many healing songs, improvised through me from Spirit. 1 As Above, So Below   What if all of the Angels existed not just in heaven but also within the Earth below us?2 Three Healing Songs from Spirit3 A new consideration of Grounding  What if we could connect into our Earthly Soul, just like we connect into our Heavenly Soul?  How would this feel in our body? 4 Healing Song with two Tibetan singing bowls  (thanks to Amy Koch for playing with me)5 Where is that aspect of Archangel Michael from within the Earth that is already connected to you?      An open Q&A brought some new insights on: 6 The Pure Energy of Nature and the First Dimension An explanation of the terms and a demonstration meditation of their energies and uses in our


    08/07/2013 Duration: 01h08min

    WEAVING CREATION INTO TIME Finding the Power of Who You AreBetween the atoms of our bodies and the seconds of each minute lies the stillness of Creation.  What we most desire is to follow our soul’s journey.  Here is a meditation to take you on that journey.    After linking the physical body to your support staff of spiritual beings we begin by recognizing that the quality of ease your soul plans for you to experience in this lifetime.  The amount of ease is almost always much greater than the quality of ease we are actually experiencing.  Stepping away from the mind and our insistence on using what our ego (or personality) wants to do as the basis for the goals in our life is the first step in relaxing into the quality of ease that our soul truly wants for us to feel in our bodies and in our lives. As we become aware of a greater depth of stillness, especially in and around our Navel Chakra, we can begin to experience Time, and Creation, combining into a space within our being. Neither is an external linear


    12/04/2013 Duration: 01h17min

    Breathing Stillness / Generating Peace A series of Meditations to naturally generate Power and Ease by Connecting your Physical Body to your Soul’s Journey   1 Introduction 2 Creating Sacred Space 3 Balancing Body, Soul and Spiritual Helpers 4 Good Brain!     5 Releasing Emotional Tumult in the Heart Completion A Sound Healing to release High Heart tumult   with Gordon Johnston, harp and Jeremy Sills, singing bowls 6 Rededicating your personal High Heart; Sound Healing Ode to Day  7 Solar Plexus, Kidneys and Adrenals: Your True Power  8 Breathing Stillness  / Generating Peace 9 Ovaries, Testicles and 2nd chakra; Deep Patience and Ease:    How much ease does your soul want your body to experience now?  10 Summary 11 Releasing Sacred Space      From our heart down to our pelvis lie energy centers that are seldom spoken about, let alone cleared and consciously utilized by those of us in modern Western society.  Here is a meditation that may assist in addressing issues commonly associated with mistunings of these


    21/12/2012 Duration: 55min

    The New Age: Welcoming the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine   This meditation, given on the eve of the Great Shift of the Ages, is applicable for the many years to come in which humanity will be incorporating a new understanding of sacredness in the polarity of male and female. At one point you will hear my vocal quality and vocabulary change a bit – this is where Thoth, an Ascended Master, leaned in and shared his insights through me about our kundalini changing now, and it’s role in transmuting the physical body into a Pillar of Light.  This recorded version also includes a Song from Spirit, Claritas Inspiravit (Clarity Inspires) sung by Norma accompanied by harpist Gordon Johnston from a live Meditation Concert. This was improvised in the moment, and seems to fit perfectly within the context of this meditation. After invoking a Sacred Space using Nature, we invoke your unique aspect of the Sacred Masculine from your soul’s essence within the Earth.  Uniting this with the already present Divine Femini


    16/12/2012 Duration: 01h11min

    The soul that we know as Gaia clothed herself long ago as the Earth. Those beings helping to weave her clothing, Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences, and the principle tailor, Pan, are portions of the many souls journeying with us now. Gaia's journey is our journey. As we become more fluent to listening to the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of our space and the land beneath our homes, we also become available to steward and give permission for the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the Earth to release what they need to release now. 1 Introduction 2 Co-creating Sacredness 3 Practicing (and Proving) your ability to clear Yourself and Your Home 4 We get Stuck in Healing (because we are trying to do too much) 5 Grids of Nature's Consciousness 6 Meditation: Releasing Emotional Energies from Your Home and Land 7 Pan 8 Releasing Co-Creative Connections 9 Your New Clarity 10 Conclusion NOTE: You may notice a few seconds of missing sound happening a few times in the middle section of the medit


    11/10/2012 Duration: 01h16min

      Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.      -Robert Frost**from his poem “The Road Not Taken” Uniting the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine essences of your soul within your Body:  Ovaries, Testicles and Root Chakra. Our soul’s essence resides within our root or first chakra. Just as foundational energies of our reality present themselves as polarized (good/bad or dark/light), our own souls divided themselves into male and female in order to incarnate.  Here is a meditation to help you access both aspects of your own soul: Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Regardless of the gender of your physical body both essences are 2123qnow available and both actively support your body.  In this meditation the focus is upon your root or first chakra. This is the foundation of your body, and how you engage with this physical world. 1. Introduction2. Invocation of Nature’s Unconditional Love 3. Archangel Michael: Invoking the Sacred Masculine4. T

  • WHAT ARE YOU HERE TO DO NOW? Accessing the High Heart to lead and empower your life now.

    28/05/2012 Duration: 01h07min

    1 Using Sacred Space 2 Entering into Sacred Space3 Your Two Heart Chakras (and what they do)4   Meditation on Your High Heart5 Updating Your Spiritual Support Staff 6 Sound Healing: How does Your Body want to be supported by Your Soul now? (Mother of Eternity)7 Sound Healing: What are you meant to do now?8 Let your Soul Lead You 9 Re-Claiming Your Right to Say “No” 10 Your Traditional Heart Chakra11 Experience Your Unique Quality of Unconditional Love12 Exiting from Sacred SpacePodcast Meditation #33 from Norma Gentile, www.healingchants.com1 Using Sacred SpaceThe invocation and benediction are ways of bookending Sacred Space.  What happens within Sacred Space is very understandable, as long as you are within Sacred Space and the quality of consciousness that your mind has access to during this time. When we share something that has happened to us inside of Sacred Space during a time of being in normal space, outside of the vibration of Sacred Space, it often sounds ludicrous or fantastical and ungrounded to


    27/03/2012 Duration: 01h03min

    How Your Soul and Body create your Life's Journey  Invocation of Sacred Space – Why I do this My goal is that my guides and your guides work together.  When I take the time to invoke the Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael, it is much more likely that your own guides will share with you an additional story and complimentary ideas as I speak. If the words I’m using aren’t quit what you need to hear, your guides can give you a memory, an image, a symbol or an idea that is more suitable for your life and what is going on with you right now.   Inviting that aspect of Archangel Michael that is always and already supporting you in your journey and the elements of Nature to create Sacred Space will magnify your healing process.    Why we Resist Releasing Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors   Sometimes we resist releasing energies that surround us, largely out of habit.  We have become accustomed to feeling the equivalent of pillows all around us, or many winter overcoats layered upon us.  It can feel scary to let go of th


    24/11/2011 Duration: 01h02min

       (Full and New Moons, Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses and 12.21.2012)   On days which are considered to be sacred it is useful to take a moment to feel the old cycle which is fading away.  Letting ourselves feel the grief and sorrow over old patterns departing lets there truly be space to receive the new patterns.   This meditation includes   - releasing cords to processes that no longer serve your body  - a sound healing “Caught by Spirit” and spoken meditations releasing energies corresponding to:  - cycles that you have already completed  - tasks that you have already done  - lessons that you have already learned   All of these energetic connections can be released out of your body. Your release of these connections will be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.  This one way we take advantage of the heightened energies present during Full and New Moons, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox and other notable days.       1 Introduction 2  Invoking Sacred Space  Archangel Michael, the Pure Energy of N


    09/09/2011 Duration: 01h08min

    How your body receives grounding within the changing electromagnetic field of Earth As we have changed in consciousness, so too Gaia’s consciousness and therefore the Earth has changed.  The electromagnetic field of the Earth is constantly shifting and changing.  More so now.  This meditation is one way of helping our own electromagnetic field (our aura) listen and respond to the changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field and the consciousness of Gaia. Here is a meditation inviting your body to remember its innate connection to your soul. Deeply relaxing, this meditation includes segments of releasing energies within your body and your aura. By inviting those energies that match your soul from within the lower dimensions to reestablish their natural connection to you, a fluid and ongoing energetic dialogue is created between your soul, your body, and the Earth. This is a new style of grounding which serves us well as we move into a new era of consciousness. Our Western culture has cultivated such a dependen


    21/06/2011 Duration: 01h17min

    Meditations exploring where “home” is within your body, how to get there and how to remain there. 
1. Introduction2 Invocation of Sacred Space
3 How Energies that are not ours show themselves to usCreating clearer and stronger communication with your Guides and Angels.   The quality of connection we have with our guides depends largely on our ability to understand when energetic consciousnesses, such as guides and angles, are telling us to let them go, or let them change and update their connection to us.4. Home is in your Navel
As we learn that there is a quiet still-point which already resides within us, the quality of spirit which imbues this silence moves out to our external world.  5.  Meditation for Ease in 2nd Chakra It isn’t just about sex.  Our 2nd chakra helps to determine the quality of our life.  The ease we have interacting with the world might be simple and uneventful, or each day might feel like we are bracing ourselves against the torments of daily life.  In most cases our soul wants our body


    15/02/2011 Duration: 01h15min

    An hour of experiential healing meditations from Archangel Michael and Mary through Norma Gentile based on her essay Micromanaging God: How We Pray Matters *includes the sound healing "O Creation of God" (O factura Dei, available on the CDs Songs of Spirit and Healing Chants of Hildegard) composed and sung by Norma to the poetry of Hildegard of Bingen. 1 Micromanaging God: How we Pray Matters 2 Invoking (and Explaining) Sacred Energies 3 Meditation: What in Your Life is ready to be released? 4 Finding more Ease in Your Life *5 Meditation Chant: O Creation of God / O factura Dei 6 Strengthening the Bond between Soul and Body 7 Meditation: Weaving Your Soul into your Body, Mind and Heart 8 Meditation: Cleansing Body and Aura (4 feet around you) 9 Creating the New You 10 Releasing Sacred Space 11 For more information Total Time: 1 hour, 15 mins Do the forms you are currently manifesting serve you? Does your life now reflect what your soul desires to manifest? What is the quality of ease that your soul wants you

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