Planet Waves Fm With Eric Francis



Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, Inc., and is affiliated with the Pacifica Radio Network. Every Tuesday, Eric Francis, the host of Planet Waves FM, looks at the current astrology, the events of the world, and special interest topics. Eric morphs modern astrology with psychological wisdom and investigative reporting. Each program features independent music. Write in and get your questions answered on the air. The program is published each Tuesday evening at about 6 pm EDT and is simulcast on


  • Love From Yasgur's Farm, 1969

    18/08/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's program visits the Woodstock Festival many times. We hear from Swami Satchidananda, Ravi Shankar, Max Yasgur, and many others who were there. I describe how Virgo astrology, especially Pluto in Virgo, was the dominant force of the 1960s and how this relates to the festival — which was, of course, a kind of once-in-forever World Heritage event.

  • Aquarius Full Moon, Jupiter Direct and the Woodstock Festival

    12/08/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's Planet Waves FM looks at the current astrology: Jupiter stationing direct, with Jupiter square Neptune, and Thursday's Aquarius Full Moon.

  • Jerry Garcia Tribute on Planet Waves FM

    06/08/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's program started as a Jerry Garcia tribute (on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of his birth), and grew from there. So there's lots of music, as well as my comment on the El Paso shooting, current astrology, Garcia's chart and musical style, and Tantra Studio.

  • Mercury Direct, New Moon, Moon Landing and Compersion

    30/07/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM begins with Mercury Direct and the New Moon. From there I tell the story behind my Moon landing article last week. I then talk about “invisible environments,” which I covered recently in a piece I wrote on The program concludes with an unusual edition of of Tantra Studio that explores the idea and the experience of compersion — “the opposite of jealousy.”

  • Full Moon Door: A Meditation for the Lunar Eclipse

    14/07/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's special edition of Planet Waves FM is a meditation for the lunar eclipse on Tuesday. This is a new-style program — something I've never done before, some new art for our new moment. It lasts 45 minutes, and is designed to facilitate your spiritual process, calm your nerves, and open up some new subject matter.

  • Total Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde, My Libel Suit and Tantra Studio

    30/06/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    On tonight's program, I take a thorough look not just at the astrology but its implications. I review eclipses on the Cancer/Cap axis back to 2009 or so, and look at the current setup, with the lunar eclipse on the 16th being conjunct the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Then I describe what I'm calling the Anger Management Mercury Retrograde.

  • Sun Square Chiron — Now and in the Stonewall Chart

    24/06/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Here is a short letter introducing tonight's intriguing edition of Planet Waves FM. First, later in the program, my guest is a man named Mitch Horowitz, an author and presenter on the subject of the metaphysical and the history of the occult.

  • Planet Waves FM: The Mars Edition

    10/06/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM focuses on the Mars transit that engages this week — Mars on the North Node, opposite Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. I've been going on forever about this; after watching my new edition of Planet Waves TV, someone wrote to me and said, “I'm finally getting the scale of this transit.”

  • Gemini New Moon Conjunct Magdalena

    04/06/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's Planet Waves FM is ready. I take two different looks at the Gemini New Moon, exact Monday morning at 6:02 am ET. One look involves the New Moon opposite two deep space points; the other takes up the Magdalena aspect of things.

  • Memorial Day Edition of Planet Waves FM: Enough Obsession With War. We Need Friendly Vibes.

    27/05/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    The new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. I continue coverage of the Mars transit, look at the Vesta-Eris conjunction, and track a few other events ahead of next week's Gemini New Moon.

  • Interview with Johnson v. Monsanto Juror #4

    20/05/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight we have an incredible edition of Planet Waves FM for you. The main event is an interview with Robert Howard, who served as a juror in the first case involving Roundup to go to trial. That was in Aug 2018; Lee Johnson was the former groundskeeper at a California school who had to use Roundup regularly, and got very sick from exposure.

  • Mars on the Cardinal Cross

    13/05/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM covers Mars on the cardinal cross — an exciting mini-era of astrology that begins this week and lasts through June.

  • The Shape of the Shadows

    29/04/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Arthur Joseph Kushner, one of my teachers of yore, once said, “The shape of the shadows reveals the shape of what's hidden.” That's the theme of tonight's Planet Waves FM.

  • Sun Conjunct Uranus and the Mueller Report

    22/04/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's Planet Waves FM looks at Monday's chart for Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus — the first of seven annual conjunctions. Then I spend the next 90 minutes reading from, and commenting on, the report of the Special Counsel on the antics of Donald Trump and Russia.

  • Full Moon, Assange Astrology, Mueller Report Striptease

    15/04/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's Planet Waves FM looks at the forthcoming Full Moon in Libra, which takes place across the very last degrees of the Aries/Libra axis. I think this is a potential release point from the Sun passing through the Saturn/Pluto/Eris configuration this week. I also look at the astrology of Julian Assange's arrest, and look forward to the gradual peeling back of the Mueller report, part of which is due out this week.

  • Investigation with No Published Results: Tchiya Amet, on her Experience of Neil deGrasse Tyson

    07/04/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's program is mostly devoted to an interview, with a woman named Tchiya Amet. Back in 1984, she was friends with Neil deGrasse Tyson in graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Mercury, Neptune, Ophelia, Asbolus

    31/03/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's program is all astrology. My focus is Tuesday's conjunction of Mercury and Neptune — the third in the series. (The first was Feb. 19 and the second was March 24.) This is part of the extended Mercury-Neptune conjunction associated with the end of the recent Mercury retrograde.

  • Mercury Direct Conjunct Neptune, and the Astrology of the Mueller Report

    26/03/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    What does the Mueller report really say? All we have so far is a summary of the report by Attorney General William Barr, who personally determined that Trump did not obstruct justice. Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM covers Mercury stationing direct conjunct Neptune, and looks in detail at what we know about the Mueller report so far — reported live, as it happened.

  • Planet Waves FM: Full Moon Equinox, and Mercury Conjunct Neptune (for weeks)

    19/03/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's program explores some extraordinary astrology — the forthcoming Aries equinox and Libra Full Moon, simultaneous with a weeks-long conjunction of Mercury and Neptune. The latter event is associated with the end of Mercury retrograde, which takes place on March 28, though this is an unusual one, due to the Neptune conjunction (covered in writing in tonight's edition for subscribers — check your inbox).

  • The Sacred Space of Self — PWFM for March 3, 2019

    04/03/2019 Duration: 180h00s

    Tonight's Planet Waves FM homes in on our extraordinary week of astrology — Mercury stationing retrograde, Uranus entering Taurus, and a very unusual Pisces New Moon conjunct Vesta and Neptune.

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