Spoony Bard Podcast



The first official podcast of Varms.net that features retro games. Also probably the best podcast online about any amount of video games.


  • The Spoony Bard Podcast: 22-Major Malpractice

    27/03/2011 Duration: 01h13min

    Episode 22 of the Spoony Bard podcast brings us to talking about Dr. Mario. As we are want to do we start talking about pretty much everything and anything that isn't the game that we played for this week, as well as the fact that a plumber is probably the last person that either one of us would go to for medical advice. Stark talks about how he is "finally done" with Neptunia and how he is getting ready to start playing the new Ar Tonelico. I discuss how much I already miss Company of Heroes: Online and my new addiction of Age of Empires: Online, also that I may have a problem with free to play RTS games.

  • The Spoony Bard Podcast: 21-Ninja Vision

    20/03/2011 Duration: 01h17min

    We are back on Skype, but this time with a special new recording software. Tell your ears to be ready to hear us in STEREO! I talk about some of the games that I am reviewing for another site, and we go off for some time about how not excited we are about Onlive. Stark talks more about Neptunia, and I try to talk about how awesome I thought Vagrant Story was until I stopped playing it. We talk about fan suggestions, and what you guys can do to help the site grow. It is the Spoony Bard Podcast 21: Ninja Vision!

  • The Spoony Bard Podcast: 20-Save the Anime

    13/03/2011 Duration: 01h32min

    After the problems with last weeks 'cast Stark and I felt bad enough to get together and do one in person, and a little over an hour and a half. This weeks game is the PS1 classic Ape Escape, a game that I knew nothing about and Stark knew only slightly more. We complain a lot about how we wish that we had played this game when it first came out, and how the controls on it are super dated. As we normally do we start talking about other things, including the challenge game for this week (Azure Dreams-- which you can find article on on this very site!) as well as Hyper Dimension Neptunia. We also bring up the subject of a test video cast of us playing a game, much like the old Broken Pixels podcast that 1up used to do or even a quick look that Giant Bomb currently does. It turns out that recording video and audio after almost three hours of drinking isn't advisable. The important thing is that we all learned a lesson about making sure that video is being captured at more then 1 frame a second.

  • The Spoony Bard Podcast: 19-Take Two

    06/03/2011 Duration: 23min

    We talk a ton about Groundhog Day and the movie, and how super awesome the theories that have started to pop up around the movie are, you know now that the movie is almost 20 years old. Some of the things that you might have missed are as follows: -We are doing a weekly bad game challenge where we play a bad game for one hour a day and keep a log about it. The articles will go up on two different days, one for each of us. Interesting idea just to see how different our views on crazy things are. -Next week we are doing Ape Escape for the PS1. Feel free to leave some feedback if you want to let us know what you think. You can always email either one of us. -We had super weird issues this week with the recording software. If we sound kind of short with each other it is because this is the second time we recorded, and the first time we talked for almost three hours before we started recording and had well over an hour recorded when the device decided not to let it work.

  • The Spoony Bard Podcast: 18-Shotgun

    26/02/2011 Duration: 01h22min

    The 18th episode of the Spoony Bard Podcast finds Stark and I joined by a special guest, Chuck. He might not always have the most to say at any given time, but he does find enough time to laugh at us and think less of the work we do. This time we talk about Devil May Cry, why you don't mess around with fire or fight it with your hands, and Hyper Dimension Neptunia. Also that we found Stark's house on Google maps. Did you really expect us to stay on topic?

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: The Slow Long Jerk

    19/02/2011 Duration: 01h22min

    This week we are talking about Sonic 3, as well as how Sonic and Knuckles played into that with the addition price tag on a game that we already bought. Once again we go way, way off topic and talk about things from Paris France and landmarks that are found there to our fans and how we think that they all rock. We may drink through most of the episode, but who doesn't. There is a request for listener interaction and comments, so think about that too. Also we didn't this week over skype, everything is live and in person, so get get ready for some almost good sounding audio-- It is the 17th episode of the Spoony Bard Podcast!

  • Spoony Bard: This one is for Juan

    12/02/2011 Duration: 01h32min

    In probably our longest podcast ever we talk about Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, but end up calling it Link’s Awakening the entire time, and Starcraft and how awesome the second one is. We go way off topic and talk about things that would get us kicked out of any proper company. Our conversation ranges from everything from Facebook games and how they have destroyed us to how Square has ruined all of RPGs in the world. This one is for Juan.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: We Got Fan Mail

    24/06/2010 Duration: 50min

    We start talking about the Mega Man movie, and for the most part the fan letter that we got guides us through the entire process. For some reason we start talking about the human centipede and continue doing so for some time. Talking about Zelda: Link to the Past for next time.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Super Drunk Edition

    01/06/2010 Duration: 45min

    We get really drunk and talk about GTA, the first ones. At one point it almost sounds like we are about to come to blows over various things, but in all honesty that is just how we talk while drunk.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Big Supper

    28/04/2010 Duration: 51min

    Stark talks for awhile about how awesome Xenogears is, and I agree with him. We than go into complaining about how GTA was better back in the day for some time. Talk about Just Cause 2, from Square, along with Saints Row 2. Also about how Stark's awesome new nickname is Big Supper.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Cheeseburger Sale

    14/03/2010 Duration: 43min

    Stark and I are back after a rather long break in there. We manage to not talk about that, or pretty much the game that we are supposed to be chatting about this week. That pretty much means that we are back and running at 100%. There was also a missing episode that we briefly discuss, as well as a cheeseburger sale.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 11: Captain N

    25/11/2009 Duration: 56min

    I am amazed that people out there still think that this show is good. It isn't. Stark and I talk about Captain N, don't do our research, and complain about things beyond our control. I also start this podcast off with the most annoying laugh mankind has ever heard. Episode 11 is live. We are going to take a little break after this episode to fight crime and what have you.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 10: Super Mario World

    13/11/2009 Duration: 48min

    So I get sick and get lost in thought a lot, Stark talks about how hard the game was and now that is kind of odd looking back, and we all learn a little something about ourselves. Just a quick heads up, I don't remember the last time I felt that close to death and still forced myself to function. Go team Spoony Bard!

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 9: Castlevania: SotN

    06/11/2009 Duration: 57min

    Look at that, we are back and we rock really hard. Podcast is up on time and we are talking about one of my personal favorite games! We sit around and chat about how SotN is pretty much the game that we remember playing last year when we got bored and played through the entire thing again. It is more interesting that I just made it sound, I promise.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 8: Mega Man X


    We go through our minds and try and figure out what we still love about Mega Man, get side tracked like always, and cant seem to stop talking about how stupid hard Mega Man 9 is. This weeks/last weeks was delayed because we are taking a week off i n the future, and also because I entirely forgot that I needed to edit this stuff together.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 7: Illusion of Gaia


    We find out what happens when we have guests on the show and no one really plays the game for that week, and those that did don't like it even a little bit. This is what a train wreck sounds like. We are very sorry.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 6: Harvest Moon


    Probably ended up being a little later than we would have hoped, but the thing that we use to update the feed broke, so this is my first attempt trying to learn xml. This week we talk about Harvest Moon, and how terrible a time Stark had playing it. I get some joy out of that, and laugh at him.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 5: Phantasy Star 4


    What do you do when you have a game that shaped the way that you view your childhood? Well at Spoony Bard we go back and play that game. Phantasy Star 4 has aged well, is pretty much what we remember, and we chat about that. Also I make Stark play a secret shame of mine for next week.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 4: Chrono Trigger


    Does it bother you that Marle is casting a fire spell on the cover? If that means something to you in the first place you probably enjoy Chrono enough to warrant a good listen to this cast. Stark and I are back and we talk a mean game about the Trigger.

  • Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 3: Metal Gear Solid


    We talk about Metal Gear Solid as well as every other Metal Gear game that we have played. We of course go off topic and talk about everything and anything.

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