Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church (epc)

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Hear God's Word from the pulpit at Peters Creek United Presbyterian Church (EPC) in Venetia, PA.


  • Though We be Few


    The Lord will work through many or few. He usually works through a few. But this requires vigilance in spiritual things.

  • Holiness Becomes Us


    SSpiritual opposition comes immediately when we begin and persist in God’s work. God’s work calls for resoluteness, otherwise discouragement will be our lot. We are called to fight the fight of faith and there is one who fights for us who is great and mighty.

  • Remember the Lord Who is Great and Mighty


    Spiritual opposition comes immediately when we begin and persist in God’s work. God’s work calls for resoluteness, otherwise discouragement will be our lot. We are called to fight the fight of faith and there is one who fights for us who is great and mighty.

  • The God of Heaven Will Make Us Prosper


    God calls us to a work. It may appear that the way is filled with rubble & rubbish as it was for the returnees from exile. Yet God it was God's intention to make this rubble heap into a beautiful city that would be a testimony to His name. We should work with all diligence and patience to accept whatever fruitfulness or difficulty God lays before us. Because it is He who will make our work count!

  • Getting Back to the Basics


    God inspired Nehemiah to lead the nation of Judah to spiritual renewal. He accomplished this by teaching the people trust and obedience. When God's people return to Him with sincere hearts, He alsways brings spiritual refreshing.

  • Yes, There is Someone Out There We Must Deal With


    Spiritual warfare, the Bible says we are in a spiritual war. What is spiritual warfare , what is it like, who is our enemy, how do we fight this war, and where do we start?

  • Transubstantiation and Other Big Words


    During the month of October we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The Reformation changed church practice. The Reformers didn’t change it to be novel, they simply went back to the Scripture and asked: “What does Scripture teach about this practice?” “Is our church practice according to Scripture?” “If not we will conform to Scripture.” Today’s message is on the nature of the Lord Supper. Where the Reformation differs from the Roman Catholic Church on this important subject and why. What does the Bible teach us about true nature of the Lord’s Supper.

  • The Call


    Moses was called to his pre-ordained task. God calls each of us to a task, are you willing to accept? Moses had a long learning curve and he wasn’t ready to for such a task. But God equipped him. The same promise is there for us today, God will equip us & what we think we can’t do, God plans on working through us despite our inabilities.

  • God Works While We Sleep


    God’s timing for deliverance seems slow to us. Moses lived in Pharaoh’s court for 40 years. Only at the end of this time did he consider doing something for his people. But he compromised his position by committing murder. He spent the next 40 years in complete obscurity as a shepherd. But God was working in him for the good of the Israelites, preparing them and Moses for His great work of deliverance.

  • Drawing from the Water of Life


    Even though Pharaoh had given the command to kill all the male Hebrew babies at birth, God provides for a deliverer for His people. In this case, even the household of Pharaoh works to establish God’s plan. God used Pharaoh’s daughter to adopt Moses into the very center of Egyptian power. It was probably thought by some that Moses would be a great example of a savage who was Egyptianized. Yet, God had other plans for him. He became the one who proved God’s glory to be greater than anything man could make!

  • What to Do About Pharaoh


    There are times when the Church is called to go through testing, even captivity,. But God always makes a way for the Church to survive and live for another day. Even if the Church is underground, it will continue to grow and flourish.

  • What Should the Church Do About Charlottsville, Virginia?


    How is the Christian Church to respond to events like we have seen in Charlottsville, Virginia this past summer? What must the Church do in times of political turmoil?

  • Looking to the Common Good


    All kinds of different people are called to Christ's Church. Each has a personality, a gift, a contribution to make. We are called to use what God has given us so that together the Church reflects the image of Jesus Christ in the world. In that respect the Church acts like a well coordinated team or as Paul would describe it, a healthy functioning body.

  • Clarity


    R.C. Sproul wrote a book entitled, Surprised by Suffering. He wasn’t surprised in a bad way but a good way. God used his suffering to make his faith stronger. Trials and challenges often focus our attention and provide a certain clarity about what is real in life and what is true. Only God can cause suffering to have this end result.

  • A Little VBS Sermon


    Every year we host VBS, Bible lessons for our children. Sometimes we can benefit from the lessons of VBS.

  • Simplify Your Summer, Simlify Your Life


    The Gospel while it is sublime, is simple. Our lives get complicated because of sin. Laying hold of God's "simple" is always better than the world's complex.

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