Be Reasonable



Examining beliefs from outside of the mainstream


  • Episode #003 - Duncan Lunan


    Duncan Lunan is an author and astonomer, whose 2012 book ‘Children from the Sky’ explored the tale of the Green children of Woolpit. According to a 12th century folklore, two children - one a boy, the other a girl - were found in Suffolk, England, with skin and hair of a green pigment, dressed all in green and speaking in a tongue unlike any earthly language of the time. Many at the time thought their appearance was supernatural…Marsh and Hayley spoke to Duncan about his investigations into the story, how he thinks the children came to be in 12th century England, and why he believes them to be of alien origin - dismissing the more commonly-accepted terrestrial explanations for the story.

  • Episode #002 - Michael Wilmore


    Michael Wilmore is a member of the Flat Earth Society - a group whose members believe that the conventionally-accepted notion of a spherical Earth is incorrect, and that in reality the Earth is flat. Society members have a range of ideas and beliefs as to how and why the spherical Earth concept is false, with many believing that much of the conventional science is clouded by inaccuracy, conspiracy and dogma. Marsh and Hayley spoke to Michael to find out why he believes the world is flat, how he and his fellow members reconcile their beliefs with the accepted science, and the criticisms his ideas are met with by the general public.

  • Episode #001 - Anita Ikonen


    Anita Ikonen, a Swedish national, describes herself as a medical intuitive, claiming to be able to detect medical information about a person by simply looking at them. She runs a website called Vision From Feeling which documents her abilities, and her attempts to test them.Anita also describes herself as a skeptic. As a result of her skepticism Anita agreed to have her abilities tested by the Independent Investigations Group - a test that she didn’t pass after failing to name the person missing a kidney out of a number of volunteers. She also failed a similar test conducted by the James Randi Education Foundation at The Amazing Meeting 8 in Las Vegas. Hayley and Marsh spoke to Anita to find out more about her alleged abilities, the tests, and whether her past failures have made her reconsider whether she has supernatural abilities or not.

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