Father Simon Says



Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.


  • Through It All! - February 13, 2024

    13/02/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:44) Jas 1:12-18 Father discusses if God tempts us!  Letters:  (21:42) - The Flaming Sword and Beatific Vision  (26:55) - 'Faithless sinner' - should it be faithful sinner?  (28:42) - Seal of Solomon vs. Star of David Word of the Day: LOGOS (32:02) Callers:  (36:53) - What is the difference between the different denominations? Don't we all have the same God?  (42:53) - Someone told me that they believe in karma. I didn't know how to respond. (46:43) - My husband was a book collector. Found 'From manger to throne.' Do you know it?  (49:25) - I have a question about Taylor Swift. Is it a sin to talk bad about a celebrity? 

  • Love for God - February 12, 2024

    12/02/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:25) Jas 1:1-11 Father Simon illuminates this passage from the writings of Saint James Letters: (21:13) Father reads a letter about receiving communion after missing Church on Sunday. Father answers an interesting question about Jewelry being buried with people. Father Answers why Jesus took so long to heal the daughter of the Greek woman. Why in the Old Testament is a group of people guilty of a sin from someone else? Word of the Day: (36:20) Embrimaomai Phones: (43:12) Anita - I am having some health problems and am nearing the end of my life and I'm scared. I need your advice. Margaret - I have a question about the Old Testament - Why were people allowed to get divorced back then but not in the new testament.

  • Puppy Dogs - February 8, 2024

    08/02/2024 Duration: 53min

    Bible Study: (1:44) 1 Kgs 11:4-13 Who are you serving?  Mk 7:24-30 Did Jesus actually insult the woman in today's reading?  Letters:  (20:39) - Refusal to heal a child?  Word of the Day: Liturgy Callers:  (38:58) - Cain being the father of cities; is Cain the father of all people too? (42:34) - Question about Guardian Angels and praying to them. My children had a question that I can't answer. (43:58) - I'm confused. Heard story about how maybe Mary lets people into heaven, when Jesus doesn't. Could you explain?

  • Talent Show - February 7, 2024

    07/02/2024 Duration: 53min

    Bible Study: (1:20) 1 Kgs 10:1-10 Father explains Sheba & unclean food Letters: (20:49) - Anointing of the sick & excommunication  Word of the Day: Talent (30:22) Callers:  (33:28) - Thank Fr. Simon, giving me some help for a speech I did. Speech went well, 100%. (39:57) - My son is protestant and debated about the seven books in the Bible that are 'missing'. Could you explain for me? (43:16) -  Main crux, why is Peter's profession more important than Nathaniel? (46:03) - My son has met a woman who is Hebrew, and he's questioning things now?

  • More Than the Law Requires - February 6, 2024

    06/02/2024 Duration: 53min

    Bible Study: (2:31) 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30 Doing more than the law requires  Mk 7:1-13 Father tells a story about passing down tradition Letters: (22:42) - Fr. Simon does too much commentary about the Jewish faith (27:58) - Irregular marriage and parish ministry  Word of Day: Qorbon Callers:  (39:19) - Counting years in Genesis (42:58) - If a person is baptized Catholic, could they renounce their faith?

  • The Mission of Jesus - February 5, 2024

    05/02/2024 Duration: 53min

    Bible Study: (1:37) 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13 What does this reading have to do with Cain and Abel?  MK 6:53-56 What was the mission of Jesus?  Letters: (21:29) - The Lighting of Candles  (27:57) - Confession for a fallen away Catholic  Word of the Day: Run around (33:00)Callers:  (39:57) - Will purgatory be a time for non-Christians to accept Jesus?  (43:07) - What is the 'Good News' that Jesus and John the Baptist are preaching? (45:21) - Why did Jesus rename the Apostles? (46:37) - What does he think of the New American Bible?

  • The Feast of the Presentation - February 2, 2024

    02/02/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:20) Lk 2:22-40 Father explains the Feast of the Presentation  Letters: (18:28) - The New Israel  (23:51) - The simplicity of the Missionaries of Charity (24:51) - Angels & Visions   (26:56) - Lives of the saints  (27:56) - Anointing of the sick Word of the Day: Unclean (33:13) Callers (37:34) - Was Jesus intolerant?   (41:13) - What is the meaning of 'The Communion of Saints' ? (43:03) - What do you think about this day being the day Joseph was given the title from 'Father' from the Heavenly Father? (44:43) - Question about the five shekels and the first born child? (46:44) - Question about relics, I'm totally confused by them, especially 2nd and 3rd class

  • Staff and Sandals - February 1, 2024

    01/02/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:48) 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 Are we sure that David is a man after God's own heart??  Mk 6:7-13 Why does Jesus tell them to only bring staff and sandals  Letters:  (21:23) - Did Mary have other children?  (24:25) - Forgiveness vs. being taken advantage of (30:46) - Holy God we praise thy name at Mass Word of the Day: Leave  Callers:  (38:44) - On Sunday, Jesus drove the demon out and he also drove out a demon out of the swine. Why doesn't he just destroy the demon? (38:44) - Jesus commanding apostles to heal the sick and cast out demons.  Is that just for priests or also lay people? (45:25) - Christ performing a miracle and he told people, don't tell anybody. I think he said that because he wanted to show some humility.  What do you think about that? (48:11) -  When the disciples recognized him, they must've seen the wounds of the nails during the Road to Emmaus  What do you think about that? (50:06) - Could you clarify the two saint James apostles?

  • Brothers of Jesus – January 31, 2024

    31/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:54) MK 6:1-6 Did Jesus have brothers and sister? Father delves into who the relatives of Jesus were. 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17 Father unpacks this bible passage by looking at earlier verses in the book.   Letters: (23:18) Father answers questions about fat in the bible, yes that right, fat.  Father gets stumped by an email!!! Check out what that question was! What is the meaning for the phrase “brother’s keeper” mean in the bible?   Word of the Day: (33:32) Carpenter   Phones: (35:07) Grace - Should we read the NLT (New Living Translation) Bible?  I'm confused.  We're using it in church formation. Lettie - Regarding the story of David and 1 Samuel 19: 18 and Ecstasy Rebecca - Right before the Israelites left Egypt and Pharaoh being punished.  Why would God harden Pharaoh’s heart? Therese - The priest will sit down during communion and let the distributors distribute communion, what do you think? Ben - Question about salvation regarding works/grace.  Only salvation through grace, no works that pro

  • Liturgy, Godparents, & Mary - January 30, 2024

    30/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:48) 2 Sm18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3 Father discusses the beauty and difficulty of David's story Mk 5:21-43 Why didn't Jesus tell the woman 'not to tell anyone?' Letters: (21:34) - Prodigal son & David  (23:35) - Can I change godparents?  (24:40) - Why was Mary worried when Jesus was lost?  (28:35) - Biblical texts & Anglican liturgy  Word of the Day: Liturgy (35:02) Callers: (40:10) - Would it be accurate to say that St. Paul and the early church, didn't have a concept of the Trinity or of the Divinity of Christ? (43:24) - Regarding St. Gertrude prayer to those in purgatory. Could I still pray it? (46:24) - Sunday reading on St. Paul, how it's better to be unmarried?  Could you clarify? 

  • Demonic Swine & David's Repentance - January 29, 2024

    29/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:01) 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30;  Why is David's repentance important?  Mk 5:1-20 Father offers an insight about who owned the swine in today's reading Letters: (23:27) - Did Father Simon say John the Baptist had no sin?  (25:03) - Catholic Bible vs. Protestant Bible (29:15) - For the kingdom the power and the glory - where does that come from? (31:18) - I've heard people discuss faith as a crutch (32:25) - John the Baptist  Word of the Day: Legion & informant (34:27) Callers:  (36:44) - Could I take a cough drop before the Eucharist? (39:32) - A mediation I had regarding Uriah the Hittite, and does one man's sin, and does that relate to the Lord's passion? What's your thought? (41:27) - Matthew 23:9 and what do you think about it? (45:27) - Is my marriage valid? 

  • Timothy & Titus! - January 26, 2024

    26/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:16) 2 Tm 1:1-8 Who were Timothy and Titus?  What does it mean to receive a spirit of power?  Mk 4:26-34 How do we understand Kingdom?  Letters (23:05) -What's heaven like?  (28:07) - Alternative health cleanse  (29:15) - Preparation of the priests   Word of the Day: Kerygma & Kingdom of God has drawn near upon you! (34:17) Callers (36:54) - Gospel of John Ch 1 - What does the original Greek translation really mean was God or was a God? (43:25) - What happens to those who leave the Catholic Church to be protestant? (49:17) - I was raised Jehovah's but been Catholic for over 40 years.  I have their old Bible and their translation still says 'was God'

  • Conversion of St. Paul - January 25, 2024

    25/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:52) 'Acts 22:3-16 Did Paul invent Greco-Roman-Judeo-Christian society?  Letters: (23:55) - Protecting widows and orphans  (27:57) - Standing for the Gospel (30:56) - Who is Paul writing to?  Word of the Day: Goads (35:41) Callers:  (38:51) - The road Paul waked it still as is and the government won't allow anyone to build there. (38:41) - What is the point of a second reading then? (40:35) - Jesus was fully human - so did he go through the terrible 2's? (41:45) - Question on the word begotten - can you clarify what this means? (49:15) - This is the day the Lord has made - wanting to know more about the future is a sin. Is it a sin to have someone try to interpret what signs that God is trying to send you.

  • Why Parables? - January 24, 2024

    24/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (3:00) 2 Sm 7:4-17 How is David after God's own heart?  Mk 4:1-20 Why did Jesus speak in parables?  Letters:  (18:01) - St. Maximilian Kolbe & the Mass (20:28) - Conversion to the faith  (22:40) - Scripture 1 Cor 6:9 question (24:59) - Atheism  (28:06) - Prosperity Gospel or Gospel of poverty Word of the Day: LOGOS  Callers: (36:11) - How to deal w/someone at parish who is distributing holy communion to shut ins.  He is keeping communion over night.  What to do about this? (39:06) - When we pray, we ask God to do something for us.  I'm confused b/c I always pray for conversion of my children.   (41:27) - Question on today's reading - the mystery of the Kingdom of God -  that they may look and not see?  Could you explain? (43:58) -My parents are divorced and were married through church.  My mom was remarried again civilly and she still takes communion.  How to talk to mom about this? CCC #1457 (46:05) - How to connect more w/St. Paul. I read his epistles, and it doesn't resonate with me

  • Raisin Cake - January 23, 2024

    23/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:15) 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19 Why did Saul lose the crown?  Letters: (20:20) - Is it sinful to only eat the Eucharist?  (24:28) - Why would all Jerusalem be troubled by Jesus' birth?  (27:23) - Why does Father mention Jews so often?  (30:35) - I have an in-law who is high all the time. Word of the Day: Raisin cake (33:32) Callers: (36:05) - How come Jonathan had to die for the sins of his father? (38:46) - Easter Sunday 1st Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. What do you think about that Father? (40:43) - I'm in the process of converting, and a friend was talking about determinism and pre determinism.  Could you explain and help me out? (44:12) - Lumen Gentium says the Church is the New Israel? (48:08) - I've been doing Bible Study in the book of Samuel and I'm enjoying what Fr. Simon's doing. (49:24) - Question about the unforgivable sin of blasphemy and the Holy Spirit.  Could you explain?

  • Blasphemy & UFOs! - January 22, 2024

    22/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (3:37) 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10 Father explains the high drama of Samuel Mk 3:22-30 How did Jesus defeat the devil?  Letters (21:25) - How is Easter chosen?  (25:25) - What is meditation? Catechism 2705  (27:21) - No one who is born of God practices sin?  (32:43)  - UFO's and the Catholic Church Word of the Day: Blasphemy (36:45) Callers: (40:49) - Is the apostasy related to the coming of Jesus Christ?  (43:02) -  Why is abortion considered ex communication, but not any other type of murder? (44:02) - How to respond to someone who said 'The bible doesn't say, 'when I'm hungry, you put me on a bus, when I was a stranger, you shipped me off from political gain'. (47:01) - Is it okay to attend a protestant services? (50:31) - If I came across a Samaritan, what would their job title be?

  • What is Sacred Scripture? - January 19, 2024

    19/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (2:23) 1 Sm 24:3-21 Father explains why this reading would make a great TV show Letters: (20:10) - Salvation vs. redemption  (24:39) - End of life option act Word of the Day: Mary (33:45) Callers:  (37:03) - Is Sacred Scripture only the NT or entire Bible? (37:46) - Question about Isaac, Isaac almost doesn't do anything.  God calls him home. He's the only patriarch that doesn't do anything.  (40:17) - In Genesis, places people come to an agreement, like in Genesis 24: 2-3.  Could you explain? (42:11) - How could God help me navigate these professional dilemmas in my work as a medical social worker (46:34) - What is the definition of Gospel?  (50:22) - During consecration, does Jesus go through pain of the cross?

  • Why Do We Need Commandments? - January 18, 2024

    18/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    Bible Study: (1:54) 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7 Father zooms on to look at the whole chapter of today's reading Mk 3:7-12 Why does God give us commandments?  Letters:  (20:32) - Father discusses the business of religion (27:00) - Did Peter dismiss the idea of the hierarchy?  (33:54) - Judges & disciples  Word of the Day: Sistrum (37:46) Callers:  (40:36) - I understand the importance of Jesus, he's become almost an idol. Could you explain.   (47:25) - There's a historical record of popes who descended from Peter, but are there records of lineages from the other apostles?

  • St. Anthony! - January 17, 2024

    17/01/2024 Duration: 51min

    St. Anthony (2:35) 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51 Father explains his issues with translations Mk 3:1-6 What's wrong with curing on the Sabbath?  Letters: (22:51) - Did the BVM know that Jesus would rise from the dead?  (26:20) - Wise men & shepherds  (29:27) - Church's thoughts on miscarriage  Word of the Day: Scimitar (34:05) Callers:  (36:59) - The word 'Techton' means what stonemason; what do you think? (38:53) - My Jewish brother and sisters believe in abortion is that the baby in the womb is not a human being unless that baby is 7 weeks old out of womb.  Are you aware of that Father? (42:04) - 1 Peter 4:18, "If the righteous man is scarcely saved,where will the impious and sinner appear." (47:51) - My daughter does yoga; what should we do about that?

  • Grains of Salt - January 16, 2024

    16/01/2024 Duration: 48min

    Bible Study: (5:23) 1 Sm 16:1-13 What is a seer?  Mk 2:23-28 Why is today's Gospel controversial?  Letters:  (22:20) - Valid Baptism (29:26) - OT ending Word of the Day: Obey (34:35) Callers:  (39:48) - Can you explain this passage - St. Joseph not knowing what to do when he found out that Mary was pregnant. (45:59) - Is it a wholesome or charitable act to pray for others who are not believers to join in the resurrection?

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