Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology



Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief astrology lesson! You can always book a private consultation with Anne to discuss your personal questions and your chart.


  • Anne Ortelee's July 16, 2023 Weekly Weather

    17/07/2023 Duration: 49min

    Amazing changes this week with multiple planetary shifts!! An Out of Bounds New Moon and the Nodes shift into Aries/Libra for 18 months.  Venus forms a HUGE finger of god, or YOD, in the sky as the APEX talking to Neptune and Pluto as the legs. A very Major crossroads!  Dreams dissolve and Structures fail or fall. Sun enters Leo!  Venust stations retrograde until September 3,  Mars is opposite Saturn on a world point and encourages us to break free of our limitations after he gets past Saturn next weekend. Both Chiron and Eris station to go retrograde for 6 months.  Mercury squares Jupiter and Uranus. .  . The nodes of fate shift reminding you of 18 month cycles starting December 2004, April 1986, August 1967 and January 1949. We launch into I AM energy!! Venus retrograde ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!! We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer

  • Anne Ortelee's July 9, 2023 Weekly Weather

    11/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    Mars and Pallas Athena enters into Virgo and Mercury enters into Leo.  A HUGE finger of god, or YOD, in the sky with Mars, Pallas Athena and Venus as the APEX talking to Neptune and Pluto as the legs. A very Major crossroads! Neptune and Saturn are retrograde, disolving and resolving the issues with our dreams begun in March 2023.  Saturn's on a world point that encourages us to build foundations that support our dreams.  He squares Vesta and changes our home, office and body. . Sun sextiles Uranus annually to encourage an expansion of what we have been working on.  The nodes of fate preparing to shift next week do final release and letting go so things can grow ~ you'll see them again in 19 years in Taurus and Scorpio.  Think back to cycles begun in 2004, 1985 and 1966 to spot the similarities.   Venus is in her retrograde shadow ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!! We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3,

  • Anne Ortelee's June 25, 2023 Weekly Weather

    26/06/2023 Duration: 50min

    A busy sky in the week ahead!  Mars and Venus square Uranus making us take action!  Or break up with things!  Neptune stations and goes retrograde until December ~ dreams begun in March go through a revision. Saturn's on a world point that encourages us to build foundations that support our dreams. Saturn is retrograde until November. Jupiter and Saturn receive easy aspects from the Sun and Mercury to add juice, light, enthusiasm and ideas to their conjunction on December 20, 2020 at 0 Aquarius!!  The 20 year cycle calls you to get busy!!  Mercury is out of bounds and enters Cancer to express his emotions. Venus is in her retrograde shadow ~ pay attention to stories and events about money, love and things you value!! We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expe

  • Anne Ortelee's June 18, 2023 Weekly Weather

    19/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    There is a new moon in Gemini at the last degrees of Gemini on June 18 ~father's day! Sun enters Cancer on the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2023.    Saturn's on a world point that encourages us to dream. Saturn is retrograde until November. Jupiter sextiles Saturn to get things moving from their conjunction on December 20, 2020 at 0 Aquarius!!  The 20 year cycle calls your attention to get busy!!  Ceres enters Libra. Juno enters Cancer. Vesta enters Gemini.  Shifts in your nurturing, relationships and your home,office, body or car!!    Mercury is busy sextile to Mars and square to Neptune.  He's very chatty. and Venus play together in Leo this summer! Venus enters her retrograde shadow ~ pay attention to stories and events abou money, love and things you value!! We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above o

  • Anne Ortelee's June 11, 2023 Weekly Weather

    12/06/2023 Duration: 40min

    There is a new moon in Gemini at the last degrees of Gemini on June 18 ~father's day! Sun is in Gemini until the summer solstice on June 21, 2023.    Saturn's on a world point that encourages us to dream. Saturn stations to go retrograde on the world point until November.  Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn until January 24 ~ back to finishing up old business before you get to go forward!  Revise those power dynamics!   Mercury enters Gemini!  He's very chatty.  Right before he enters Gemini, he's talking to Pluto and getting scoop!  Mars is in Leo until July 10, 2023. Mars and Venus play together in Leo this summer! We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, inst

  • Anne Ortelee's June 4, 2023 Weekly Weather

    05/06/2023 Duration: 37min

    Sun is in Gemini until the summer solstice on June 21, 2023.  Spring arrives in the northern hemisphere as trees bud, flowers bloom and plants sprout!!   Venus enters Leo for 127 days. She has a 40 day retrograde this summer.  She leaves Leo October 9. Loud and proud, Venus in Leo ROARS!!!  Venus opposes Pluto in Leo!  Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn until January 24 ~ back to finishing up old business before you get to go forward!  Revise those power dynamics!   Mercury enters Gemini!  He's very chatty.  Right before he enters Gemini, he's talking to Pluto and getting scoop!  Mars is in Leo until July 10, 2023. Loud and proud, Mars in Leo ROARS. Mars and Venus play together in Leo this summer! Saturn's on a world point that encourages us to dream. We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads,

  • Anne Ortelee's May 22, 2023 Weekly Weather

    22/05/2023 Duration: 28min

    Sun is in Gemini until the summer solstice on June 21, 2023.  Spring arrives in the northern hemisphere as trees bud, flowers bloom and plants sprout!!   Jupiter is in Taurus May 2024.  Out of fire into Earth. Time to grow, grow, grow in your Taurus house and your Sagittarius and Pisces ruled houses.  These houses want to expand and bloom.   Mars is in Leo until July 10, 2023. Loud and proud, Mars in Leo ROARS.  This week he opposes Pluto, sextiles the Sun in Gemini and squares Jupiter and the Nodes of Fate. Lots of action making it time take action on! Venus is in Cancer out of bounds.  Every time the moon changes, Venus changes. Venus, Mercury and Saturn continue to have their deep conversation. Mercury moves through his shadow until May 31. Time for telling secrets! Talk to your ghosts!!  Ghosts will be visiting. Double check all communications.   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer,

  • Anne Ortelee's May 14, 2023 Weekly Weather

    15/05/2023 Duration: 36min

    The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!  This week the eclipses start to wan.They end at the New Moon on May 19. at 28:25 Taurus Release, release, release!   Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16 until May 2024.  Out of fire into Earth. Time to grow, grow, grow in the areas you released things, particularly in your Taurus house but also related to your Sagittarius and Pisces ruled houses.  These houses all want to expand and bloom.   Mars moves into Leo on May 20 until July 10, 2023. Loud and proud, Mars in Leo ROARS about what it want to take action on! Sun goes into Gemini until the summer solstice on June 21, 2023.  Spring arrives in the northern hemisphere as trees bud, flowers bloom and plants sprout!!   Venus is in Cancer out of bounds.  Every time the moon changes, Mars and Venus will shift action. Venus, Mercury and Saturn continue to have their deep conversation as Mercury moves direct and sextile Saturn for the third time.  Mercury turned direct Sunday and clears his shadow on May 31.

  • Anne Ortelee's May 7, 2023 Weekly Weather

    08/05/2023 Duration: 30min

    The eclipses are leaving! The eclipses are leaving!  This week the eclipses start to wan. Release, release, release!  Venus is in Cancer out of bounds.  Every time the moon changes, Mars and Venus will shift action. Venus, Mercury and Saturn have a deep conversation at the end of the week about how to proceed with your life!  The eclipse is super charged with Mars in Cancer pushing the energy mighty fast. Mars has now come in bounds. Mercury is retrograde and telling secrets!  You'll be dealing with those communication stories during the retrograde until May 31, 2023.  Talk to your ghosts!!  Ghosts will be visiting. Check all communications.   Strategies for dealing with eclipses this strong. Go to the hospital if sick.  Let the energy flow through you.  Observe.  Caution around acting unless absolutely necessary.  Uranus and the Sun meet up and blow things out!  Remember to duck!  .  We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA,

  • Anne Ortelee's April 30, 2023 Weekly Weather

    02/05/2023 Duration: 39min

    The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!  This week we have a full Moon eclipse on May 5, 2023. Release, release, release!  Venus changes signs and enters Cancer.  Pallas Athena and Juno change signs and Ceres stations to go direct. Venus forms aspects with Neptune and Jupiter this week, making Venus a powerful force.  The eclipse is super charged with Out of Bounds Mars in Cancer pushing the energy mighty fast. Mars out of Bounds is ruled by the Scorpio moon.  Mercury is retrograde and telling secrets!  You'll be dealing with those communication stories during the retrograde until May 31, 2023.  Talk to your ghosts!!  They will be visiting. Not much air so folks are NOT listening. Check all communications.   Pluto stations to go retrograde until October.  Our sneak preview of Pluto in Aquarius continues.  Pay attention to all you hear. Strategies for dealing with eclipses this strong. Go to the hospital if sick.  Let the energy flow through you.  Observe.  Caution around acting unless absolutely nece

  • Anne Ortelee's April 23, 2023 Weekly Weather

    24/04/2023 Duration: 33min

    Eclipse season continues with a full swinging hammer of Thor ~ with Venus as the handle. She's out of bounds in Gemini so expect doubles. The business part of the Hammer is Pluto at 0 Aquarius and the South Node of Loss and release at 4 Scorpio. The Hammer is swinging between April 23 and April 28. Additionally, Sun and Vesta dive into the North Node of Fate, making us change our life direction and home. Eris and Jupiter are united in taking things on that need to change. Juno, our partnership asteroid, is on the star of beheading and sudden loss ~ Algol. Not a pleasant week but the closing aspects of the Moon suggest in the end it will be okay. Hang on for a wild eclipse ride. Find all sorts of offerings and things on Have a safe eclipse week!

  • Anne Ortelee's Eclipse Season Spring 2023 Special

    19/04/2023 Duration: 45min

    The Eclipse season in Spring 2023 is particularly potent. First is a hybrid eclipse, Nodes of Fate finishing up in Scorpio and Taurus while the Solar Eclipse New Moon is at the last degrees of Aries/Libra where the Nodes arrive in July. (Lunar Nodes move backwards through the zodiac.). Only 4.8% of eclipses are total hybrid ~ only 7 take place in the 21st century ~ and this is one of them. The eclipse is the first New Moon since Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time in 248 years. The eclipse is applying to and square Pluto in Aquarius. The United States recently finished our Capricorn Pluto return. We are waiting for our Progressed Pluto Return in Aquarius ~ this eclipse straddles the midpoint of the natal and progressed Pluto returns. Suffice to say, it's a whopper. The eclipse chart cast for Washington, DC finds the Sun and Moon on the Arabic Part of Fatality and Ceres in Virgo opposite the Arabic Part of Death. Washington has quite a few older leaders whose charts are being very affected by the plane

  • Anne Ortelee's April 15. 2023 Weekly Weather

    19/04/2023 Duration: 32min

    The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!  The first one is April 19 at the anaeretic degree of Aries!  Release, release, release!  Sun meets up with Moon after loading up on Jupiter.  The eclipse is super charged with Out of Bounds Mars in Cancer pushing the energy mighty fast.  Mars is ruled by the Moon in Aries traveling fast.  Mercury goes retrograde.  You'll be dealing with those communication stories during the retrograde until May 31, 2023.  Talk to your ghosts!!  They will be visiting. Mars is out of bounds in a cardinal sign making action our preferred mode of being.  Not much air so folks are NOT listening. Check all communications.   Venus is in Gemini and goes out of bounds too.  In mutual reception with retrograde Mercury you will have to do everything twice, Venus asks us to explore our options as she rules the North Node of Fate during this eclipse season. This is the first new moon after Pluto entered Aquarius so lots going on as it approaches a square to Pluto.  We get to know him in a

  • Anne Ortelee's April 9, 2023 Weekly Weather

    09/04/2023 Duration: 45min

    The eclipses are coming! The eclipses are coming!  The first one is April 19 at the anaeretic degree of Aries!  Release, release, release!  Sun meets up with Jupiter to initiate a new 12 year cycle!  Jupiter lays out his plans for the Sun!  Mercury entered his retrograde shadow April 7. You'll be dealing with those communication stories during the retrograde until May 31, 2023.   Adventures!  Changes!  Riotous energy. Mars is out of bounds in a cardinal sign making action our preferred mode of being.  Not much air iso folks are NOT listening. Check all communications.   Venus shifts signs into Gemini until May 7,  Aside from having to do everything twice, Venus asks us to explore our options as she rules the North Node of Fate during this eclipse season.  Venus in Gemini trines Pluto and squares Saturn. Pluto in Aquarius is a 20 year cycle!  Saturn in Pisces is helping us clear our karma.  Mars in Cancer is still out of bounds and changes every two and a half days in how it takes action in the world.  . 

  • Anne Ortelee's April 2, 2023 Weekly Weather

    03/04/2023 Duration: 41min

    Mercury changes into Earthy Taurus and immediately meets up with Pluto, Saturn and Mars in active aspects.  A full Moon in Libra amplifies the Sun in Aries. Pluto in Aquarius is a 20 year cycle!  Saturn in Pisces is helping us clear our karma.  Mars in Cancer is still out of bounds and changes every two and a half days in how it takes action in the world.  As Mercury aspects each of them, he shares all sorts of practical information.  Mercury also enters his retrograde shadow this week!  Eclipse season begins after the New Moon in Libra!  The eclipses are coming!  The eclipses are coming!! Adventures await us, starting now.  Riotous energy.  All the Aries and Scorpio planets get aggressive and assertive with Mars in a cardinal sign Action and stress of a practical nature!!  Lots of endings.  Oodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified

  • Anne Ortelee's March 26, 2023 Weekly Weather

    26/03/2023 Duration: 37min

    Sun in Aries. Pluto into Aquarius starts a 20 year cycle!  Saturn in Pisces is helping us clear our karma.  Mars in Cancer is still out of bounds and changes every two and a half days in how it takes action in the world.  Adventures await us, starting now.  Riotous energy.  All the Aries and Scorpio planets.get aggressive and assertive with Mars in a cardinal sign. .  .   Action and stress as new cycles start..  Lots of endings.  Oodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. Follow her on Twitter @anneortelee, instagram @anneortelee, Facebook AstrologerAnneOrtelee. Book a consultation on her website: Get daily updates fro

  • Anne Ortelee's March 19, 2023 Weekly Weather

    20/03/2023 Duration: 44min

    The second most intense week of the year starts now.  Prepare for a week of changes, endings, sudden upsets and new beginnings. Pluto entering Aquarius for the first time in 248 years!!  New Moon, Sun, Mars, Ceres and Uranus on the world points!  Yes LOTS of Public events in our lives and the world!! Mars is out of bounds and enters Cancer forming a harsh aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. Things will be VERY public!  A New Moon in Aries moments after Sun enters Aries. Sun, Neptune and Saturn is in Pisces push our dreams. Adventures await us, starting now.  Venus and Juno in Taurus enter the North Node, starting new fated time. Mercury in Aries fires up Mars out of bounds in Gemini, now clear of his shadow station point. Riotous energy.  All the Aries and Scorpio planets.get aggressive.  Mercury and Mars are in mutual reception so they can really act boldly, bravely and intensely as they can express themselves.  .   Action and stress as new cycles start..  Lots of endings.  Oodles of activity with all planets mo

  • Anne Ortelee's March 12, 2023 Weekly Weather

    13/03/2023 Duration: 50min

    The most intense week of the year starts now.  Next week is the second most intense week!  Prepare for a week of changes, endings, sudden upsets and new beginnings.  Uranus on the world point!  Mars clears his shadow in Gemini and squares Sun, Mercury and Neptune.  Two earlier Neptune squares from Mars on October 12 and November 19, 2022 reveal their secrets. Due to the world point energy, things will be VERY public!  Saturn is in Pisces for 2 1/2 years. All sorts of adventures await us, starting now.  Venus enters Taurus calming things down with Taurus and Libra planets ~ particulary Uranus in Taurus.  Simultaneously, Mercury enters Aries and fires up Mars out of bounds in Gemini, now clear of his shadow station point. Riotous energy.  All the Aries and Scorpio planets.get aggressive. .   Action and stress as new cycles start..  Lots of endings.  Oodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA L

  • Anne Ortelee's March 5, 2023 Weekly Weather

    05/03/2023 Duration: 38min

    Saturn enters Pisces for 2 1/2 years. All sorts of adventures await us.  A week of changes, endings, sudden upsets and new beginnings.  Uranus on the world point!  Uranus receives sextiles from the Sun and Mercury activating flowing aspects of change. Due to the world point energy, things will be public!  There is a full moon in Virgo/Pisces moments before Saturn enters Pisces. . Mercury in Pisces rules Mars in Gemini and all the Aries and Scorpio planets. Mercury in silent water to contend with.makes all these transactions emotional, sensitive, cloudy and deeply fet. .   Action and stress as new cycles stars.  Lots of endings.  Oodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in emoting watery Pisces.  Watch for emotions to overflow! We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weathe

  • Amne Ortelee's February 26, 2023 Weekly Weather

    26/02/2023 Duration: 38min

    A week of changes, endings, sudden upsets and new beginnings.  Uranus on the world point!  Uranus receiving aspects from Moon on a world point. Mercury meets up with Saturn in Aquarius and dives into the swirling waters of Pisces. Mercury in Pisces, takes Mars in Gemini with him and all the Aries planets suddenly have Mercury in silent water to contend with. Venus meets up with Jupiter and Chiron in her annual journey of connection and healing. .   Action and stress as a new cycle starts.  Lots of endings.   Lots of fiery, war energy at the beginning of the week which shifts into emotional turbulence at the end of the week. Oodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in far seeing Aquarius and emotional, emoting watery Pisces.   Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, and Lilith in Leo!   We can go through it or we can grow through it.  Choose growth!     Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and interna

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