Leslie Fonteyne



Sheer Alchemy with Leslie FonteyneLeslie Fonteyne is a Transformation Catalyst who uses her Intuitive and Energetic gifts to catapult listeners into living the life they were born to manifest. Whether it is shifting from scarcity to abundance, from emotional pain into joy or from illness into health. How does it happenKnown for the "Leslie Fonteyne Experience" and her Abundance Now events, Leslie not only teaches audience members how to clear their energy systems to achieve their "personal g ...


  • I’ve Got the Power! Owning Your Path


    True expansion and growth occur when we understand we are powerful, that we own our own path, that no one else can do it for us. This changes the lens through which we view our hardships. We become aware that we are at choice. We truly can do anything.

  • Pockets of Victimization: Stepping Out!


    We all discover and can be surprised by areas of victimization that surface to our consciousness, things we were not aware of. And now we are! This can be a disappointing moment, or we can get excited about changing this place of smallness from which we attract. Let’s do it. Tune-in for the discussion between Leslie and Dr. Pat Baccili

  • Creating Expressions versus Impressions with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat Baccili


    We are afraid of our imperfections, of not sounding positive, seeming negative. So we suppress. But the energy comes out anyway. The gift of our truth is that we can allow it, honor it, hear it, and shift. Then our expression is genuine and we are creating our heart’s desire.

  • Abundance Beyond Attachments and Control


    Attachments give us a feeling of control. We believe we need things in our lives to unfold in a certain way for us to be happy – or satisfied. Source has a vision that is so much larger, more loving, more aligned with our truth. Let’s explore how to unleash the limitless possibilities of your heart’s desire.

  • From Emptiness to Abundance - A Journey


    When we clear old patterns and attachments, it can feel like loss. In a sense it is! And boy can that be confusing! Aren’t we supposed to be happy? Learn about stepping into your new adventure that kicks off with a fresh start.

  • Implement Personal Change


    How does personal change happen? Does it come from somewhere else? Will “things” change one day? Today we are choosing an area of our lives and we are going to turn it in a new direction. What have you had on lockdown for far too long?

  • Visions, Dreams and Procrastination


    We have the dream, the idea, and we begin. Then procrastination sets in and we do anything but. What is that? How does this kind of interference stop us? Let's dig deep and clear out the source of the fears that prevent our greatness.

  • Sheer Alchemy! with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Co-Creating with Source


    When you're just working with your inner plane support team, you can feel very much alone. Invention is like that though. To fill a human vacuum, we'll bring in some earthly energies which can interfere with our happy project. Learn some techniques to bring in Source and your like-minded earth-team support into your project so you can experience the abundance that is yours.

  • Creating Your Life on Purpose


    Our lives belong to us. We know that, but do we live that way? How often do we give away our time and energy, expecting that our dreams should happen anyway? Join me for a recovery session: we're taking our lives back

  • Sheer Alchemy with Host Leslie Fonteyne: From Victim to Hero: Unearthing Blocks to Abundance


    Where do we live in our power and where do we submit to fear and passivity? What causes us to remain stuck, instead of standing in strength? Let's identify these aspects of ourselves and fling open the door to our greatness and abundance.

  • Sheer Alchemy with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Pushing vs. Allowing - The Hidden Face of Fear


    What is the energy behind pushing hard, or of goading ourselves into the "should's" of life? Often it is fear. We will disregard guidance we to wait, rest, listen, intend, allow or be still - because we're not comfortable if we don't "do something." Find out how to release this type of resistance and attract what you truly desire in a balanced, "good energy" kind of way.

  • Attraction and Action - the Abundance Dance of Balance


    What do we intentionally attract and what do we actually have to do? Find out how to balance the two key components of abundance so that you are successful in creating the abundance you desire, whether it is love, finances or the dream you are longing to create.

  • Sheer Alchemy with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Me First Is that so Bad?


    Were you taught that thinking about yourself and making yourself a priority was a selfish thing? Have you made a lot of decisions or agreed to things that put others first, only to resent it later? Find out how we sabotage our own success and abundance by taking care of ourselves last.

  • Creating Magic in the Void the Secret to Abundance


    When we stand in the empty place because life is crumbling around us and we experience loss of connection, work, or opportunity, this is our moment to create something new, something great. Have you been there? Let's do it better this time Phone lines are open - 800.930.2819

  • Moving Mountains by Making Decisions More Easily


    Some of us have hidden what we want under a lot of layers, even from ourselves. We think it's not possible, no one around us will allow it. So we stop ourselves. We stop ourselves with self-doubt. Learn how to shift out of stagnation into action.

  • Sheer Alchemy with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Clearing the Energies of Others that Stops our Abundance


    Many of us have lived someone else's life, their dreams, their desires, their priorities, their fears and concerns. What happened? Find out how to remove the energies of others in your field so that you can recover your own essence, your own dreams, and your own passions. Not only that, you'll release your blocks to abundance.

  • Clearing the Blocks - the Double Binds


    Why do we get frozen in our own field, unable to shift into manifesting the agenda we say we have? Many of us have conflicting intentions, desires and preferences within ourselves. Find out how to move these and step into the fullness of your own life.

  • Sheer Alchemy - with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Stepping into our Abundance Alone-Fear of Abandonment


    Often we stop ourselves from stepping into a great idea, a new dream, or our heart's desire, because we are afraid no one we love will come with us. Find out how to step through this fearful place so that you can discover the joy of experiencing your dream.

  • Creating Your Desires in Real Time


    Can we manifest our desires in real time? We absolutely can. This is the show you don't want to miss Leslie will walk you through a live demonstration of manifesting your desires now. Are you ready?

  • Sheer Alchemy - with Co-host Leslie Fonteyne: Healing the Core Wounds: The Next Level of Abundance


    After practicing the law of attraction for a while, many of us have drawn in the material manifestations of food, clothing, shelter, raises, promotions and relationships. Something compels us to go deeper, where we make the shocking discovery of neediness, pockets of anger and resentment, fears of heartbreak and abandonment all screaming for attention. We discover these wounds have been impacting what we draw into our lives all along. It is your soul's desire to heal your deeper wounds so that you can reach the next level of manifestation. Find out how.

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