Drinking At Bible Study



A podcast where an evangelical and a progressive mystic discuss life, faith, the Bible, and stuff.


  • 143: Leviticus 13&14/Magic Sex Witch

    15/10/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    This week Brandi discusses her struggles with mental illness and discovering she has "Pure O OCD". She explains what that is and how it affects her. Then Joe touches on Beto O'Rourke and the controversial comments he's made. Then they discuss Jamie Lee Finch and what it means to be a Sex Witch before getting into how Christianity may negatively affect mental illness. Finally they get into Leviticus chapters 13&14 where they talk about skin disease ad why these rules were added to The Law. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 21:21 Social Media 42:55 Let's Get Falafeling 44:30 Prayer Requests 1:00:44   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 142: Leviticus 11&12/Get Over It Joe, It's Fine

    08/10/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    This week Joe and Brandi talk about their rough week. Joe got annoying news from his doctor and Brandi has an exhausting job. Then in the Fellowship they discuss the Joaquin Phoenix tape Jimmy Kimmel showed of him chewing out a crew member and Joe defends him because acting is difficult. Then they get into Leviticus chapters 11&12 where they talk about animals the Hebrews were not allowed to eat and why bodily fluids were so important, meanwhile Joe gets really angry again at Progressive Pastors for not being smart. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 5:41 Social Media 22:28 Let's Get Falafeling 23:07 Prayer Requests   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 140: Leviticus 7&8/The Uma and The Thurman

    17/09/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    In this week's episode Joe and Brandi discuss the death of Jarrid Wilson, they get into the movie The Reliant and discuss what the Bible says about self defense and guns, then they jump into Leviticus chapters 7&8 where they talk about breast plates, Uma Thurman, and head shoulders knees and toes... knees and toes. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 17:11 Social Media 47:58 Let's Get Falafeling 49:12   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 139: Leviticus 5&6/They're Still Mega

    10/09/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    In this episode Brandi discusses how difficult it is to make money these days, Joe brings up the Vanity Fair article that says Conan O'Brien is leading the podcast revolution even though podcasts have been a thing for over a decade, and then they discuss gift giving, why kids feel so much sin and rapture anxiety, and what does a sin offering actually mean in Leviticus 5&6. All this and very little else in this week's episode.   Intro 00:00 Fellowship 7:54 Social Media 45:27 Let's Get Falafeling 46:47     Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 138: Leviticus 3&4/Drinking At The Tribulation

    03/09/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    This week Brandi explains to Joe why yoga might be good for him, they discuss Donald Trump being the Anti-Christ, and also whether there will or won't be an actual Anti-Christ before getting into Leviticus chapters 3 and 4 where they discuss more sacrifices, explain why each sacrifice is important, and finish by getting into a short talk about the movies Midsommer, Us, and mother! All this and very little else in this week's episode.   Intro 00:00 Fellowship 9:46 Social Media 31:58 Let's Get Falafeling 35:10 Prayer Requests 1:15:26     Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • Bonus: If Everyone's Right, Is There Real Truth?

    29/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    In this bonus discussion cut out of this week's episode Joe and Brandi discuss the difficulty of trying to figure out what is truly right and wrong when everyone has their own ideas of what is Good or Bad. Are Evangelical Christians and Progressive Christians both in danger of believing what they want to believe rather than what God expects of them? Is premarital sex okay? Owning assault rifles? Smoking pot? Punching Nazis? Wanting to deport immigrants? Are we truly following God, or are we just believing what we want and saying it's God?

  • 137 Leviticus Ch. 1-2/I’ve Allotted My Rants For The Month

    27/08/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode Joe and Brandi discuss Joshua Harris announcing publicly that he is leaving his faith, as well as other Christian figures who made similar public declarations. Joe wonders whether losing your faith because of the hypocracy of human actions is enough to give up on your faith, while Brandi argues no one has a handle on what "truth" even is. Finally they jump into the first two chapters of Leviticus where they touch on what happened leading up to Leviticus, why the sacrificial system was so important and what it symbolized. All this and very little else in this week's episode.   Social Media: Intro 00:00 Fellowship 1:15 Social Media 33:36 Let's Get Falafeling 34:36 Prayer Requests 1:00:54   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy  

  • 136: Leviticus Intro/Big F***ing Hole In My Leg

    20/08/2019 Duration: 01h42min

    WE'RE BACK!!! Joe and Brandi finally return to the normal routine of talking about their lives, discussing terrible reality shows, and disagreeing about what God wants. In this episode Joe and Brandi discuss what they've been up to since they've been away including Joe now having a big hole in his leg and Brandi becoming a certified Yoga instructor. The in the Fellowship they discuss Purity Culture, Premarital Sex, hypocritical Christians and how all this relates to The Bachelorette. Then they move on into discussing old punk rock lyrics until they finish up by having a short introduction to their study of Leviticus. You'll here all this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 27:04 Pretentious Bad Religion 1:08:06  Social Media 1:09:29 Let's Get Falafeling 1:10:09 Prayer Requests 1:35:31     Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 135: Hell w/Brandon Andress

    13/08/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    Megan Jessop steps into the cohosting seat with Joe as the two of them talk to Brandon Andress about his fantastic blog series Hell 1-10. They discuss why Jesus talked about fire and gnashing of teeth, whether Atonement is necessary, and whether the actual location of Hell actually exists. All this and very little else int his week's episode.  Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy   Find Megan At: Twitter.com/Megan_Jessop Instagram.com/Monk_Envy   Find Brandon At: BrandonAndress.com Twitter.com/BrandonAndress Outside The Walls Podcast  

  • 134: Radical Love Ch. 5

    09/07/2019 Duration: 01h33min

    We apologize for the long break that came up again. The surgery Joe went through really did a number on him and he couldn't do much work of any kind. But we're back, unfortunately because of a new set up the sound quality isn't great and Brandi sounds like she's under water. But in this episode Joe discusses his upcoming surgery, Brandi discusses moving in with her boyfriend, they tackle another set of Bad Religion lyrics, then get into Radical Love chapter 5 where they ask does sex and sexuality matter because the book says it does, yet implies that it doesn't and it's all confusing for old timers like Joe. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 00:58 Pretentious Bad Religion 32:00 Social Media 35:00 Let's Get Falafeling 36:51 Prayer Requests 1:29:30   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 133: Radical Love Ch. 4/Down To Pound All The Time

    12/06/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    We're back! Rested, revitalized and better than ever. This week Joe and Brandi discuss INCELs, how insane they are, and how many people on the internet are very INCEL like whether they know it or not. Then Joe presents a brand new segment that goes over sort of okay, and finally they get into Radical Love chapter 4 where they talk about Jesus being the recovery of radical love, what sin is, and whether Jesus was bisexual. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 1:28 Pretentious Bad Religion 25:04 Social Media 27:28 Let's Get Falafeling 29:44 Prayer Requests 1:03:27   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Instagram.com/Awe_And_Wonder_ Instagram.com/spiritual_and_shit Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy  

  • Happy 3 Year Anniversary! Enjoy our very first episode!!!

    21/02/2019 Duration: 51min

    To celebrate our 3 year anniversary we're re-releasing our very first episode!!! 

  • 132: Radical Love Ch. 3/Enjoy Your Leather Fun

    12/02/2019 Duration: 01h39min

    This week Joe and Brandi discuss how The Bachelor works as well as other super insane reality shows. Then they get into Radical Love where they discuss how God expresses radical love, some theologians who see God as a sexual figure and of course how BDSM is very Christian apparently? Anywho, all this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 1:20 Social Media 17:02 Let's Get Falafeling 19:16   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • Best Of...

    05/02/2019 Duration: 02h05min

    No episode this week so Joe put together a collection of some of his favorite moments from the show. Next week they'll swing back into Radical Love chapter two, but for this week listen to some funny conversations about atonement, what loving our neighbors actually means, and what actually makes a pizza a pizza.   Intro: 00:00 3:48 - From the Patreon. Louie CK, Chris Rock, The N-word, and what are comedians allowed to joke about. 25:33 - From Episode 93.  Joe Decided To Stop Bleeping Cuss Words. 34:43 - From Episode 113. Joe admits he was wrong about something he claimed long ago.  48:26 - From Episode 96. Brandi thinks anything can be a pizza if you just add pepperoni and cheese.  53:45 - From Episode 115. Who today would follow Jesus, and who exactly is our neighbor Jesus asked us to love and pray for? 107:57 - From Episode 104. Joe and Brandi discuss times they made out in public with significant others. 1:24:44 - From Episode 117. Joe and Brandi discuss why they can't get into the Enneagram and problems p

  • 131: Radical Love Ch. 2/I Gave You Peeners and Cooters

    29/01/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    This week Joe and Brandi talk about that little jerk from the Covington Boy is 16 years old and how all 16 year olds are awful people. Then they get into chapter 2 of Radical Love by Patrick Cheng. where they discuss the origins of Queer Theology and the theologians and writers who built it. All this and very little else in this week's episode   Intro 00:00 Fellowship 4:23 Social Media 18:10 Let's Get Falafeling 19:54   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 130: Radical Love Intro & Ch, 1/We're Certainly Here

    22/01/2019 Duration: 01h44min

    This week there's no intro or fellowship, just a discussion about the new book Joe and Brandi are starting, Radical Love: An Introduction to Queer Theology.

  • 1229: Acts 26&27/The Current Testament

    15/01/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Before the episode starts Joe tells us what book we're going to be starting next week, then they get into the episode. In this week's episode Joe wrestles with what the Bible means when it talks about wives submitting to their husbands in love and whether he might understand it, then Brandi talks about her church discussing Queer Theology and how she's interested in learning more about it. Finally they get into the last two chapters of Acts. All this and very little else in this week's episode. New Book 00:00 Intro 4:31 Fellowship 23:22 Social Media 42:52 Let's Get Falafeling 44:06   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

  • 128: Acts 25&26/The Courtship Situation

    07/01/2019 Duration: 01h34min

    This week is filled with rabbit trails. Brandi and Joe talk about what they did for New Years and not knowing if they've been invited to be guests on other people's podcasts. Then Joe talks about his new relationship and what physical boundaries they've set up for themselves to keep each other from sinning. Then they get into Acts 25&26 where they talk about what the proper way to preach is and whether or not God was fair for judging Israel. All this and very little else in this week's episode.   Intro 00:00 Fellowship Social Media Let's Get Falafeling Prayer Requests Outro Song: "The Parting Glass" by The Pogues   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy

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