Drinking At Bible Study

137 Leviticus Ch. 1-2/I’ve Allotted My Rants For The Month



In this episode Joe and Brandi discuss Joshua Harris announcing publicly that he is leaving his faith, as well as other Christian figures who made similar public declarations. Joe wonders whether losing your faith because of the hypocracy of human actions is enough to give up on your faith, while Brandi argues no one has a handle on what "truth" even is. Finally they jump into the first two chapters of Leviticus where they touch on what happened leading up to Leviticus, why the sacrificial system was so important and what it symbolized. All this and very little else in this week's episode.   Social Media: Intro 00:00 Fellowship 1:15 Social Media 33:36 Let's Get Falafeling 34:36 Prayer Requests 1:00:54   Social Media: Facebook.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Twitter.com/JoeDABSPod Twitter.com/BrandiDABSPod Instagram.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy Patreon.com/DrinkingAtBibleStudy