Dunker Punks Podcast



Jesus following non-conformists spreading Gods peace and love by the power of the Spirit through audio accounts of obedient acts of study, service and community.


  • #23: When Indifference is Complicity

    21/01/2017 Duration: 27min

    Whether we learn about it or not, many of our comforts and everyday activity is fueled at the expense of the land and brothers and sisters. In this episode, Sarah Ullom-Minnich introduces us to a 23 year old battle for environmental justice in Ecuador and reminds us that inaction in the face of injustice is [...]

  • #22: Way of Life

    07/01/2017 Duration: 42min

    The rest of the world is winding down from Christmas fever, but we Christians are just entering the season of celebrating God with us. Take a listen as Josh Brockway and Jarrod McKenna talk about continuing the story of the New Testament by embodying the character of our faith.     [...]

  • #21: Hope with All the Wrappings

    24/12/2016 Duration: 23min

    As the Christmas lights twinkle on the streets most of us drive, here is a story of neighbors shining the light of Christ down darker roads. Kevin Schatz reveals the care and love volunteers at Los Angeles' Cathedral church put into organizing a joyous Christmas celebration for over 500 families to find hope in [...]

  • #20: Sacred Land

    10/12/2016 Duration: 49min

    Much of America's land was progressively acquired through court battles from natives who believed it couldn't be owned. Hear about the history behind the history being made at Standing Rock. Emmy Goering at the Office of Public Witness returns with an interview of Joel West Williams at the Native Rights Fund.     [...]

  • #19: Holy Wholly

    26/11/2016 Duration: 48min

    Elizabeth Ullery Swenson introduces us to another new way of following Jesus together. Listen to her conversation with Jeanne Davies who leads a Parables community of faith in Chicago. Consider just how welcoming our welcome is, because the body of Christ isn't complete if any of God's children are excluded.     [...]

  • #18: Homeland Lament

    12/11/2016 Duration: 47min

    How do we feel about inheriting the benefit of those who desired their neighbor's land? This week, the Office of Public Witness continues to focus on listening to displaced persons as Emerson Goering interviews Mark Charles about the long-term effect of conquest and possession.     [...]

  • #17: Vote 4 Jesus

    29/10/2016 Duration: 40min

    Should faith be a part of public discourse? Should the faithful participate in political campaigns? Emmett Eldred interrupts the cacophony of election season with a reminder to be guided by and focused on the will of our ultimate power player. Whether or not you vote, listen to this episode to be encouraged to stay [...]

  • #16: It Ain’t Easy Being Peace-y

    15/10/2016 Duration: 24min

    On Earth Peace's Jenna Walmer reports on the recent 2016 International Day of Prayer for Peace. She features a variety of peacemakers and asks, how are you building peace in the world now and continuing to do so in the future?     Dunker Punks [...]

  • #15: Gender is a Galaxy

    01/10/2016 Duration: 47min

    In this episode, Dylan Dell-Haro implores you to listen carefully for God to speak to you in a new story. The show continues Dylan's exploration of gender and finding faith in the assurance of God's great creative diversity.     Dunker Punks Podcast Full Episode [...]

  • #14: Spiritual Training Regimen

    17/09/2016 Duration: 33min

    Our spiritual ligaments are meant to be worked, so we can grow in faith. In this episode, Dana Cassell gives us the secret to spiritually training like the greats. Tune in and get to work!     Dunker Punks Podcast Full Episode List Support DPP [...]

  • #13: Communitas

    03/09/2016 Duration: 30min

    Christian community is the way we help each other get through storms of life, remembering Jesus is here. And at camp, the fun time reigns! In this episode, Sarah Ullom-Minnich explores the summer camp tradition with counselors at Camp Colorado to find out how something so meaningful can be created in just a week's [...]

  • #12: Treasure Map

    20/08/2016 Duration: 26min

    At first, the idea of simple living seems pretty straight-forward, but perhaps it isn't so simple. Listen as Jonathan Stauffer explores the spiritual discipline of actively reflecting on how our lifestyles respond to our faith in Jesus.     Dunker Punks Podcast Full Episode List [...]

  • #11: Where God Speaks

    06/08/2016 Duration: 30min

    Welcome to a simple place on top of a mountain. It may not look fancy, but what it has to offer is priceless. In the episode, Kevin Schatz and Erica Schatz Brown take a break from preparing for a week at Camp La Verne to tell us how they hear God speak through nature, [...]

  • #10: Everyday Revolution

    23/07/2016 Duration: 20min

    Dunker Punks imagine a different world, and make it so by consistently choosing Jesus' radical love. In this episode, Joshua Brockway, the Church of the Brethren's Director of Spiritual Life, explores discipleship. And our new co-host, Dylan Dell-Haro of episode 4, takes the lead on the mic.     [...]

  • #9: Ban the Box

    09/07/2016 Duration: 52min

    We are not our worst mistake, and without all of us—flaws and all—we aren't a full community. In this episode Laura Weimer interviews Elizabeth Jones Valderrama, Executive Director of Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church Virginia, about helping people return home from incarceration. Let us pass on the freedom [...]

  • #8: Where 2 or 3 Are Planting

    25/06/2016 Duration: 38min

    Brethren "church" because we believe the Spirit of God speaks strongest in a community of people trying to listen. But why do we church the way we do? In this episode, beginning church planter Elizabeth Ullery Swenson interviews veteran church planter Ryan Braught about the bold calling to re-imagine church and dream big with God.   [...]

  • Bonus #4: We Don’t See Long

    11/06/2016 Duration: 20min

    Music has a charming way of furthering our expression and experience of faith. In this episode, Nohemi Flores speaks from the heart and reminds us that music speaks to our hearts. Sharing his gift, Jacob Crouse presents us with an exclusive preview of a new Dunker Punks song.  The Divine presence in each of [...]

  • #7: Every Voice Counts

    28/05/2016 Duration: 54min

    Together, Christian advocates from across the country raised their voices to ‘Lift Every Voice’ at this spring’s Ecumenical Advocacy Days. Emmett Eldred was there finding out why followers of Jesus care about justice and how we can get involved. Their answers are both a calling and encouragement that the Lord’s power is with us [...]

  • #6: There’s No Place Called Home

    30/04/2016 Duration: 28min

    It’s easy to forget the protections of citizenship, even as we readily rely on the right to profess our true allegiance to Christ. In this episode, Nate Hosler, Director of the Brethren Office of Public Witness, talks with Segma Asfaw at the World Council of Churches and Jeff Boshart with the Global Food Crisis [...]

  • Bonus #3: Reconsidering Creation

    22/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    Think about the created world from a faith perspective this Earth Day. This special bonus episode features Jonathan Stauffer interviewing Nate Inglis on “Ecological Theology.” Then, take action to love the place you’re living: plant a tree or play like the leviathan! And continue reconsidering our relationship to God as Creator and our kinship [...]

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