House Call With Dr. Hyman



Welcome to Dr. Hyman's weekly house call. Your chance to ask him your questions.


  • “Eat Less and Exercise More” is Bad Advice

    17/07/2017 Duration: 04min

    The mantra of the government and food industry is that people should just eat less, choose a “balanced diet,” and exercise more. How’s that working out for you? Despite what popular magazines and TV shows might say, if you think you can exercise your way to weight loss, I am sorry to say you are in for a big disappointment. Using exercise to lose weight without changing your diet is asking for failure. You can change your diet and lose weight, but if you exercise and keep your diet the same, you may gain some muscle, improve endurance, and be healthier overall, but you won’t shed many pounds. I sat down with Dave Asprey last year to talk about fat, weight loss, coffee, and an article in The New York Times about the show, The Biggest Loser. This article caused quite a bit of controversy, because it essentially explained that some people are just destined to be overweight no matter what they do. Both Dave and I disagree with this idea and with the idea that eating less and exercising more is the way to your

  • The Four Root Causes of Cravings

    10/07/2017 Duration: 06min

    Do you ever wonder why you get cravings? Last year, I sat down with Alexandra Jamieson to talk about food addiction, cravings, and much more. One of my favorite parts of our conversation was her explanation of the four root causes of cravings. First, let me tell you a little bit about Alexandra. She is the co-creator and co-starred in the Oscar nominated film, Super Size Me. She coaches women going through big life shake-ups to double-down on self-care, nutrition, and pleasure, and master a positive mindset, to create the energy and peace they desire in their bodies, so they can be resilient, effective and happy in their lives. She’s also published four books. In our conversation we talk about the following root causes for cravings: Bacterial Nutritional Emotional Physical We also talk about how to address them. This is an important conversation that you won’t want to miss. Do you deal with food cravings? What has worked for you and what hasn’t? Let’s take the conversation to Facebook. I’d love to hea

  • How Diet Influences Your Genes

    03/07/2017 Duration: 08min

    Is pre-disposition predestined? The answer is no. Epigenetics suggests that our behavior can influence which of our genes are turned on or off. This has been one of the biggest breakthroughs in medicine. Most people tend to attribute far too much power to their genes. I’ve seen thousands of patients who have blamed genetics for their ailments and diseases, however it is your lifestyle washing over your genes that determines who you are in any moment. What you eat, how you move, how you restore your system, along with your thoughts, feelings and social connections, regulate your genes. Those genes end up creating the expression of who you are and how you are. You can turn on genes that create health or disease, weight gain or weight loss. Some genes can predispose you to obesity, type 2 diabetes or heart disease. But predisposition is not predestined. Ninety percent of our current health is controlled by the environment in which we bathe our genes – the food we eat, our exercise regimen, our resilience in th

  • Is Your Environment Harming Your Thyroid?

    19/06/2017 Duration: 08min

    It’s not just genes; your environment could be harming your thyroid. I had the pleasure to sit down with thyroid expert Dr. Izabella Wentz and talk about all things thyroid last year, and one of my favorite moments of the interview was our discussion around environmental toxins and their impact on the thyroid health. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in 2009, Dr. Wentz was surprised at the lack of conventional medical knowledge about lifestyle interventions for Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and autoimmune conditions. She decided to take on lifestyle interventions as a personal mission, in an effort to help herself and others with Hashimoto’s. In this podcast, we discuss the following: Thyroid harming toxins in your water Makeup products that are harming your health How to determine if you’re mercury sensitive How to detoxify your body How chronic infections affect thyroid health How leaky gut can lead to thyroid disorder To learn more about taking care of your thyroid, check out my recent

  • Food, Fat, and Infertility

    05/06/2017 Duration: 06min

    One of my favorite moments from last year’s Fat Summit 2 was interviewing Dr. Stephanie Daniel about food, fat, sugar, and infertility. Dr. Daniel is a practicing physician and founder of Functional Medicine SF, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Daniel’s particular areas of interest and expertise are in women’s health and fertility and she has developed a 5-step approach to natural conception that she utilizes in her practice. She is the author of a book, Low-Stress Food: Eat Your Way to a Low Stress Life and spends her non-clinic time consulting for health tech start-ups like Ava Science and Metabolon, mentoring physicians in the practice of Functional Medicine and collaborating on the advancement of functional medicine with EvoMed. Last year, I interviewed Dr. Daniel about some very important subjects. In the clip from this interview, we discuss the following: One out of seven couples are dealing with infertility Five steps for dealing with infertility The role of nutrition in fertility and the import

  • Are You Suffering From Adrenal Dysfunction?

    02/06/2017 Duration: 04min

    On this week House Call: Steve tweets, “what is your recommended protocol for treating adrenal fatigue?” This is a question that I get almost daily. Your adrenals are important because they help you respond to stress. If you have chronic stress, your adrenals get beat up, and your energy plummets and it becomes difficult to manage your life. You could feel tired and wired, all at the same time. You might get palpitations or feel anxious or have trouble sleeping. You might crave salt. You may get dizzy when you stand up. You might have low blood pressure. You might even have sugar cravings, because your body can’t regulate your blood sugar properly. All these are clues that you could have adrenal problems. Are you dealing with adrenal dysfunction? Leave a comment on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and if you have any questions, tweet me @MarkHymanMD, and maybe next week, I’ll make a House Call to you. Wishing you health & happiness

  • My Thoughts on GMO Foods

    22/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    The promise of GMOs is alluring for many. We were all told that genetically modifying crops would make them immune to weed killers and pests, leading to an abundance of foods that would solve our world hunger problems. We were also told that these crops would require fewer pesticides and herbicides, but is this true? Did genetically modified crops live up to their promise? In this week’s House Call, I address a question tweeted to me by Christina, who asks “What is your view on GMO foods?” Now I want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on GMO foods? Leave a comment on my Facebook page, and if you liked this video, share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter. Also, tweet me your questions (@MarkHymanMD), and maybe next week, I’ll make a House Call to you. Wishing you health & happiness, Mark Hyman, MD

  • Healing Eczema and How to Handle Excess Gas

    15/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    On this week's House Call: My 7 Steps for Tackling Eczema Our first question comes from a reader who tweets, “Can you tell me the causes of eczema?” Are You Dealing with Excess Gas? “How do I get rid of excessive gas?” a caller asks. We’ve all experienced it, and probably at inopportune times. It’s embarrassing and uncomfortable. So, what’s the deal with gas? Are some of us doomed to be gassy forever? Now I want to hear from you. Are you dealing with excess gas or eczema? What has worked for you and what hasn’t? Comment on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and tweet me your questions @MarkHymanMd, and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you! Wishing you health & happiness, Mark Hyman, MD

  • Getting to the Root Cause of MS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    08/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    On this week's House Call: A Different Approach to Multiple Sclerosis “I was diagnosed with MS about 15 years ago,” our reader writes. “I haven’t taken any of the medication that my doctors wanted me to take. For the last year or 2, I have weakness in my left leg. I’ve eliminated dairy, grains, gluten; and I’m not sure what else I should do at this point.” Tackling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Our next question comes from Margo who asks, “I’ve been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and I’ve tried everything. What can I do?” Now I want to hear from you. Are you dealing with MS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Share your thoughts on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and tweet me your questions (@MarkHymanMd). Maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you! Wishing you health & happiness, Mark Hyman, MD

  • Digesting Fat, Optimizing Your Health, and My Daily Supplements

    01/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    On this week's House Call: How to Digest Fat without a Gallbladder Our first question comes from Christina who asks, “I want to incorporate more fats like you recommend, but I don’t have a gallbladder. Do you have any special instructions for someone who doesn’t have a gallbladder?” Getting Started on Your Health Journey Our next question comes from Angela who asks, “I’m ready to make a change, but how do I even get started? It seems overwhelming.” My Recommended Daily Supplements Our final question comes from Chad who asks, “What vitamins or supplements, if any, should men 40 and older take to reduce cancer risk and optimize health?” Now I want to hear from you. Do you have tips for digesting fat? How about tips for getting started with a healthy lifestyle? Also, what supplements do you take daily? Comment on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and tweet me your questions @MarkHymanMD, and maybe next week I’ll make a hou

  • Stuffy Nose, Headaches, and Honey

    25/04/2017 Duration: 07min

    On this week's House Call: Why Am I So Stuffy? “I’ve always been congested,” starts this week’s first House Call question. “My digestion is great, but my nose is always stuffy. I have two dogs, so I’m thinking that might be the culprit, but I think it might be allergies.” Battling Headaches Our next reader writes, “I am battling these horrible headaches for the past 3 years now and they never go away. Help! What can I do?” If I Can’t Use Sugar, Can I Use Honey? The final question in this week’s House Call is, “If you have leaky gut syndrome, can you use honey in tea and coffee, instead of sugar?” Now I want to hear from you. Do you suffer from nasal problems? How about headaches? What are your thoughts on honey? Do you use it? Or do you avoid sugars? Leave your comments on my Facebook page. And if you liked this video, be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter. Also, Tweet me your questions, and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you. Wishing you health & happin

  • Defeating Acne, Quick Meal Prep, and How to Gain Weight on a Low Carb Diet

    17/04/2017 Duration: 09min

    On this week's House Call: Getting Rid of Acne Once and For All The dreaded acne. It affects more than 85 percent of teenagers. But did you know that this skin condition has increased among adults? In fact, some eight million people visit the dermatologist every year for issues with their skin. We spend over a billion dollars for prescriptions and over-the-counter (OTC) products to cure acne, yet at best, these are short-term solutions. Our first question of the week comes from Michael, a reader who has tried pretty much everything to get rid of his stubborn acne. Eating Well When You’re a Busy Student Our next question comes from a PhD student named Gretchen, who asks, “Do you have any cooking or meal prep advice for those of us who are PhD or med students?” 5 minutes for breakfast; 10 minutes for lunch; and 15 minutes for dinner. Yes, I made this happen when I was in med school, and you can too. I had to learn to cook quickly for myself while on a budget, and it took a little bit of practice, but it

  • Heartburn and Candida: What is Your Gut Trying to Tell You?

    11/04/2017 Duration: 07min

    Gut health has become a prominent focus in Functional Medicine. Having too many bad bugs and not enough good bugs has been linked to numerous diseases and challenges such as obesity, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune diseases, eczema, cancer, heart disease and even autism. The connection between gut imbalances and chronic disease is growing stronger every day. Today, we are talking about two challenges that involve deep gut healing: heartburn/acid reflux and candida. Steps for Dealing with Heartburn Our first question comes from Laurie who called in. “I’ve got 24-hour-a-day heartburn,” she says, “should I continue the Eat Fat, Get Thin Plan or not? Is heartburn too much acid or too little acid?” Getting Rid of Stubborn Candida Our next question comes from Jacqueline who writes, “Coming across huge #’s of people like myself suffering with chronic systemic candida. All these people have done rounds of botanicals, prescription anti-fungals, only to have it return. Any advice?” Now I want to hear from you. A

  • Sugar, Soy, and the Flu

    03/04/2017 Duration: 08min

    On this weeks House Call: Fructose vs. Glucose Our first question comes from Sue. “I have found that there is a difference in my body and in my brain between how fructose and glucose are metabolized and their addictive components. Can you talk about the differences between these two sugars?” Preventing and Treating the Flu Our next question comes from Julie who asks, “What’s your natural prescription for preventing the flu and how do you make symptoms easier once it’s contracted?” To Soy or Not to Soy? Our next question comes from Instagram. A reader asks, “To soy or not to soy? So many conflicting theories out there. I’m a post menopausal woman with rheumatoid arthritis and probably some thyroid/leaky gut issues.” Now I want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on fructose vs. glucose? Do you have experience with treating the flu naturally? How about soy? Do you eat it? Comment on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

  • The Benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics and The Truth About Wine

    28/03/2017 Duration: 06min

    On this weeks House Call: Prebiotics & Probiotics Scott, a 10-Day Detox participant wants to know, what are the best prebiotics and probiotics to take and how to keep his gut healthy. Wine: Should We Drink It? Our next question comes from Barbie who asks, “Can you explain how damaging a glass or two of wine is with dinner every night?” Now I want to hear from you. What are your favorite prebiotics and probiotics? What are your thoughts on enjoying wine every night? Comment on my Facebook page, and if you liked this video, be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter. Also, send your video submissions to, and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you! Wishing you health & happiness, Mark Hyman, MD

  • Maybe It’s You

    21/03/2017 Duration: 31min

    I get in my own way. Chances are, unless you are an enlightened master, you also have blind spots, areas of your life that just don’t work—relationships, work situations, your health, finances, your family, etc. How do you deal with them? If you are like me, you can spot them most of the time but not always! And you find yourself stuck in the same situation over and over again, creating upset and unhappiness. It could be your way of thinking that gets you into trouble, or past traumas and stress, or childhood patterns. Whatever it is, you have two choices. Live with it and continue to be unhappy or take a good serious look at yourself in the mirror and affect some change. You might think you are too old to find love or not smart enough to land your dream job. Or maybe you think you don’t have enough willpower to get healthy. Does any of this sound familiar? We all go through it. Lauren is a spiritual, emotional, transformational human who sees how people are wired and how their minds get in their own way.

  • Finding Trigger foods, The Right Amount of Fat and My Top Superfoods

    14/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    On this week's House Call: Finding Trigger Foods Julie, an Eat Fat, Get Thin challenge participant, is curious about transitioning off of a program and onto every day eating. She asks, “How do I get a good read on whether certain foods are OK for me? What’s the best indicator that a food is good or not good?” Can We Eat Too Much Fat? Our next question comes from Sandra who asks, “Still have questions on upper limits of fats. Is there too much of a good thing?” My Top Superfoods Out final question comes from Anna who asks, “What superfoods are most important to stay healthy?” Now I want to hear from you. Have you had luck finding your trigger foods? What did you do that worked well? How do you feel when you eat high-quality fat? And what are your favorite superfoods? Leave your comments on my Facebook page. If you liked this video, share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and send your video submissions to, and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you. Wish

  • The Harm of Statins and the Right Diet for Cancer Prevention

    06/03/2017 Duration: 07min

    On this weeks House Call: The Harm of Statins Our first question comes from Dorothy. Dorothy has successfully completed the Eat Fat, Get Thin program and now all of her labs are normal, but her new physician wants her to get back on statins which Dorothy doesn’t want to do. She asks, “What can I say to my physician to keep her from dismissing me as a patient?” High Fat Diets and Cancer Our next question comes from Cathy who says, “A lower fat diet has always been recommended to reduce risk for breast cancer. Do you feel this is incorrect?” Now I want to hear from you! Are you taking a statin Or have you gotten off your statins and met with resistance from your primary care physician? Do you have any experience with good quality high-fat diets? Post your comments on my Facebook page. If you liked this video be sure to share it with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and send your video submissions to and maybe next week I’ll make a House Call to you. Wishing you health

  • Travel Tips and Intermittent Fasting

    27/02/2017 Duration: 05min

    On this week's house call: Alison asks, “What are some wellness routines to add in addition to our normal routines while traveling? What additional supplements should I take while traveling?” I travel a lot; in fact, 50 percent of my time is spent traveling. If I didn’t keep myself healthy while on the road there is absolutely no way that I could perform optimally. There are a few basics that you must maintain while traveling in order to stay healthy. Intermittent Fasting “I just finished Eat Fat, Get Thin,” writes my second question, this one from a Twitter user. “What are your thoughts about combining Eat Fat, Get Thin with intermittent fasting?” For those of you who don’t know what intermittent fasting is, it’s a way of eating where you incorporate time restrictions into your eating schedule. Now, I don’t normally recommend skipping meals – especially breakfast . However, with intermittent fasting, you’re not just whimsically skipping meals, which can mess with your blood sugar and energy levels, you

  • Feeding Our Kids and Thyroid Health

    20/02/2017 Duration: 07min

    Feeding Our Kids and Thyroid Health Our first question for this week’s House Call comes from Robyn. She wants to know what treats and snacks she can feed her young children, and she also asks if there are any special considerations that need to be taken into account when following the Pegan diet while pregnant or breastfeeding. The Root Cause of Hashimoto’s Our next question comes from Mimi who asks, “For a Hashimoto’s diagnosis, how do we get to the root of the problem?” This is a great question. For those who don’t know, Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid. Looking at the bigger picture, thyroid disease affects 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men, yet 50 percent of those with this disease go undiagnosed. Testing Your Thyroid Our final question ties into the previous question. SweetNizz asks, “My doctor needs to test my thyroid correctly. I need a full thyroid panel including reverse T3. How can I ask yet not offend?” Now I want to hear from you! Do you hav

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