CrossWalk with Cross Culture Church



God has invited us to know Him and has told us about Himself through His Word, the Bible, a perfect record of Gods revelation to man and applicable for every area of our lives. Each week on CrossWalk from Cross Culture Church in Raleigh NC, Pastor Clay Stevens opens the Bible and brings out its exciting and practical truths to apply to our everyday lives. Join us as we grow in Gods word and learn to take up our cross and follow Jesus.


  • EP200 - A tribute to Gary Collins

    02/07/2023 Duration: 01h15min

    The temptation when a podcast gets to 200 episodes is to celebrate how we got this far.  But when I did that, I realized that my success with this podcast came because of those who came before me, had faith in my work and befriended me.  Gary Collins was one such person, and with his passing last year, I was shocked to see how his work was being lost to Internet fade.  So in this episode, I'm joined by my friend Remso Martinez, who also was a good friend of Gary, and we look back at the message of The Simple Life and how it touched and affected all of us.

  • EP199 - The definition of value

    25/06/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    I was recently interviewed on another podcast in which the subject of why they thought Bitcoin was a poor store of value. I argued that Bitcoin is a perfect store of value – the question really comes down to what you are actually valuing it in. Where most of us choose our local currency as the basis of value and our wealth, I’m here to tell you that this is why most of society is dead broke. Let’s discuss.

  • EP198 - Make money renting out your home for film shoots

    18/06/2023 Duration: 01h25s

    Once in a while, you bump into someone that is doing something unusual and creative and seems to understand the concept of Smart Income, as we teach it. Today I’m going to introduce you to one such person - Josh Lawlor, founder of The Film Shoot Rental Roadmap, and he’s going to explain how you can make big bucks by renting out access to your home or other real estate for film and video shoots.

  • EP197 - FedNow

    11/06/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    While your attention was being distracted towards the war in Ukraine, Debt ceiling negotiations, and even inflationary challenges, the central planners have been at work crafting the ultimate set of handcuffs the world has ever seen – FedNow. And in July 2023, this weaponized freedom grabber will go into full effect. In this episode, we will look at this new tool, how it works and why you should run away from it.

  • EP196 - The government does NOT have your back

    04/06/2023 Duration: 01h20min

    Sometimes I get people asking me, “Myles, why is it that you left Australia where the government provide free healthcare, education, and a social security for the US where you have to work for it all, pay 12x more? And then you take that to the next level and are building in Mexico where the government provide almost nothing?”. There’s a simple answer to this. If you live on the principle that you will be 100% responsible for you and your family, then you can choose where and how you want to live. But for those that have just given up on personal responsibility on the premise that their government will take care of you, this is your wake up call. Because they WON’T!

  • EP195 - Are you leaving money on the table? (Part 2 of 2)

    28/05/2023 Duration: 01h12min

    In this episode, I continue on the previous summation of income lost and costs overspent for those that are literally ‘Leaving money on the table’.  This is the 2nd of a 2 part series, and this one has a ton of things you should be considering in order to fight inflation and live an unconstrained life

  • EP194 - Are you leaving money on the table? (Part 1 of 2)

    21/05/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    Things are tough out there, and family budgets are tight. Yet so many people are missing out on income and over paying on expenses. In this episode, I want to do a quick audit of personal finances and show some shocking discoveries of lost money that could have been reclaimed. Let’s see if this information helps you get through the tough money times.

  • EP193 - The rise of the AI surveillance state

    14/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    The rapid advancement of AI will create opportunities for early adopters. Even by the time you listen to this podcast, those opportunities have probably already been acquired, since only those with enormous capital reserves can afford the data centers to own the robots. But what will be left will be a perfectly laid out design document of totalitarian control from the George Orwell playbook. In this episode, I’m going to talk about my fears of the AI empowered future and how governments may be the early adopters.

  • EP192 - Free university degrees for out of the box thinkers

    07/05/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Let’s face it – the world needs more creative and out of the box thinkers. These ‘disruptors’ change the future – look at people like Elon Musk as an example. Despite Elon’s businesses and residence being in the USA, Elon is not from here, yet he has a cult like following in the USA. The reality is that we immigrants see the world as a huge playground rather than limiting ourselves to one country. So why is it that so many parents (and students) limit their education to only one country? In this episode we will explore how any student can get a free bachelors degree that will be respected and propel them forward like Elon Musk, by using the very creative and out of the box thinking that is the very essence of what employers and society is screaming out for in these challenging times.

  • EP191 - Retired early with $3 million, back to work 10 years later

    30/04/2023 Duration: 48min

    In this episode, we review the results of one of the early pioneers of the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement, and his journey from early retirement at the age of 34 in 2012 through to back to work to put his kids through college 10 years later.  This is from an article in Fortune Magazine.

  • EP190 - Adjusting to living alongside AI

    23/04/2023 Duration: 43min

    On March 15th, 2023, the world changed forever. The release of GPT4 expanded the capability of AI to the point where a software bot could pass the bar exam and get a law degree, could get a degree in Biology at university, could understand images & sound as well as text, and even exhibited signs of AGI – Artificial General Intelligence, where it became self-aware. Let’s talk about how this will change all of our lives and what opportunities present.

  • EP189 - Maintaining a healthy contrarian mindset

    16/04/2023 Duration: 55min

    If you currently or wish to embrace the idea of doing the polar opposite of everyone else, you will be ridiculed, ostracized and even in some cases made an outcast of the social norms. Dealing with this can be the biggest challenge of anyone seeking extraordinary results in life. In this episode we will talk about the psychology of being a contrarian and how to maintain and thrive in an alternative world.

  • EP188 - There is no progress without risk

    09/04/2023 Duration: 42min

    As I record this, the news headlines are about failing banks and managing inflation. Generally those that feed us with the information about what is happening in the world are negligent at telling the true story about risks & rewards. In this episode I want to bring some sanity to the discussion and challenge much of the fear mongering with a reality check – there is no progress without risk.

  • EP187 - Freedom of speech & thought - Our Matrix Server

    02/04/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    For about a year now, we’ve had a thing we offer for free to people called our Matrix Server. Other than just a quick announcement about it, I have not gone into details on the why and how of this, but more the importance of having a decentralized and uncensored means of our community communicating. That’s all about to change now. Let’s talk about it.

  • EP186 - When AI rules the world

    26/03/2023 Duration: 32min

    We are entering a world where you are a data point and they are creating a ruleset in which you must live. AI puts the human flaws of dominance and fear on steroids, and oversight will be years behind implementation. The warning of Orwell’s Big Brother have not been taken seriously, so now what do you do? In this episode, we’ll explore the current state of AI and where this is going, and why it is probably the greatest threat to anyone questing to be unconstrained.

  • EP185 - Does your home make you money?

    19/03/2023 Duration: 41min

    Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad stated, ‘ Your house is not an asset. Rather it is a liability.’ Whereas I agree with this statement, as a contrarian I have to see this more of a challenge rather than statement of fact. In this episode I want to explore how you can make your home an asset rather than a liability. Cheap Crypto Miner: Music income: Stock photography income: Dividend Bull YouTube channel: Sure Dividend champions list:

  • EP184A - Everything's a Ponzi Scheme

    15/03/2023 Duration: 48min

    I am recording this episode at a time when the banking stocks are crashing, people panicking that their deposits may be gone without their control, inflation continues to reveal its truth and there seems to be no upside in the economy today. Why? It is because EVERYTHING is a Ponzi scheme.

  • EP184 - The biggest mistake most people make in hard times

    12/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    It is no secret that the western world is going through economic hard times right now.  It might not feel that way if you look at the stock markets, but the average family is dealing with company lay-offs and wage reductions, while costs are souring due to economic mismanagement by central planners.  As a result, the average person has to find a way to do more with less.  But few are well trained in this, and most will make what can often be considered fatal mistakes in how they attempt to remedy this situation.   Referenced video:  

  • EP183 - The Renter's Bill of Wrongs

    05/03/2023 Duration: 57min

    On January 25th 2023, the world of smart income took a big hit in the form of the Biden Administration’s ‘Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights’. This bill, which would likely be an executive order by the president, attempts to address the rental housing affordability crisis as they would see it, reduce homelessness and other progressive ideals. But the unintended consequences of such a bill would destroy freedom, reduce housing affordability, penalize independent rental property ownership , eliminate the biggest part of smart income for financial sustainability, and constrain all of us to the world of predictable worker slaves until the day we die.  

  • EP182 - Having a job is extremely dangerous to your health

    26/02/2023 Duration: 55min

    Today I want to talk to you about the extreme danger of having a job. Or even thinking that Jobs are a good thing. Because it seems that the wizards of hypnosis and social manipulation - the governments and bankers - are at it again, lying and championing their success based on jobs. So ask yourself this - if you had the perfect life, would it include the crappy job you are forced to spend 75% of your waking life going to each day?

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