Reality Boston



Reality Boston is a community following Jesus that desires to advance joy in the city of Boston through the good news of Jesus Christ. For more information visit


  • The Questions of Jesus | Do You Understand What I've Done for You?

    27/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    In the gospel of John we read an account of Jesus washing his disciples feet, and then He asks them if they understood what He has done for them. In the ancient world, foot washing was a menial task— something the lowliest of the servants would do. In this gospel story, Rashad Clemons explores what it looks like to lead with service, as disciples of Jesus. For sermon slides, visit

  • The Questions of Jesus | Do You Want to Get Well?

    20/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    Perhaps every one of us can identify at least one pain point where we want to experience healing. What is it for you? If Jesus stood face to face with you right now, how would you answer his question, “Do you want to get well?” From John 5:1-9, Al Abdulla talks explores the healing of the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda and how it shows us that Jesus lives to heal. For sermon slides, visit

  • The Questions of Jesus | Do You Believe This?

    13/10/2019 Duration: 31min

    In the midst of grief, pain, and loss, Jesus proclaims and embodies the life altering news that death doesn’t win. For sermon slides, visit

  • The Questions of Jesus | Why Do you Worry?

    06/10/2019 Duration: 43min

    Studies show that the rise of worry and anxiety is at an all time high. Why do you worry? That’s the question that Jesus asked two thousand years ago in a talk he gave in front of thousands of seekers and followers. In the talk, Jesus shows us the cost of misplaced faith. From Luke 12:23-34, Al Abdulla explores the root of our worry, and addresses what we need if we’re to live lives of non-anxious presence in our anxiety ridden world. For sermon slides, visit

  • The Questions of Jesus | Has No One Condemned You?

    29/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    From the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11), Al Abdulla explores why behavior modification does not lead to lasting change, and what we need for true and lasting transformation. For sermon slides, visit

  • The Questions of Jesus | If Your Son Asks, Will You?

    22/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    In regards to prayer, Jesus asks his disciples a question— does a father give their children good things? From Luke 11:1-13, Rashad Clemons talks about how what we really believe about God will determine how we come to Him in prayer. For sermon slides, visit

  • The Questions of Jesus | What Do You Want?

    16/09/2019 Duration: 38min

    In John 1:29-42, Jesus asks a powerful question to seekers, ‘What Do You Want?’ In this question Jesus shows us that our deepest desires hold great power, and if we can name them and channel them toward God, we can journey further on the road toward transformation. For sermon slides, visit

  • David: Shadows of a King | How Not to Mislive

    08/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    What legacy will you leave behind? Every one of us will leave one behind. But will it be a legacy worth leaving? From 1 Chronicles 28:1-10, 20-21, Al Abdulla explores King David’s final words, which describe the legacy he leaves after a lifelong pattern of knowing and serving God despite his flaws and failures. For sermon slides, visit

  • David: Shadows of a King | David's Ego

    01/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    Oftentimes our biggest foe isn't an external enemy, but our own internal motivations that we call the "Ego.” Rashad Clemons talks through 2 Samuel 24:1-25, and explores how King David's motivations are exposed by taking a census of the land, which ultimately brings judgement on the People of God. For sermon slides, visit

  • David: Shadows of a King | Gifts of Grief

    25/08/2019 Duration: 41min

    It’s been said, “Unless you learn to transform your pain you will transmit your pain.” But just what does that mean? And is transformation of pain even possible? Beginning 2 Samuel 11-12, King David’s life will never be the same. Death, and tragedy will never depart from his house after his tragic scandal with Bathsheba. From 2 Samuel 12:15-25, Al Abdulla explores how after the death of his baby boy, disloyalty in his home, terrible decisions, and seemingly unanswered prayer, David is able to find hope and thus transform his pain.

  • David: Shadows of a King | Why We Need Sin

    18/08/2019 Duration: 39min

    Have you ever made a character decision that left you or others disappointed?If so, you probably wondered, ‘How did I end up there?’ 2 Samuel 11:1-7, and 12:1-7 is the infamous story of David’s downfall with Bathsheba. In this talk, Al Abdulla explores the progression of David’s downfall and the hope we have for restoration.

  • David: Shadows of a King | Life Giving Love

    11/08/2019 Duration: 44min

    From 2 Samuel 9, Tim Schiefer examines the difference between goodness/love and life changing goodness/love through the story of David and Jonathan’s Son, Mephibosheth.

  • David: Shadows of a King | Practicing God's Presence

    04/08/2019 Duration: 37min

    From 2 Samuel 7:1-17, Rashad Clemons explores what it means to submit our desires and plans to God's, by looking at the life of David and the role of Nathan the Prophet in his life.

  • David: Shadows of a King | David's Dance

    28/07/2019 Duration: 36min

    2 Sam 6 offers a sober warning: those who follow after and worship God must do so in the way(s) God himself has prescribed. The great temptation of religion is to “box God in,” to manage, control, and use him to accomplish what we need. But this passage reminds us that God is not a tool to use for our own purposes. Just as Uzzah died, so too we will experience spiritual deadness if we seek to use God as a tool for our own ends, rather than loving God as an end in himself, worshipping him for who he is. Like David, we will experience spiritual delight if we learn to humbly worship God in the ways he’s prescribed, glorifying him for who he is and what he’s done.

  • The Other Side

    22/07/2019 Duration: 36min

    The story of Jesus walking on water and Peter sinking in effort to get to him is legendary. But the details of the story not only suggest that it’s far more than legend, they suggest something a little disturbing; Jesus sends his followers into places of fear. We took a break from our current sermon series on the life of David to learn from Matthew 14:22-36 where Al Abdulla explores the courage we need to follow Jesus to the other side of fear.

  • David: Shadows of a King | Carving out Character

    14/07/2019 Duration: 45min

    David’s ascent to the throne looks less like a straight line and more like repeated steps backward. Saul’s raging jealousy and insecurity force David into a life of hiding and instability. So why does he refuse to take Saul’s life when he has the chance? From 1 Samuel 24, Al Abdulla shows why there’s more to David’s story than just Saul’s robe. Maybe, in our times of testing and conviction God is creatively forming our character.

  • David: Shadows of a King | Spiritual Friendship

    07/07/2019 Duration: 29min

    From 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 20:1-17, 40-42; 23:15-18, Austin Baten explores the extraordinary friendship between Jonathan and David and how being fully known and completely loved by God leads us beyond self-preservation and into deeper relationship with one another.

  • David: Shadows of A King | Delivering Courage

    23/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    Movie box office numbers don’t lie. We love stories of underdogs who overcome obstacles and beat the bully—which is maybe why we love the story of David beating Goliath. Unfortunately, this popular really story isn’t about that. From 1 Samuel 17:1-11; 32-51, Al Abdulla shows why the story of David and Goliath can give us courage to find the deliverance we long for.

  • David: Shadows of A King | God's Unlikely King

    16/06/2019 Duration: 37min

    Sometimes in life, God’s ways seem all wrong. It certainly seems that way when God chooses a young shepherd named David to be Israel’s next king. But God’s ways are higher than ours. From 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Al Abdulla explores why we can still confidently walk with God, even when his ways seem all wrong.

  • David: Shadows of A King | Hannah’s Hope

    09/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    Like our story, the story of King David starts long before his birth with the barren womb of a woman named Hannah. She has an emptiness of womb and of soul. From 1 Samuel 1:4-10 & 2:6-10, Al Abdulla explores how the shadow of a coming king brings hope to Hanna. Can we also find that same hope in the midst of our hurt?

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