Pure Hope



Janice (Hope) Gorman. Ordained Interfaith Reverend and Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Channeler, and Teacher. The North Shield is your own North Star- As I entered into the silence of a winter's eve in the water of my hot tub, I looked upon the stars and I was whisked away into an ancient temple. There was still crystalline snow falling around me as I was taken to a counsel of elders who spoke to me about personal integrity and personal wisdom. The North shield represents a sacred place where elders are and they sit waiting for all to come. I invite you to come listen to how important it is to sit in the silence of your own wisdom. Many current events are happening now and of course many people want to give you advice. My shows are all about entering into your own wisdom and following your own north star. If you have been wondering or confused about your next part of your journey, this show will help you sit in silence with three important questions for your own soul to answer.Our shows are typically only 60 minutes, just long enough to help you get started on listening to your own inner wisdom.Namaste'Rev. Janice Hope Gorman


  • Pure Hope #23 Re-wire Me Please. A New Year's Practice of Meditation

    28/01/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    Come join Hope on the New Year show in January for a talk about Meditation.  Hope began practicing meditation in 1970s and has practiced doing meditation for over 30 years.  She knows how a daily practice can literally rewire the brain and helps one develop a new kind of relationship with all life.  She will be joined by Rhonda Cannata who has been divinely inspired to birth Ray of Light Enterprises... “Illuminating Magnificence”.  RAY of LIGHT stands for Remembering Always to say YES to Living Into the Glory of your Highest Truth!  This sums up Rhonda’s depth of purpose for her self-proclaimed journey toward a life of positively impacting human potential in service to the greater good. Rhonda and Hope believe whole-heartedly in the unlimited brilliance and potential that lives within every being on the planet.  Rhonda is a self-taught practitioner in the areas of meditation and energy healing-specializing in, and utilizing a variety of modalities.  She will be sharing with us a New Year guided Visualization

  • Pure Hope #22 Numerology and What's in Store for the New Year 2015

    31/12/2014 Duration: 01h15min

    Join us for the 22nd episode of the PURE HOPE SHOW!  Twenty-two is a major vibration of a master number! Everything in the Universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibrational rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers; it is used to determine a person’s personality, strengths and talents, obstacles and inner needs. We are so ready to welcome Ms. Deb Schubert to the “Pure Hope Show”.  Deb will be sharing with us what the numbers say and what to expect for 2015.  Deb’s life radically changed in the early nineties when she took her first Reiki class.  She became a Reiki Master, left her career as a dancer teaching at the college level, and moved to Colorado. Her private practice has evolved over the years, beginning with energy healing and then establishing a name that embraces her work called “Vital Flow”.  Deb has published a deck of movements for healing called TIJAH and she's written a

  • Pure Hope #21 The NEW Cities of LIGHT

    26/11/2014 Duration: 01h30min

    Join me on the Pure Hope Show, Tuesday November 25th at 7:00 pm LIVE!!!  Rev. Kari Chapman will share her recent Spiritual journey of Peace & Freedom to the Middle East/Saudi Arabia.  We will have a magical interesting talk about her experiences with the New Cities of Light, the Starship Genesis World Servers of Peace that she helped bring through in the Middle East and one in Amsterdam the Consortium.  She will share what exactly a City of Light is and give information about the New Cities of Lights that are now being anchored on Earth.  We will open the lines for Q and A.  Just call 213-559-2974 press the number one and you will be greeted by Hope and Kari with Love and Light.  On this program you will also find out what all the warring energies are and WHY, current earth changes are happening to humanity.  Come listen and learn how you can play a part in helping the Divine Plan at Hand!  Kari will be opening herself to Spirit to allow new messages to come through. www.namaste-wi.com Rev. Kari Chapman

  • Pure Hope #20 What type of Spiritual Teacher are you looking for?

    29/10/2014 Duration: 01h15min

    There are many different varieties of Spiritual Teachers you can choose from; Intellectual Teachers, Psychic Teachers, Heart Teachers, Body healers and Empowerment Teachers.  Obviously, there are many more and obviously, there is plenty of overlap.  Boundaries are illusory, but this program will help you see the difference in teachers and what it takes to be a Spiritual Teacher who helps people move out of their drama and into their dharma!   Melanie Williams will be joining me on the “Pure Hope Show” from my own home town of Mankato, Minnesota.  She is a teacher who helps people move into alignment with their Divine Self.  Her teachings encourage people to live the life they desire. She teaches students to create a Daily Practice that allows people to connect with Spirit and finally helps people move out of there self- made drama and into their dharma.  Come join us live on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m. and call in to ask questions or call in and give a comment.  We would love to encourage any and all q

  • Pure Hope #19 Practical Spirituality; The Practicality of Living It!

    01/10/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    Join us on an adventure to talk about “Practical Spirituality; The Practicality of living It!”  The first thing you have to do of living to become a highly Spiritual functional being is to be fully integrated in your body on an energetic level.  In this adventure with Selina Maitreya we will gather the fruit of her wisdom to reach upward to become one with your Higher Self and connecting with the higher powers of the universe- You have access all the time to your Universal Mind, Higher Will, and Light as a living entity. There is a wave of energy passing through our galaxy that is altering the course of all life it touches.  Let the Light of this show pass through you altering the course of your life!   Selina Maitreya is a highly regarded consultant to commercial photographers worldwide.  She is a published author of 2 best-selling books and a global lecturer.  Prior to and concurrent to her coaching career for the last 30 + years, she has been a spiritual student studying many philosophies, and spiritual

  • Pure Hope #18 Into the Heart of Pachamama and How to Love Her

    26/08/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    On August 26th, the last Tuesday of this most powerful month at 4:00 p.m. we will have an award-winning author, Llyn Roberts joining us LIVE!  She is a prominent teacher of healing and shamanism who has worked in remote locations with indigenous shamanic people.  Her books are many and these are a few of them: The Good Remembering, Shamanic Reiki, and the 2012 Independent Publishers Award-winning, Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness. She is a modern-day mystic and spiritual ecologist.  Llyn has lived for two years at the edge of the wilderness in the Hoh Rain Forest, Pacific Northwest.  She has trained extensively with Ecuadorian Quechua healers and facilitated sacred journeys to indigenous people living in remote regions of the Amazon, the Asian Steppes, High Andes, and in ancient Maya lands.   She has translated these ancient techniques into modern day practices to help people transform their own personal imbalances, opening them into their higher purpose, and helps them deepen to their personal rela

  • Pure Hope #17 ONENESS with Jeremiah Rangel

    30/07/2014 Duration: 01h15min

    Oneness a phenomenon that is helping millions worldwide in their Spiritual Awakening will be our topic for our show in July.  This phenomenon seeks to alleviate human suffering at its roots by awakening humanity into oneness, wherein every individual feels connected to all that is.  The central understanding of ONENESS is that inner transformation and awakening into higher states of consciousness is not an outcome of a mere intellectual understanding but a neurological process in the brain, whereby one’s experience of life is redefined at its core.    Jeremiah Rangel will be speaking to us live on this subject for he is a certified ONENESS Blesser Trainer on Tuesday, July 29th, and please feel free to phone in with comments, questions or even concerns about this topic.  The number to call is 213-559-2974  I look forward to having you all tune in.    Namaste’ Rev. Janice Hope

  • Pure Hope #16 Our Reality is Created by US

    25/06/2014 Duration: 01h20min

    Welcome to our June Program which is titled “Our Reality is Created by US”.  Hope and her guest Shirley Bolstok invite you to join them to help you understand how you create your own reality.  Shirley Bolstok will help our quest understand the energy behind Matrix Energetics and other healing modalities.  Matrix Energetics is a complete system of healing, self-care and transferable energy from the ONENESS of Pure Consciousness.  This exciting tool can be used to create new possibilities in your life and help you create a new reality.  While Matrix Energetics appears magical it is based on the Laws of quantum physics, super string theory and Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance.  Our talk will also include Shirley Bolstok talking about what is a Medium and how she can connect with those within the energy field of Oneness.  And that for those who are intrigued about people who have been known to us throughout the media such as Marilyn Monroe, JFK, even the energy of Mother Theresa can be zeroed in on as she moves thro

  • Pure Hope #15: No Time to Waste

    28/05/2014 Duration: 57min

    “No Time To Waste”.... Since May is the month of Mothers I thought it would be a wonderful way of introducing you to a remarkable Woman/Mother/Grandmother who is currently serving time in Prison.  During a stormy night in February of 1984, Bill Prewitt was murdered in his bed and his wife Patty Prewitt was yanked from that bed and attacked.  Due to shoddy rural police work and gender prejudice, Patty immediately became the only suspect.  Although during the four-day jury trial she was offered a plea agreement that would have freed her over 20 years ago, she refused to plead guilty, was sentenced to “Life with No Parole for 50 Years” and was forced to leave her five young children who grew up, created families of their own, but have remained very close to their mother whom they love and know is innocent.    This is such a remarkable story that includes a professional actress named Elizabeth Ann Townsend, who studied and worked onstage and screen in New York City for a couple of decades.  Through interesting 

  • Pure Hope #14 The Emergence of the New Human with Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

    30/04/2014 Duration: 01h12min

    Come join us for a powerful interview with the well renowned Patricia Diane Cota-Robles who teaches that we are becoming a 5th Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Being.  She will help us all understand what this means.  As well as talk on how we are getting help from the entire company of Heaven at this time.  She will weave her beautiful energy into answers that are filled with Love and Light and help us understand how needed we all are.  Patricia’s philosophy is: Every person is a precious and Divine being regardless of how far his or her behavior patterns and life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth.  We are not the victims of our lives.  We are the cocreators of our lives.   Patricia Diane Cota-Robles was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years.  During that time she co-founded the non-profit, educational organization called the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose which has sponsored the Annual World Congress on Illumination for the past 25 years.  Patricia is an internationally known te

  • Pure Hope #13 Pleiadians and Why are They wanting to Contact Earth?

    25/03/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Come join us for this most important and interesting show.  It is our hope that this program will be a 101 course on knowing: Who are the Pleiadians and Why are They Contacting Planet Earth?”  Christine Day will be our guest on this pre-recorded show.  Christine is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author.  Christine has had personal contact with the Pleiadians and will share her experience about this contact and where it has taken her since than.  Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live.  Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing.  Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally.  She speaks Pleiadian and has been used as a bridge to bring information as well as energy to pl

  • Pure Hope #12 Love is a Promise

    26/02/2014 Duration: 01h18min

    Love is a Promise!  At the present period, many are feeling a disconnect from their old scripts.  And they are designing their new ones.  This feeling of disconnect from the old is an indicator that you are on the right track. Do not discount the magnitude of the transformation you are going through.  For this is a very special month with very interesting energy coming forth to help us all.  We are the ones who are now carrying forth the human race into the fullness of a new Spiritual Civilization that will surpass any known on planet Earth.  And real Love will show us the way.  We will be discussing the power of Love!

  • Pure Hope #11 Discover & Awaken The Potential in You!

    29/01/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    Please Join me with my special guest Mary Mellen! Mary is a Reverend, Human Ecologist,  Life Designer and the Founder & President of “The I-HEAL Institute” short for “The Institute of Human Ecology & Academy for Learning.”  The I-HEAL Institute is a Resource Center in Minneapolis located on the Mississippi River near the U of MN. As a Designer of Life Environments and former head trainer for Tony Robbins- the “Fire walking Guru,” Mary conducts Personal Development Programs designed to Awaken Human Potential. She also promotes Natural Enhancement Products scientifically proven to work that are engineered for Longevity, Health & Wellness. Lastly Mary and her Center serve Communities and Seniors with Housing Development Projects that unite and enhance senior living and well-being.  The I-HEAL Institute’s Mission is “Transformation” and Mary’s intention is to help people Heal their Mind, Body and Spirit while having a Human Experience.  Her  Motto - “Heaven of Earth.” An Environmentalist, Communicat

  • Pure Hope #10 The Open Portal

    01/01/2014 Duration: 45min

    The potential to talk to Nelson Mandela and receive his energy and blessings through a conscious, intentional and grace filled invocation will be an event you won’t want to miss.  This energy will help you end this year in grace and love and hope and joy! Hope will provide an end of the year recorded message, of Peace on Earth and Good Will to All!  When Nelson Mandela did his transition into the world of spirit, Hope knew that she was going to take the rest of this month to honor and celebrate the enormous contributions that he gave to the world.    His commitment to peace and reconciliation after so many years of personal and national oppression was always astounding to her.  So, on the day when Hope found out of his transition, she created an altar with his picture. She covered her altar with candles holding open a portal of love and admiration for him. What better way of honoring Nelson by creating a bridge from our world to his to receive information from the matrix of ONENESS for our last radio talk

  • Pure Hope #9 What is the Experience of Pure Consciousness

    27/11/2013 Duration: 01h07min

    Join me for this exciting show.  Please email your friends and let them know about our next program.  SSuzanne Grandon is an innovative visionary and a self-proclaimed Spatial Being sent to planet Earth during this time of great transition to infuse higher frequencies of Unity Consciousness into the planetary grids of this Universe.  She is here as an energy specialist; an activator and harmonizer, whose Presence interacts with individual and universal fields through resonance to bring forth awakening and remembrance in preparation for humanity’s  evolutionary leap in the days ahead. SSuzanne has come to know herself as a 44th dimensional being who was sent from the multiverse to be born as a Starseed in a human body upon Earth.  As an Ambassador to this Universe her experiences include integrations of Spiritual, Celestial, and Extra Terrestrial, lineages.  She is here along with thousands of other light workers who have answered the call and has come to do Planetary Service under the direction of Ascended M

  • Pure Hope #8 The Power of Beliefs and Why Love is Important

    30/10/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    David Barnett also know as Dave the Mystic on Blog Talk Radio will be on our program the Pure Hope Show.  David has an engineering background.  He has been involved in energy healing since the early 1980’s, starting with Healing Touch, Theta Healing, Yuen Method, Reiki, Acupuncture, NLP, Matrix energetics, Herbology, Crystals and many others.  Our talk is going to be on the power of Beliefs as well as why it is important to live in LOVE.   There is a place that is known as the earthbound realm.  And the general consciousness among near-death reports say that this void is totally devoid of Love, Light, and every thing.  It is a realm that souls go to that consist of complete and profound darkness where nothing exists but the thought patterns of those in it. This earth-bound place acts as a time-out where troubled souls remain until they choose a different course of actions.  For some souls, the time spent in the this space may feel like only a moment.  For others, it may seem like eternity.  This is because th

  • Pure Hope #7: A Traveler in the Light

    25/09/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    A positive, inspirational, informative message on being a Traveler in the Light. Linda Cox has been a traveler with Patricia Cota Robles for many years. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. But when I met Linda and stood in prayer with her, Linda’s energy blessed me with awakening. This woman has a journey to talk about and help us to understand our ascension into the 5th Dimension. Please join me live on Tuesday, Sept. 24th at 7:00 p.m. central time. Please call 213-559-2974  if you have any questions during this show. Invite people over for the opportunity of receiving a powerful live blessing from Linda.

  • Pure Hope #6: Dare to Wake Up

    28/08/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    There is a divine harmony to all existence.  When we can connect to this Oneness we find our true self.  Please come and listen to this wonderful interview.  Our guest will be Christopher Emmanuel.  Chris devotes his entire life to writing, art and teachings to awaken individuals to live a more balanced life, which leads to more peace and harmony in all of our relationships.   Christopher Emmanuel was born into a family of ministers in Grenada, W.I.  At a young age, his passion for art and spirituality pored through his poetry.  When he was eleven years old, his family immigrated to Canada.  His father, who became head of the Theosophical Society in Toronto, Ontario, had an extensive library filled with books.  As a young boy, Chris spent countless hours studying spiritual doctrines from all over the world.  Chris now gives workshops, and lectures around the world. Chris is an awaken one! He currently lives in Toronto.  Please join us live for this fascination interview with my friend Chris.  The topic of t

  • Pure Hope #5: An Hour of Power; Frequency II

    24/07/2013 Duration: 01h13min

    AN HOUR OF POWER Frequency II   Come listen to our Pure Hope program. On July 23 at 7:00 p.m. central standard time. I invite you to walk with me through yet another doorway of consciousness. Are you ready? This is a night to absorb the pulse of the DIVINE Vibration and to stir within you the New Frequency of ONENESS. You carry codes of the New DNA that open up when your Frequency raises and is held in your constant over soul consciousness. Our guest for July 23 is Starr Weldon, host of “ The Walk-in Café”. She just ended the show after 3 years and is now getting ready to start a new show focused on her own life and sacred soul journey. She is a Reiki Master, Hypnotic coach, and holds a certificate in pastoral counseling from Sancta Sophia Seminary in Oklahoma. Most importantly she holds an energy that her guidance calls “ a wisdom channel” She is getting ready to publish her first book. And , please call in with your questions at 213-559-2974 we would love to answer them!

  • Pure Hope #4: Christina Rose

    25/06/2013 Duration: 01h09min

    Please join me for a live interview with my friend and energetic teacher Christina Rose.  She is currently living in California and will be joining us via phone.  We will be discussing vibration and energy.  The world  has long been teaching us to rely only on what we can see and touch.  So we often don’t remember that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body as well as our own personal reality is all made of energy.  Every thing in our reality is energy all vibrating at different levels.  Your personal vibration is always communicating to the Universes and it shapes reality.  I guarantee you that this hour will fly by and we will leave you wanting  more.  Come learn to shape shift your personal and planetary reality.  You will also have an opportunity to call in with your questions or comments.   Blessings from, Pure Hope

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