Keepin' It Real



Deep conversations flavoured with sass, wit, and churlish charm. Anthony Suppa and Symeon Hector use their unique brand of humour, insight, and experience to unriddle current social habits and the impact they have on the way we relate to one another.


  • Online Profiles S1E2

    07/02/2012 Duration: 33min

    Listen to tales of telephone profiles in the days before the internet. Anthony and Symeon also discuss the purpose of profiles when looking for relationships, love and sex. Tune in and let us know what you think. Please share this podcast with at least one friend and follow us on social media.

  • Social Media S1E1

    06/02/2012 Duration: 32min

    Anthony Suppa and Symeon Hector are known amongst friends for their repartee, barbs and sometimes baser quips. It was often suggested that they should have a podcast, well, here it is. Anthony launches into why he "*%&$#" hates social media and the controversy sparks from there. Tune in and let us know what you think. Please share this podcast with at least one friend and follow us on social media.

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