Q Podcast



Q educates and equips Christians to engage our cultural moment. Our method of learning is simple: exposure, conversation and collaboration. Listen to the Q Podcast to learn, explore and consider how you can be faithful in our cultural context.


  • Episode 023 | Legitimacy: Malcolm Gladwell

    15/09/2016 Duration: 22min

    Who or what deems an idea legitimate? Many people of faith think because their ideas are true, everyone should listen, pay attention, and do as they suggest. Malcolm Gladwell helps us understand how the process by which ideas are debated, opinions are formed, and a process is communicated can have more to do with whether the idea is embraced as truthful. But Gladwell also helps us understand why the truthfulness of an idea isn't always as important as the legitimacy of it. 

  • Episode 022 | Red States, Blue Cities: Governor Haslam & Mayor Dean

    12/09/2016 Duration: 26min

    As the electorate in America evolves and red states and blue states compete for control, one critical observation remains: cities overwhelmingly vote Democratic while rural, less populous counties vote Republican. The gap between urban and rural sensibilities is widening, leaving many questioning how unified can America really be? In an increasingly divisive political and partisan environment, lies a breakthrough story of leaders from different political ideologies working together to serve the people in their care. Tennessee Governor, Bill Haslam and Nashville's Mayor, Karl Dean, discuss the tensions and successes of working together, giving our country a model of how leaders can get along, despite their differences. 

  • Episode 021 | Cease Fire: Gangs & Redemption: Dr. Paul David Smith

    01/09/2016 Duration: 13min

    Public safety coordinator for the city of Chattanooga, Paul David Smith, discusses Chattanooga's response to gang-related issues, community safety and mentoring. Smith is the former principal of Howard High School in downtown Chattanooga and the proud father of two children.

  • Episode 020 | A Story of Faith and Persecution: Nik + Ruth Ripken

    22/08/2016 Duration: 36min

    This week we talked with Nik and Ruth Ripken, an ordinary couple with an extraordinary story. After the death of their son, they journeyed into the depths of the persecuted church around the world asking the question - Is Jesus Worth It? The film based off their true story of faith and persecution, "The Insanity of God," releases Tuesday, August 30th. Find out more and buy tickets at insanityofgodmovie.com.

  • Episode 019 | Cosmopolitan Evangelism: Jon Tyson

    18/08/2016 Duration: 13min

    In a culture where religious pluralism has become widely accepted, there is a tendency to back away from evangelism—after all, it’s kind of aggressive and could be seen as intolerant. How do we communicate our faith in a way that resonates and does not offend—especially for those who might have built-in anti-Christian attitudes? Jon Tyson, founding pastor of Trinity Grace Church in New York City, offers insights into what it means to do evangelism in an urban, pluralistic, often hostile context. He says it takes recognizing a long-term view—that evangelism isn't the work of a moment and it cannot be about counting "how many" were saved today or this month or this year.

  • Episode 018 | The Religion Of The Academy: Paul Lim

    11/08/2016 Duration: 12min

    Since the Enlightenment, Europe has observed the slow divorce of the church from the university. The same phenomenon has taken place in the United States, which we witness today in the religious ambivalence of schools like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, all originally founded as Christian institutions. What does it look like to be an educated Christian in an age in which the intellectual elite have written off faith as bad scholarship? Paul Lim talks from experience and gives insight into faithfulness amongst academia's elite. 

  • Episode 017 | A Day In The Life Of A Nun: Sister Joan of Arc

    04/08/2016 Duration: 14min

    From plays like the Sound of Music and movies like Sister Act, we have seen a wide array of interpretations of a nun's typical lifestyle. Sister Joan of Arc from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, will explain how their convent located in Nashville creates a monastic framework for a daily life that stimulates growth of the interior life and directs minds to the things of God. Her story will grant the Q audience insight on a schedule filled with prayer and work, silence and students, laughter and quiet acts of community kindness. 

  • Episode 016 | Educating The Media: Michael Cromartie

    28/07/2016 Duration: 13min

    Often Christians complain about being misrepresented by mainstream media, but could that change with intentional efforts? Michael Cromartie, Vice President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, has created opportunities for members of the national media to meet with evangelical leaders in hopes of getting the stories right. Filling a gap between faith, politics, and journalism, Michael promotes mutual understanding around the toughest, and many times misunderstood, issues of our time. 

  • Episode 015 | The Irrelevance of Faith: David Kinnaman

    21/07/2016 Duration: 13min

    Christians face an unprecedented landscape at the intersection of faith and public life. Over 46% of our neighbors believe religion and people of faith are part of the problem in our communities, not the solution. As a growing list of contentious issues present themselves on the cultural front—such as racism, gender, euthanasia, sexuality, religious freedom and more—the Church finds itself on the margins of the mainstream conversation perplexed about how to engage. Public opinion suggests our views and beliefs are irrelevant and extreme, so how should Christians respond? David Kinnaman will equip you to confidently engage the most difficult conversations in the days ahead with courage, conviction and compassion. 

  • Episode 014 | The Evolution of the Swimsuit: Jessica Rey

    07/07/2016 Duration: 12min

    Fashion matters. It influences the imagination and drives the way people uniquely represent themselves. The evolution of the women’s swimsuit is one place where there has been a visible shift away from modesty. In the current world of swimwear, small is often beautiful and less is considered more desirable. But designer and actress Jessica Rey asks, “Who says it has to be itsy bitsy?” Rey argues that within the construct of modesty, there is a freedom—that modesty isn't about covering up what's bad, but about revealing dignity. 

  • Episode 013 | Artists & Poets: Lecrae

    30/06/2016 Duration: 21min

    With a Cinderella story of drug-dealer-turned-Jesus-lover, Lecrae is the only artist to ever debut an album that simultaneously topped the Billboard 200 and Gospel charts. For any musician, such an accomplishment is simply an Anomaly, the very title of the album that got him there. Lecrae inspires us all to see the magic inside a personal story put to poetry and a poem put to song.

  • Episode 012 | Our Refugee Crisis: Noel Yeatts & Jeremy Courtney

    23/06/2016 Duration: 17min

    The world is facing the worst refugee crisis since WWII. Over 11 million Syrians have been displaced, and while some try to seek safe harbor in Europe, the vast majority will never leave the region. In the face of human depravity and under an enormous threat of violence, some are leading the way. How is the Church responding? What are the ways we can continue to help and ensure Christian love is experienced even in the worst of conditions?

  • Episode 011 | Foster Care & Adoption: Brian & Julie Mavis

    16/06/2016 Duration: 13min

    As adopted children of God, how can we reflect that relationship to the world we serve? Action must be taken to provide care for children in the foster system who’ve never experienced the love of a family to call their own. Adopt Colorado Kids executive, Julie Mavis, shares the results being achieved as communities respond to foster, adopt, and care for kids. She and her husband, Brian, are transforming foster care in Colorado and providing a vision on how every state can offer a turnaround story to children who need it.

  • Episode 010 | Snowboards and Calling: Kelly Clark

    02/06/2016 Duration: 20min

    What if following your passion leads to worldly success, to weatlh, fame, and power? What does service look like from here? Can you balance the pressures of success while seeking to make disciples? Snowboarder/Olympic Gold medalist Kelly Clark has wrestled with these questions while blazing a trail of calling as an athlete. In this episode, hear how her Christian faith pushes her toward excellence, as well as how she fosters a servant’s heart.

  • Episode 009 | Our Secular Age: James K.A. Smith

    26/05/2016 Duration: 21min

    The term “secular” is perhaps overused when referring to government, schools, business and western culture in general. But is the secular something “out there?” Or are we all “secular” now? What’s changed? And is secularism the last word? In this episode of the Q Podcast, Philosopher and theologian James K.A. Smith gives us context for this shift and how Christians can effectively engage it. 

  • Episode 008 | Unlikely Allies: Ted Trimpa & Jim Daly

    18/05/2016 Duration: 25min

    We’ve been drawing religious lines in the sand for hundreds of years, using varying standards to determine who’s “in” and who’s “out.” How can Christians work for peace within culture if we can’t get it right amongst ourselves? Ted Trimpa, gay rights activist, and Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, provide a model for peace-making, as two very different people working together to advance good. They recently worked on anti-human trafficking laws in Colorado, and in this episode, they’ll share wisdom on working with people that differ greatly from us.

  • Episode 007 Q Denver | What's Happening April 21-23?

    08/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    This week, Preston Sprinkle is back interviewing Gabe Lyons on the vision and mission behind the upcoming Q Conference, April 21-23 in Denver. Did you know that 42% of Americans believe people of faith are part of the problem in our world? Q Denver will prepare you to engage this new reality and a changing culture, we will explore what renewal and faithfulness might look like in society today—for both you and those you love.

  • Episode 006 The Gay Conversation | Q+A With Our Listeners

    18/02/2016 Duration: 32min

    In this episode we respond to several questions from you, our listeners. While this series invokes many passionate responses, we offer our opinions on a few of the questions that keep rising to the top. New York Times Bestselling Author, Preston Sprinkle, author of People To Be Loved joins Gabe Lyons, Founder of Q and author of Good Faith to discuss.

  • Episode 005 The Gay Conversation | Public Square: Politics and Baking Cakes

    11/02/2016 Duration: 49min

    How should Christians faithfully engage our political system when the government is at odds with historic Christian belief? Is our role to win legal decisions or simply to bear witness to God’s kingdom through the way we live and love? In the wake of the Supreme Court's Obergefell ruling, questions remain about the role of Christians institutions in our changing public square. Russell Moore, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptists joins us to discuss the legislative landscape around religious freedom, LGBT rights, pluralism and the future of Christian institutions in America. Key Contributors: Claude Alexander, Os Guinness, Russell Moore, Rod Dreher, Stanley Carlson-Thies, Dee Allsop.

  • Episode 004 The Gay Conversation | Ministry: How Should The Church Move Forward?

    04/02/2016 Duration: 39min

    Many people who identify as gay have had a poor experience in their local church. In this episode we discuss the term “gay Christian”, the science behind the “born this way” theory and practical ways the church can be a more welcoming place in general. In addition, we will hear personal reflections from Christians who experience same-sex attractions yet choose to live a celibate life. We’ll also learn hear how the Church can fulfill relational longings that go beyond sexual expression. Key Contributors: Tim Keller, Justin Lee, Eve Tushnet, Mark Yarhouse, Christopher Yuan, Ann Voskamp, Annie Downs.

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