James M. Tour's Audio Files



James M. Tour's Audio FIles


  • Isaiah, Part 03 | On Revolts & Remnants


    In part 03 Isaiah lays out the consequences of Israel’s spiritual and physical rebellion, with cities being burned and the people overthrown by foreign nations. Despite this grim scenario, God always preserves a remnant of those faithful to Him. In this lesson, Dr. Tour urges us to recognize the mercy of God and seek salvation.

  • Isaiah Part 02, The Rebellious Microcosm & Forever His People


    How does the God depicted in the Bible distinguish Himself from the idols prevalent in Isaiah’s era? In the second part of our exploration into Isaiah, we delve into the foretold Messiah, a speaking God, and view Israel as a symbolic representation of the human heart.

  • Isaiah Part 01, Background to Isaiah


    What does Isaiah have to say about Messiah, the judgement of the Northern Kingdom and Hell? Dr. Tour sheds light on Isaiah’s background, including intriguing speculations about his potential connection to the royal family, the designation of his wife as a prophetess, and his notable role in documenting a biography of King Uzziah. The journey […]

  • Galatians, Part 18 | On Seeds & Doing Good


    What does the bible mean by “sowing and reaping?” Using the analogy of planting seeds, Dr. Tour highlights the time it takes for actions to yield results and warns of the pitfall self-centered behavior.

  • Galatians, Part 17 | To Serve & Give Back


    What debt do we owe to our church, teachers, or ministries that benefit us? In Galatians chapter 6, we explore practical instructions for communal living while contrasting the influence of Judaizers who advocated adherence to Jewish law as a requirement for salvation. Dr. James Tour encourages active participation in serving the church community and highlights […]

  • Galatians Part 16, Relating to the Body of Christ


    How does the bible and western culture differ on pride or being jealous of what others have? Paul encourages believers to bear one another’s burdens, emphasizing the communal responsibility within the body of Christ. Paul underscores the notion that being in Christ is a result of God’s choice rather than individual volition.

  • Galatians, Part 15 | Crucifying the Flesh


    How does one abuse freedom in Christ and how do we hear the warning against falling back into sin? Paul emphasizes the importance of love and service in the Christian life.

  • Galatians, Part 14 | Overcome Evil With Good


    Galatians, Part 14 What does it mean to love one’s neighbor? Can peace truly be achieved, even when the world seems to be in turmoil? Explore the historical backdrop of the Book of Galatians, where the Apostle Paul grapples with the controversial issue of circumcision in the churches of Galatia.

  • Galatians, Part 13 | Freedom Is Not a License To Sin


    In Galatians chapter 5, we see Paul’s emphasis on the divine longing for believers to bask in genuine liberation, free from the constraints of religious regulations. We’ll explore the potential consequences of disregarding the Holy Spirit’s guidance, delving into the impact on personal lives and relationships. Paul also addresses his concerns about those who may […]

  • Galatians, Part 12 | Beware of Teaching Unscriptural Practices


    In Galatians chapter 4, Judaizers seek to enforce the laws of Moses and circumcision upon newly converted Gentile Christians. However, a pressing question arises: What is the role of the law in light of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead?

  • Galatians, Part 11 | We Call Him Abba


    Who exactly were the Judaizers, and what does the concept of adoption entail? How can we call a holy God “Abba” or Father? Drawing parallels between the law and the role of a pedagogue in ancient Rome, Dr. Tour emphasizes the transformative power of faith and the idea of adoption, where believers are chosen by […]

  • Galatians, part 10 | All by the Grace of Jesus


    Dr. James Tour emphasizes the biblical idea that distinctions related to race, gender, or social status are irrelevant in the context of obtaining salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. We explore how Abraham’s faith, which is regarded as the foundation for righteousness, influences our comprehension of salvation in relation to adherence to the Mosaic law. […]

  • Galatians, Part 9 | Freedom in Christ Jesus


    Have you ever wondered about the meaning of having freedom in Christ? Delving into a series centered on the book of Galatians, Dr. James Tour compel us to ponder the challenges early Christian churches, initially established by Paul, grappled with. But here’s the question: Does belief in Christ lead to righteousness, or do obedience of […]

  • Galatians, Part 8 | Abraham Believed God


    Dr. Tour continues to explore the themes of salvation by grace through faith, Paul’s defense against those advocating adherence to the law of Moses, and Paul’s concerns about the Galatians’ shift towards legalism. We cover the significance of Abraham’s faith in God and the promises made to him, highlighting the value of unwavering faith and […]

  • Galatians, Part 7 | Mind, Emotions, & Will Must All Be Engaged


    Galatians, Part 7 Dr James Tour underscores the significance of heart engagement, emphasizing the need to move beyond purely academic Bible study. He delves into Paul’s defense against Judaizers who challenged the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, emphasizing the apostle Paul’s strong rebuke of the Galatians for being swayed by false teachings. The […]

  • Galatians, Part 6 | Personalizing God’s Word


    Join Dr. James Tour in the sixth installment of his study of Galatians as he delves into the defense of Paul’s gospel and the confrontation between Peter and Paul in Antioch. Discover the significance of relying on God’s grace and scripture for a victorious life, as Dr. Tour shares insights and the encouraging story of […]

  • Galatians, Part 5 | The Importance of the Gospel


    Galatians, Part 5 In this episode, Dr. James Tour continues the Book of Galatians series with part 5. We explore the connections between the Gospel message and Jesus’ sacrificial death, diving into insights from Galatians chapter 2. The significance of Titus, a Gentile believer, within Paul’s interactions is examined, alongside their impact on discussions about […]

  • How to Resolve Discord in the Church | Galatians 2, Part Three


    Ever wondered how conflicts within a church community can be resolved harmoniously?

  • Submission to Church Authority | Galatians 1, Part Three & Galatians 2, Part One


    In a discussion led by Dr. James Tour, the focus is on the book of Galatians and the apostle Paul’s reaction to various accusations against him. Dr. Tour highlights Paul’s significant calling to preach among the Gentiles, which comes after a transformative encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Before heading to Jerusalem, Paul […]

  • Voluntary Practice vs Obligations for Salvation | Galatians 1, Part Two | Bible Study


    Dr. James Tour discusses the distinction between voluntary practices and obligations for salvation, focusing on Galatians 1. Paul combats false teachers and emphasizes that salvation is solely by grace through faith. Dr. Tour shares Paul’s personal transformation from a zealous persecutor to a believer called by God’s grace.

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