Article 7



These are the captured sermons and other audio from my work as a Lutheran pastor in Alexandria, Virginia. Article 7 refers to the "assembly of saints" described in article 7 of the Augsburg Confession. I think that the understanding of what church is and where it can be goes beyond a building with a steeple.


  • The Story - Chapter One

    25/09/2015 Duration: 27min

    It all starts here!  Well, an amazing journey through the Bible starts here, at least.  This podcast is episode one of "The Story" - based on the book and campaign published by Zondervan Publishing.  Along with a sermon that begins at the beginning, there is also music from C2W (Created 2 Worship) and a new feature called "Story Starters".  There is a lot of "new" in this episode, so go ahead and jump aboard!

  • Under Construction 6

    18/09/2015 Duration: 20min

    Well, it wasn't "Plan A", but this episode helps me to test out a new format for this podcast.  The sermon was not recorded in church, but in "studio".   That makes this reading of Ephesians chapter 6 a little more conversational.  Paul's words about putting on the full armor of God make for a good bridge as we launch "The Story" at Bethany Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Virginia.

  • Under Construction 5

    08/09/2015 Duration: 31min

    The sermon series "Under Construction" works its way to Ephesians chapter 5 and some window installation.  How do we see the world and how does the world see us?  We will explolre some practical church building from Paul.  This podcast also gives some news from in and around our church before the sermon. 

  • Under Construction 4

    28/08/2015 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, get the "Big Idea" that will guide Bethany's reading through The Bible beginning in September.  After that, enjoy a musical offering from some of the congregation's children and the fourth sermon in the "Under Construction" series.  "The Structure" reads through Ephesians chapter where we continue to build a church by using the gifts God gives, and do the works He created us to do.  

  • Under Construction 3

    22/08/2015 Duration: 21min

    Once we know we are a part of God's plan, and we lay the foundation of Jesus and His saving grace, it is time to connect to a power source.  The third sermon of the "Under Construction" reads through Ephesians chapter 3 as Paul tells us how to connect to God's power as we build His church.  The sermon is followed by a C2W (Created 2 Worship) song that got its Bethany debut at the same service.  

  • Under Construction 2

    21/08/2015 Duration: 31min

    The original plan was to give a quick introduction followed by a song captured at our Liberian Independence Day concert and then the sermon.  Fortunately, one of you noticed that the last podcast had been chopped off at the end, somehow.  So, this podcast will have the intended end for the previous episode before moving on to the second sermon in the series "Under Construction" where we are reading through the book of Ephesians to better understand how to build a church.  In this episode, Paul gives us the essential foundation.  If we do not begin properly, it will not be built properly.  The last song is by our African Immigrant Ministry (AIM) choir.  

  • Under Construction 1

    07/08/2015 Duration: 27min

    Please pardon our dust as we are "Under Construction" these next few weeks, building a church according to the plan laid out in the letter to the Ephesians.  This podcast is getting back to work and we are getting ready to capture all the activity ahead for Bethany Lutheran Church.  Get a little preview in the feature and then stick around until the end of the podcast for a muscial treat provided by C2W (Created 2 Worship) singing "There is A Redeemer" - something that was recorded in May, but it was very appropriate to this message.  Subscribe to keep getting a weekly message from the Article 7 podcast!

  • Children's Ministry

    01/08/2015 Duration: 52min

    In this off-beat special hear some highlights of children's minstry at Bethany Lutheran and hear bell choir music from our "Sounds Sweet" concert as well as the Allelu Singers presenting "A Technicolor Promise."

  • Holy Spirit Power 6

    29/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Holy Spirit Power concludes with the sermon from Pentecost Sunday.  There is a little science at the end of the message that involves a lighter and a balloon filled with some water.  Bethany's Preschool is in the feature and the Hosanna Choir provides some music to round things out. 

  • Holy Spirit Power 5

    27/06/2015 Duration: 34min

    Holy Spirit fire is still spreading!  After a little fun introduction you will hear the second feature reading through the covenant that we signed to enter into Phase Two of our Congregational Renewal.  What does signing the covenant mean for Bethany Lutheran in the months ahead?  This feature helps to answer that question.  Also, music from C2W (Created 2 Worship) and organist Linda Hemphill who gave a little salute to our men and women in uniform following our service, as it was also Armed Foreces Day.  The fifth sermon in the "Holy Spirit Power" series looks at how God helps us get to "The Life Everlasting."

  • Holy Spirit Power 4

    23/06/2015 Duration: 36min

    Episode 4 of "Holy Spirit Power" heats up this series with music from C2W (Created 2 Worship) and a look at the covenant the leaders and congregation signed to enter into phase 2 of "Congregational Renewal."  The sermon looks at the work of the Holy Spirit in raising the dead to life. 

  • Holy Spirit Power 3

    17/06/2015 Duration: 30min

    Holy Spirit Power returns with the sermon at the beginning followed by music and testimonials that were given on Confirmation Sunday at Bethany Lutheran Church.  Also, a brief report on the results of our congregational meeting and the vote that decided if we were going into phase two of our Renewal process.  There will be more reports through the rest of this podcast series. 

  • Holy Spirit Power 2

    30/05/2015 Duration: 41min

    In episode 2 of "Holy Spirit Power" the feature will answer four frequently asked questions about Congregational Renewal and an important vote we are taking at Bethany Lutheran Church, this weekend.  Then the Hosanna Choir gives us one of the versions of the Twenty Third Psalm we heard on "Good Shepherd Sunday" followed by sermon two in the series that looks at the power of the Holy Spirit in the church, today.

  • Holy Spirit Power 1

    22/05/2015 Duration: 40min

    We're baa-ack!  A new podcast series begins with this episode.  As you tune in for some "Holy Spirit Power" you will also hear some soundbites (just to warn you - I say that word a lot in this episode!) from the 37th Southeastern District Convention and an anthem for the Easter season from Bethany Lutheran's Allelu Singers. 

  • At The Crossroads 8

    17/04/2015 Duration: 47min

    Christ is risen...! This extra-sized podcast captures some snapshots of Bethany Lutheran's festival worship on Easter Sunday.  The #sermon is the final in the "Crossroads" series where the Gospel of Mark takes us between "Death and Life" in the final chapter. 

  • At The Crossroads 7

    16/04/2015 Duration: 38min

    Aside from a brief introduction, this podcast contains the music highlights and the sermon from Bethany Lutheran's Good Friday service recorded April 3.  The highlights includes readings and selections from the Hosanna Choir.  Sermon seven in the "Crossroads" series takes us to the second last chapter in the Gospel of Mark and a major connection that ties the beginning of this Gospel to the end. 

  • At The Crossroads 6

    11/04/2015 Duration: 28min

     Traditionally, Maundy Thursday was when people would be reconciled to God and to each other - something we still observe with a longer time for confession and forgiveness, followed by a sharing of the peace at the beginning of Bethany's worship.  That is what happened this year on Thursday, April 2, just after the sermon.  In the sermon, we continue the "Crossroads" series that reads through the last half of Mark's Gospel.  We are at chapter 14 and the crossroads of "Friendship and Betrayal."  You will also hear some special music from Bethany's Hosanna Choir before and after the sermon. 

  • At The Crossroads 5

    10/04/2015 Duration: 27min

    The Gospel of Mark comes to a dramatic high point as Jesus enters the Holy City and teaches us that the most exalted is also the most humble in God's Kingdom.  That is part 5 of this special series and the sermon that was given on Palm Sunday.  In addition, there is special music and highlights from that service. 

  • At The Crossroads 4

    04/04/2015 Duration: 31min

    At the start of the podcast, you will hear me literally crossing the road in order to introduce part four of the "Crossroads" sermon series.  Also, hear more about some of our prayer ministry at Bethany Lutheran and listen to two more selections from the Choral Evensong service. 

  • At The Crossroads 3

    01/04/2015 Duration: 30min

    We're taking this podcast to the street!  The introduction was recorded on my way to church walking some of the streets of our 22306 zip code.  In the introduction there is a word about the Pony Express and why someone may knock on your door in the next few weeks.  Before and after the "Crossroads" sermon you will hear some musical selections from Bethany's Choral Evensong service. 

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