Love Talk With Nicola Beer

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:28:21
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A show dedicated to providing practical strategies, compassionate guidance and ongoing support for individuals and couples looking to create more love in their life and relationships. Discover innovative ways to heal from the past, make positive changes and learn secrets to create more passion, happiness and love in your life today. Get more free resources at or read these episodes on our blog


  • Get Your Relationship Needs Met & Fall Back In Love

    08/02/2016 Duration: 13min

    During the training I learnt about the different types of relationship needs individuals have. I became aware that many individuals like me, focused on giving their partner more of what they want and not what their partner needs. The problem with this was clear. When you do this you IGNORE your lover’s needs. Men and Women in my coaching would find despite all their best efforts their partner failed to respond, reciprocate or appreciate them. I noticed couples where it was obvious that they deeply loved and cared for one another just weren’t connecting. In this episode discover Women’s top two needs and men’s top two needs in the survey and why this is important to know… Nicola Beer International Relationship & Divorce Coach

  • Moving Forward After Infidelity

    04/02/2016 Duration: 11min

    Dealing with infidelity can be a huge challenge for a marriage. Unfortunately, cheating can come at any point in a relationship, whether newly wed or married for years. In this episode I will give a brief overview for the Cheated Spouse and the Cheater of some tips to heal and move forward. Nicola Beer - International Relationship Coach

  • Receive Love to Transform Your Relationship

    04/02/2016 Duration: 20min

    Receive Love to Transform Your Love Life Did you know that the amount of love you feel inside and have in your life, isn’t determine by how much love you get from your spouse, partner, children or others, it’s directly proportionate to: How much love you believe you deserve to have. Whether you feel good enough to receive it. How well you treat and value yourself. In this episode you will learn my 5 step process to changing unhealthy beliefs so you can receive and feel more loved. Nicola Beer, International relationship coach

  • Erase Your Inner Critic and Improve Your Love Life

    04/02/2016 Duration: 16min

    Your inner critic can destroy a relationship just as much as criticism from a spouse can. As it blocks love from being received, it stops appreciation from being accepted and it prevents love & care from being felt within. It’s ideal for individuals who: Negatively analyze themselves Berate themselves over past events Have to be best or perfect at everything Fail to recognize or celebrate their achievements In this episode you will learn how to erase your inner critic to transform your relationship or if you are single attract someone new and great to you. My program Receive Love to Transform Your Relationship addresses this It was my most popular program last year, as it looks at healing the relationship starting from within. Nicola Beer - International Relationship Coach

  • Can you LOVE too much in Marriage and Relationships?

    04/02/2016 Duration: 23min

    Last week I received an email from a lady who asked me to warn others about loving too much. It was in response to my article loving through hard times, she felt she had done that too much. Which got me thinking can you really “love too much?” Hear my opinion from working with hundreds of individuals and couples in their relationships. Also learn about the questions that may be better to ask yourself if you think you love too much: 1, Do you love, respect, value and care for yourself enough? 2, Are you / they loving or smothering? 3, Are you / they score-keeping? For more free resources visit for e-books

  • 5 Steps to Loving Through Hard Times In Relationships

    04/02/2016 Duration: 17min

    What do you do if you’re sick and tired of your partner’s behavior? Perhaps you used to be closer, but sometimes you find you simply don’t want to be around them or that things they do really wind you up. It can be hard to give your love. What do you do if you are co-parenting with a difficult ex but need to keep the peace for your children? Today I will share with you my 5 steps to loving through hard times. As let’s face it it’s far easier to love someone when they are fulfilling our relationships needs, showing us love and respect in the way we want to receive it. Whether that’s affection, words of admiration, through physical touch, giving us gifts or doing things for us. When they show us they for care and appreciate us, it feels good. Doesn’t it? Not so easy is loving someone when we feel they are not saying, doing and behaving how we wish they would. Sometimes this could be to a disagreement on a topic, like child rearing, finances, family interference, putting work or friends before the relations

  • Jealousy - how to protect your relationship from your own or partners jealousy

    04/02/2016 Duration: 26min

    Jealousy is a natural and normal emotion, but if you let it erupt inside or explode it can be extremely destructive to relationships and marriages. For some couples it can be so damaging it ends in Divorce. Jealousy can also tear a person apart, nothing is more annoying than over reacting or over thinking situations, it is draining. In this episode you will first discover the most common reasons jealousy comes up in relationships the Triggers. Then learn some steps to help deal with it. Whether it is you that is more prone to jealousy or your spouse, there are actions you can take to tackle it and create a happier, healthier relationship. For more great free resources visit and get free e-books today.

  • Expressing your emotions in relationships is key

    04/02/2016 Duration: 14min

    Expressing your feelings is key to overcoming Gridlock and withdrawal. Successful couples in marriages, express themselves a solid relationship is based on emotional honesty. Working with couples, I recognized that not sharing is unhealthy as unresolved annoyances, anger, doubts, hurts, fester and leave you to build up resentment and frustration, which can lead to explosion, angry outbursts or further withdrawal and shut down. The shut down and emotional dishonesty leaves a couple grid locked unable to solve problems which can lead to separate lives and affairs. Here I explain what you can do if this is resonating with you. It’s from our lessons we can get true peace. Peace with the past, peace in the now and peace for our futures. For more free resources and free e-books visit Nicola Beer – Pure Peace – International Marriage and Divorce Coach

  • Criticism In Relationships Doesn't Work

    04/02/2016 Duration: 23min

    I don’t believe “Constructive Criticism” works in close relationships, especially between husband and wife. Criticism kill passion, love and closeness Just the same way Self-Criticism diminishes self-esteem, confidence and overall happiness. Even in business surveys and statistical data show that frequent Criticism is responsible for millions of employee sick days, job dissatisfaction and resignations. Which in turn contributes to a decrease in productivity and profits. Ongoing Criticism between parents and children can lead to built up resentment, rebellion, rows, and long-term fall out. Having seen the damaging affect frequent criticism has in a relationship and to a person, where an individual loses their sense of who they are and happiness. I wanted to share some insights and new ways of expressing complaints. Nicola Beer - International Relationship Coach - For more FREE resources visit 7 Secrets To Save Your Marriage 7 Steps to Create a New Life After Divorce

  • Protect Your Relationship From Workaholism - Marriage Counseling

    23/12/2015 Duration: 15min

    Are you too or your partner too busy with work for your marriage? Does your profession own you? Does work keep you away from quality time – or any time from your relationship and family? Do the demands of errands, meetings and emergencies keep you from catching your breath? If you answered yes to this you could be suffering from workaholism. In this episode I cover 7 tips to stop work from interfering with your marriage and family time. Also get my free e-books available at Nicola Beer – International Relationship Coach

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