Spirit Source Connect: Infusing Spirit To Transform Your Life



Providing inspiration, tools and support in the recognition that by aligning with Source and releasing resistance, all gifts of abundance, good health, fulfilling relationships and creativity begin to flow; that the sharing of our own Spiritual essence is what we came here to be, do and have.All content written, produced and narrated by Suzanne Goulet


  • EP. 64 Big Booms, Bad Dreams and Bats

    22/10/2014 Duration: 13min

    As Hurricane Ana threatened Hawaii, I experienced the loudest boom rumble from the sky that I had ever heard. It shook my house, and it really gave me a spook. I awoke at what must have been 3 AM to the sound of the storm that I hadn't given much thought earlier in the day. That storm only lead to more strange events. In this episode, you are carried through the journey of analyzing a big storm, a bad dreams, and various other scary symbolism happening on a dark October evening. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on October 22, 2014 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 63 Spiritual Nutrition

    13/09/2014 Duration: 03min

    We are changing from a more materially based world to a more energetically based world and that change affects different people differently. Some find the transition difficult and overwhelming. If you are one of the people whom already has a strong, consistent connection with Source, I encourage you to stick with this connection and to use it to help others. Continue to feed your connection and improve your Spiritual nutrition. In this episode you are briefly reminded of why and how taking care of your spiritual connection to Source is one of the greatest things you can do to live a productive, creative and fulfilling life. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on September 12, 2014 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 62 What Inspires You?

    30/08/2014 Duration: 10min

    Are you making enough room in your life to welcome in activities that truly inspire you? These are the things that lift your spirit and make you feel good about your life. When you allow more space in your life for these things, you can affect your inner Spirit as well. In this episode, we'll examine the dynamic that occurs when you begin to take steps toward doing the things that inspire you.  More and more inspiration flow, and soon you are experiencing the divine essence of flow in your life. Originally broadcast live on August 30, 2014 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 61 Work, Money & Fear Part 3: Changing Your Beliefs

    01/02/2014 Duration: 07min

    There is a certain fear associated with money. Many people may see it as a taboo subject, like money is a dirty thing and isn't appropriate to talk about. However, when we open up our minds and connect with Spirit, we are guaranteed to prosper and be taken care of. We need to look at the ways we were taught about money and decide which of those we would like to change to improve our relationship with money. In the third, and final episode of "Work, Money & Fear", this podcast introduces new ideas to you on how you can change your deeply held money belief habits, regardless of your current situation.  By following a few simple steps, taking actions that may be new to you, and acquiring new understandings, new money beliefs can be installed.  This new internal environment will create an attraction for new opportunities to come into your life. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on February 1, 2014 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 60 Work, Money & Fear Part 2: Guided Visualization

    23/01/2014 Duration: 11min

    You may be sending out two different signals to the universe: "I want to find my right livelihood," but also "What if I fail?" Excuses and self-doubt are only working to hold you back from your true potential, but, by connecting with Spirit, you can find the answers and the guidance that you seek. In this guided visualization, you are guided through a journey that carries you to the quietude of your subconscious mind.  You are then gently transformed and lifted at a very deep level.  The possibilities of shifting your subtle fears and negative anticipations are enormous, thereby activating your mind to begin to see, expect and experience greater opportunities for your right livelihood in your life. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on January 23, 2014 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 59 Work, Money & Fear: Finding Right Livelihood

    16/01/2014 Duration: 26min

    We are all in a period of transitioning. For some, this change can be scary and overwhelming. For those who have experience with being on a spiritual path, we have already experienced tremendous change and growth in our lives, and so it is our jobs to help out those around us. This three part series will help those feeling overwhelmed adjust to the new changes in their lives.  In this episode, Part 1 of "Work, Money & Fear," we examine what it is to embrace new beginnings for ourselves in the area of right livelihood. Not all of us are firmly placed in the right path for ourselves, or even if we are temporarily, there may be changes in store for us in the future. By accepting God's will for our own right work, we embrace our gifts, talents and abilities and firmly place ourselves on the right path to prosperity. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on January 16, 2014 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html  

  • EP. 58 The Origins of the Global Energetic Downloads

    15/09/2013 Duration: 03min

    Suzanne has developed a beautiful connection with Spirit over the years, a connection that allows Spirit to speak through her. Now, she uses her own connection to help listeners like you develop your own connections through her channeled, guided meditations and educational podcasts. In this episode, you will learn about Suzanne's life long ability to connect with Spirit and receive guided information. The origins of the Global Energetic Downloads is discussed, and how these channeled, energetic meditations can truly transform your own energy system. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on September 15, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 57 Money: From Thorns to Roses Part 3

    01/09/2013 Duration: 11min

    We are all in a relationship with money. You may have a good relationship, a bad relationship, or maybe even an angry relationship with money, but they will all affect the role that money plays in your life. You must shift your focus to view money as just a tool, and, depending on the person behind the tool and the way they are using it, you may start to see the benefits money offers.  In this final episode in the 3 part series, Money: From Thorns to Roses, Suzanne discusses some practical action steps you can start taking now to get the money energy flowing into your life. Be sure to listen to Part 1 and Part 2 first, as they are essential to your growth in this area of your life. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on September 1, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 56 Money: From Thorns to Roses Part 2 - Clearing the Subconscious

    15/08/2013 Duration: 11min

    No matter where you are with your money, uncovering your conscious blueprint is a great way to expand yourself even further. Using the exercises give to you, you'll be able to clear our some of the unconscious program you've had towards money by the masculine and feminine figures in your upbringing. In this podcast, you will be guided through an exercise that uncovers some of your deeply rooted beliefs about money.  After the exercise, you'll be guided through a visual meditation to clear out all of those beliefs that have held you back. Smooth, simply and richly visual, you can listen to this guided visualization repeatedly until you feel clear. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on August 15, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 55 Money: From Thorns to Roses Part 1

    01/08/2013 Duration: 12min

    There is a lot of fear in the world. We get it from the media, from the news, and from the people around us. How many people do you know who are constantly talking about and blaming the bad economy? Think of yourself as the cure for this negativity.  During this episode, you will begin to understand how powerful your hidden, inner beliefs are responsible for creating your money situation. All can be transformed, but first you must come under full recognition of what you hold within, and take responsibility for changing those beliefs. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on August 1, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 54 A Course in Miracles: Lesson 71 - "Only God's Plan for Salvation will Work."

    01/07/2013 Duration: 27min

    This episode delves into one of the Course's most powerful lessons. Quoted by many and remembered daily for any serious student of the Course, Lesson 71 reminds us that only God's plan for salvation will work for us: in all things and in all ways.  We are instructed to ask 3 simple question throughout our day: "What would you have me do?  Where would you have me go? And what would you have me say, to whom? Suzanne speaks to this powerful lesson, giving you the tools you need to find joy, freedom and salvation in your life.   Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on July 1 , 2018 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 53 "A Course in Miracles: What Is It and How Can I Benefit?"

    01/06/2013 Duration: 36min

    A Course in Miracles is an internationally recognized text, selling over 2 million copies, that teaches individuals the singular objective of understanding the nature of miracles and how to implement them in one's life and the lives of others. This text was dictated by a woman named Helen Schucman, a clinical psychologist at Columbia University, who began to have dreams and words come to her which she needed to write down. The first words that came to her were "a course in miracles." In this podcast episode, Suzanne explains the origins of the course, where it comes from and the history behind it's inception. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on June 1, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 52 What are the New Energetic Meditations?

    25/03/2013 Duration: 09min

      Spirit has created a natural and beautiful way for you to receive this consciousness - and therefore life altering material: the energy of color. If you've had a difficult time meditating in the past, these new, channeled meditations could be just the trick for you.     During this episode you'll hear a little bit of background of how Suzanne Goulet has used her own communicating connection with Spirit to guide her life toward a more expansive experience.  Now that the guidance is being channeled directly for live groups, (see the Live Global Energetic Downloads), wonderful tools have come forward to assist individuals in navigating the myriad challenges in their lives.    Hear why direct energetic meditating can often cause changes without your conscious awareness If you have trouble meditating, these new forms that are coming through now may be just for you. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on March 24, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com

  • EP. 51 Part II: Meditation - Connect with Source

    17/03/2013 Duration: 25min

    In the last episode, we talked about the importance of meditating, and how we can use meditation as a way to receive direct guidance from Spirit. In these times, we quiet our minds and everything around us, and we hear the answers from Spirit.  This guided, visualized meditation allows you to relax and connect with Source. Using the energies of color, you can transmute all past energies that may be holding you back, and allow yourself to receive in a relaxed, transformative manner. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on March 17, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html  

  • EP. 50 Introduction: "Why Connect with Source?"

    11/03/2013 Duration: 15min

    The globe and humanity as a whole are lifting themselves up to an entirely new reality, and everyone is changing. These times may become overwhelming, and that is why Spirit is there to help guide us. Anything you may need to know, any question you may have, Spirit is there. But how do we know how to connect?   This is the first episode in a series which teaches you the various ways in which to connect with Source on a regular basis, so you can receive more guidance, intuition, peace and tranquility in all the matters of your life. These are extraordinary times we are living in, and by listening to our own inner guidance we can eliminate that which no longer serves us. It is then that we begin to live the true purpose and fulfillment of Who We Really Are.    Enjoy!   Originally broadcast live on March 10, 2013   Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html  

  • EP. 49 Digging Deep

    26/02/2013 Duration: 06min

    The Earth has turned away from the sun, reducing our access to the warmth that it provides. We take this time to set up by the fire, and often reflect on our life. Nature has pulled back her energy, but hunkers down underground to focus her resources. You should use this time to focus your own resources, and think about the year ahead.  Are you taking advantage of all that the cold, winter months have to offer you?  It is a time to withdraw, reflect and analyze what has been, and what may be created in the coming year.  In the podcast, enjoy the inspiration that comes to you when you stay in the flow of the winter season. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live February 26, 2013 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 48 What Are You Doing?

    21/09/2012 Duration: 05min

    Is your Spirit calling you to shift and change? We're all feeling it these days. We are the children born and living through the change. Joy Linsley is here to discuss the changes in her life and what Spirit is teaching her.  In this episode, I discuss the story of Joy Linsley, a friend of mine recently diagnosed with cancer.  Joy will be taking the alternative route to healing herself, and then blogging about her experiences to share with others.  What is your life path? How are you using what life has brought you to grow, learn or teach? Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on September 21, 2012 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 47 The Masculine and the Feminine Energies, Part 3

    23/07/2012 Duration: 05min

    When creating this post, I was faced with a lack of creativity. I hit a writer's block and the words would not come, so I decided to practice exactly what I've been trying to convey. By sitting down and connecting with Source, I was able to receive all the creativity and inspiration I needed. In this episode, we learn that by accessing inspiration from the higher realms, we can engage in some of the most powerful creativity known to humanity. We can always be supported by the higher and divine masculine and feminine energies. Are you using them in your life? Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on July 23, 2012 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 46 The Masculine and the Feminine Energies, Part 2

    12/07/2012 Duration: 07min

    We recently learned that, when we become aware of the masculine and feminine energies, we can use them more effectively to create our lives. We can use these energies to be more effective in our lives, stay in a progressive flow, and feel a great sense of peace and accomplishment at the end of the day. In this episode, we discover that using the masculine and feminine energies within us is not only for creating the large impulses and accomplishments in our lives. No, we can also use these influences as guideposts for how we are conducting our days, from moment to moment. By staying in creative flow, we can accomplish a great deal in a much shorter period of time. Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on July 12, 2012 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

  • EP. 45 The Masculine and the Feminine Energies, Part 1

    08/05/2012 Duration: 09min

    Our chemistry and physiology can have an impact on the way we think and feel. The interplay between our masculine and feminine energies has an external effect on our lives, and, when we can master the art of recognizing and utilizing both, extraordinary things can happen. In this episode, a deep dive into the differences between the masculine and feminine energies is discussed, and how you can use them to create in your life.  We all contain both energies simultaneously, but is there one we favor over the other? Knowing and being able to identify which is which, enables us to more accurately pinpoint what we need to use whenever we are in the process of manifestation.   Enjoy! Originally broadcast live on May 8, 2012 Visit my website to download your free resource: http://www.spiritsourceconnect.com/freegift.html

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