Rune Soup



A weekly podcast about magic, culture and the paranormal. Coming to you from the foothills of Australia's Blue Mountains.


  • Here Be Monsters | Rhyd Wildermuth

    25/09/2023 Duration: 01h45min

    Rhyd Wildermuth returns to the show on the occasion of his latest book launch, Here Be Monsters. So we have a freewheeling chat about the mutation and fall of leftism, the what and where of activism accordingly, whether things are getting 'worse' or 'better', updated definitions of capitalism and fascism, Russell Brand, all kinds of incendiary stuff. Oh, and gay werewolves. Show Notes Get Here Be Monsters. Rhyd on Substack. Rhyd on X.

  • Russell Brand versus Establishment | Solo Show

    20/09/2023 Duration: 01h18min

    This week I had been meaning to do a World Without Sin solo show on the censorship laws rolling out around the world and their implications. Then, as we all know by now, whatever is going on with Russel Brand started happening, so we begin our story there. (It's worth noting I recorded this about 24 hours ago, before YouTube demonetised his channel.) Today's episode is a bit of a read-along so you may wish to watch the video version. Of course, all accommodation is made for the audio folks as well. No child left behind. We explore some of our looming technological dystopia and then finish off with some tactics on what to do about it. Show Notes Rune Soup on Odysee. Rune Soup on Rumble. A live event on the censorship industrial complex hosted by none other than Russel Brand himself.  

  • Top 10 Best Alternative Healing Books of All Time | Greg Carlwood

    18/08/2023 Duration: 01h49min

    Greg Carlwood returns to the show for another instalment of the book club nobody asked for! We explore the best alternative medicine -perhaps 'true healing' or 'actually effective' is better- books that we know of. Nutrition, breathwork, light therapy, terrain theory, energy healing. It's all here, baby. Greg has spent years interviewing some of the leading lights in what allopathy absurdly calls 'alternative' healing on The Higherside Chats. So this is a really comprehensive exploration. Your wish list will have grown by the time this episode is done, that's for sure! Show Notes The Higherside Chats.

  • Thoughts on Fortune Telling | Solo Show

    10/08/2023 Duration: 40min

    It's been one of the highlights of my year to start getting messages and images of the Fortune's Fools Lenormand oracle out in the world. And, as you might expect, it's got me thinking about fortune-telling. One of my personal creative goals for the project was the queer (lol) the Little White Book concept, and so the companion book IS my fortune-telling book, in the sense that it is a book-length exploration of the techniques and metaphysics of telling fortunes. I've been reading fortunes for two decades, teaching tarot for almost one decade and have interviewed some of the best modern minds on the subject. And so I have some takes. Several of them spicy.     This week, the audio version is an off-the-cuff exploration of those takes, recorded immediately after my deck artist, Colin Alexander, and I completed a full unboxing of the deck. An unboxing obviously makes for a terrible audio-version of a podcast so this week they're completely separate.   The audio version is Thoughts on Fortune Telling.

  • Are There Aliens In The Bible? | Rev. Danny Nemu

    29/07/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    One of my favourite guests returns to the show this week for a scintillating and freewheeling dive into the perennial question of whether there are aliens in the Bible. Author, researcher, psychonaut and hypnotist Danny Nemu. The impetus for this discussion is a book and a thesis that’s been translated out of Italian and into English relatively recently: Mauro Biglino’s Gods of The Bible. Speaking of translation, for years, Mauro was a translator of Biblical texts for the Vatican’s official publisher. Over the course of that work, he began to have questions about this term, ‘Elohim’, and all the other strange stuff that’s in there. So he decided to translate the Old Testament literally and what emerges is alien beings and flying saucers and all that classic Ancient Aliens fare. A few people started asking me about the Biglino hypothesis, and then Mauro himself was on Graham Hancock’s podcast. And then, Graham’s son Luke quoted from one of Danny’s books in the same podcast. Danny was the person whose take on t

  • Pluto In Aquarius - The Madness and Wisdom of Crowds

    21/07/2023 Duration: 59min

    This week's solo show is a necessary side quest in our AI series up into space and out into the future. It's also a standalone exploration of: Understanding 'big' or archetypal stories, such as zodiac signs and planets, as containing all stories. Using longer cycles to formulate timing and meaning.  What is yours to do in a looming world of social credit scores, digital control grids and the tyranny of niceness. And if you'd like to also listen to the Q&A, it starts around the one-hour mark of the video version over on YouTube. Enjoy! Show Note(s) A bit of a rarity for a solo show, but we have a show note. Here's a link to Dan Waites's and S. J. Anderson's discussion of the Barbault Basket.

  • Ancient Entheogens of the Magi | Dr Shauheen Etminan

    16/07/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    This is one of the most fascinating discussions I have had this year. For centuries, people have speculated as to the formulation of the legendary substance of the Gods known as soma. It's something I have kept my eye on for a couple of decades now. And, as far as I can tell, Dr Etminan's research is the best pointer in the direction of what that might have been. Even better than that? His research has developed into a completely legal product you can try for yourself today. In this show, we explore exactly who the Zoroastrian Magi were, what customs and beliefs fed into their practices and what haoma might have been and how it was used. Then we'll explore Shauheen's journey toward the development and release of the Ancestral Magi products and how they can be used today. I am particularly excited to see these in the hands of visionary astrologers. Have at it! Brilliant stuff. Enjoy!   Show Notes Get the Ancestral Magi supplements here. Watch Shauheen's presentation on Zoroastrian shamanism here. Shauh

  • The Fall of The West | Chris Knowles

    01/07/2023 Duration: 01h55min

    The one, the only Christopher Knowles returns to the show this week for a breezy romp through our near-term future. No, seriously. The end of the west offers perhaps the best time in centuries to be a weird kid. Chris and I talk about the latest UFO nonsense, modern parallels to the fall of Rome, just how long collapses actually take and what they look like for those of us who came to earth to live through one. Combined with last week's astro forecast, this is a really great discussion to have and a collection of worthy points to table in the lead-up to the final AI solo show. There's just one more piece to play coming up and then we can release those particular robot hounds. But until then, settle in and enjoy the Gospel according to Knowles! Show Notes The Secret Sun. The Secret Sun on Patreon. Chris on Twitter.

  • Astrological Forecast H2 2023 | Austin Coppock

    25/06/2023 Duration: 02h06min

    Can you believe it’s been six months since Austinmas??? Anyway, it has. A very big thank you to those who joined us on the live stream this weekend -and for all the birthday wishes. During the show, Austin and I Looked back over what hit and what didn’t these past six months. Explored some of the wider contexts of Pluto in Aquarius and what it has to do with Uranus. Tabled some scenarios for current events in Eastern Europe. Looked at the forecast for the rest of this year. Unpacked, in particular, the upcoming Venus Retrograde and how we can be with that on an individual and collective level. Answered some fun questions from the live chat at the end. Named several peacocks. You can, of course, listen to this audio version or you can watch along on YouTube below. Because it is a live show I put some slides together but, as always, they are not in the least bit necessary. (This is my long-running performance piece about how that is true of all slides in every professional setting anywhere.) Either way, enjoy

  • Curing Politics with Spirituality | Angie Speaks

    15/06/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    Vlogger, podcaster and cultural commentator Angie Speaks joins the show this week. We dive deep into: The medicine in Diaspora cultural experiences. Being abandoned by the Left and abandoning the Left. Political shortcomings of materialist thinking. Why the Left hates C. G. Jung. Reality tunnels. A really rich, powerful conversation. Enjoy! Show Notes Angie on YouTube. Angie on Twitter. Angie's podcast, Mystic and the Machine.

  • Can AI Be Trusted To Censor Our Reality? | Solo Show

    09/06/2023 Duration: 01h34min

    The penultimate instalment in our AI series! This time we talk about the impact of algorithms and the mental frames of the builders of Artificial Intelligence and what that means for access to a living cosmos. What happens when AI gets to decide what is real? If you have already used Chat GPT, you may have found that it refuses to answer some questions -about biopolitics or geopolitics or even exopolitics. Or if it does, it simply enforces the party line. Either that or it gives you a Lisa Simpson-style caveat about how 'important it is' to respect diversity or something at the end. We have seen what happens when political information is dropped from Google results. AI will multiply that effect a thousandfold. (As is traditional now, there is a Q&A at the end for those who choose to watch the video version.) Either way, here is the link to the Marc Andressen piece that is referenced. Enjoy!            

  • Crossroad Pacts and Cartomantic Crosses | Camelia Elias

    01/06/2023 Duration: 01h28min

    The one and only Camelia Elias returns to the show this week to talk about demons and crosses. Specifically, we explore what demons actually are and their relation to human desire. We examine the curious case of Andromalius, the final spirit of the Goetia. We discuss occult style. Then we turn to the role and function of crosses in cartomancy: Why and how is the cross so potent in the tarot? And why does the Celtic Cross suck so much?? Really great stuff. Enjoy! Show Notes Camelia's Website. Eyecorner Press. Aradia Academy.

  • Transhumanism, Technocracy and AI: The Complete Story | Solo Show

    23/05/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    What is transhumanism? Is it different from technocracy? What about posthumanism? Where do these ideas originate, and how have they become so prominent today? In this week's solo show, we look at the history of some mostly-insane ideas and explore their significance for today's magical folk. Join Gordon as we continue our series looking at the arrival and impact of AI from the perspective of a living cosmos. Enjoy!      

  • UFOs, Magic and The Imaginal | JF Martel

    18/05/2023 Duration: 01h39min

    Writer, speaker, filmmaker, podcaster and cultural theorist J. F. Martel joins the show this week to explore art, creativity, UFOs and the Imaginal. We discuss C. G. Jung, David Lynch, Ramsay Dukes, Bergson, and Corbin. We look at what insights might come from having a better definition of 'image' when it comes to UFO phenomena. We talk about creativity as and with magic. And generally try to wrestle down to earth something approaching a Grand Unified Weird Theory. Super fun, super deep discussion. Enjoy!  

  • Archetype of the Witch |Risa Dickens and Amy Torok

    12/05/2023 Duration: 01h20min

    This week, we welcome to the show artists, musicians, authors and fellow podcasters Risa Dickens and Amy Torok. Amy and Risa from the Missing Witches project join us for a deep dive into the archetype of the witch. What is it? What changes does it portend? What does it mean when it is so close to the surface? What are our obligations to it? We also talk ancestors, reclaiming history, art-as-magic and a whole lot more. Super great chat! Enjoy!     Show Notes   Missing Witches: Podcast and Website. Missing Witches: The Book Missing Witches Fundraiser for the Montreal Native Women's Shelter.        

  • Tools of The Magician: AI, Technology and The Future | Solo Show

    05/05/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    Continuing our multi-part exploration of AI and its implication for These Capitalised Times we are living through and with, we look at the metaphysics of technology this week. What are the implications of Artificial Intelligence for The performing of magic? Living in a magical universe? What is an animist understanding not just of 'intelligence' but 'artifice'? What -if any- is the difference between a tool and a magical tool? This week we explore: The work of Ivan Illich. A metaphysics of tools. What it means to operate in the ruins. Steiner's description of Ahriman and what it means for our moment. Show Notes Donate to the Missing Witches fundraiser for the Native Women's Shelter. Towards a Definition of Magic. At Work in The Ruins. Unlocking the Secrets of Prophecy - For Sorcerers, Astrologers and Magicians. Are Humans The AI Of The Mineral Realm? w/ Matías De Stefano.

  • At Work In The Ruins | Dougald Hine

    27/04/2023 Duration: 01h21min

    Author and (post)activist Dougald Hine joins us this week for a powerful discussion about our moment and what -if anything- we should 'do' with and about it. The springboard for our chat is Dougald's recently-released book, At Work in the Ruins. We unpack the title -what do we mean by 'work'- as well as what we mean by 'ruins'. Physical? Cultural? Social? We talk about what it means to hospice modernity and we unpack why one of the founders of the Dark Mountain project is no longer talking about climate change. Really good stuff. Good, timely stuff. Enjoy!             Show Notes   At Work in the Ruins. Dougald's Website. A School Called Home.

  • Ethnobotany, Traditional Medicine and Modern Healing | Mark J Plotkin

    13/04/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Legendary ethnobotanist, Mark J. Plotkin, joins the show this week for a fascinating chat about traditional medicine, Indigenous knowledge, plant healing and modern medicine.   Dr Plotkin studied under the great Richard Evans Schultes himself and has been exploring the Amazon as a friend and researcher for five decades. He is the co-founder of the Amazon Conservation Team -a nonprofit that partners with Indigenous communities to conserve biodiversity, protect traditional lifeways and support sustainable Amazonian livelihoods.   During the lockdown era, Mark started an excellent and highly recommended podcast, Plants of the Gods. We discuss   The origination of the podcast project The role of psychedelics in contemporary medicine The safeguarding of Indigenous intellectual property in the 'modern' world 'Active molecules' versus whole plants in contemporary medicine The changes -good and bad- in the field of ethnobotany over the course of his career   A fantastic discussion with a personal hero.

  • Understanding Prophecy for Magicians and Astrologers | Solo Show

    07/04/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    In this solo show, we dive deep into the origin of our understanding of prophecy, how it is different from prediction and where this understanding is useful for sorcerers, astrologers and magicians. We explore the Old Testament prophets and how their roles changed over the centuries, how they positioned themselves toward power and what kind of 'Prophetic moment' we might find ourselves in. Enjoy!

  • The Legacy of Jake Stratton-Kent | Peter Grey & Alkistis Dimech

    30/03/2023 Duration: 01h13min

    Alkistis Dimech and Peter Grey of Scarlet Imprint return to the show for an exploration and celebration of Jake Stratton-Kent: In particular his thought, his research and his impact on the western magical world. We discuss: His generosity as a thought leader.  His attitude to academia and academics. His role in the return of spirit-centric approaches to the grimoires.  His revitalisation of blue grimoires.  His understanding and love of the Ancient and Archaic Greek world.  "I don't do angels." His championing of practice over theorising. His role as a key participant in the return of the Dead to contemporary western magical practice.  I'm very grateful to Peter and Alkistis for sharing their thoughts about their friend and colleague, Jake.

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