Seaside Church Sermons



Seaside Church Podcasts


  • A Living Hope


    Peter was a guy that understood what hope, lost hope, and living hope was. This immensely personal introduction to the next section of 1 Peter shows us just what it means, through the story of not only Peter's life, but through the scriptures in the Old & New Testaments, to be born again to a living hope.

  • Joy


    A look at Joy and what place it has in our lives.

  • Grace & Peace


    A look at the concepts of Grace and Peace and how they are connected to each other and our view of how we define life in and around us.

  • You are Unfailingly Loved


    Focusing on the latter half of 1 Peter 1.2, we take a look at the phrase, "to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood". We are both incredibly damned in our sinfulness, being completely unable to obey the law, but also unfailingly loved in the redemptive work of Christ. Obedience is a worshipful response to the plan of God to save us & the work of the Spirit to empower us to live to Him. How will we live in His Story? By walking with Him as we stumble and fail, knowing that His blood will cover us.

  • Redemptive Speech


    A look at how Redemptive orientated speech is a powerful tool to love others and live in community together.

  • Sanctification / Character Development


    Looking at 1 Peter 1.1-2, specifically the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, Who is moving us from a sovereign kingdom/story of self to the Kingdom/Story of God

  • Our Place in His Story


    Our look at how God chose us and placed us in His Story. What is our place there? How does this give us hope?

  • Intro & Historical background to 1 Peter


    A Historical background of 1 Peter as we look at how we fit into His Story

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