Christianity Made Easy With Dr. Linda Travelute



Warning: This is NOT your Mama's religion! No rules. Just righteousness. How you say? Powered by grace. Gods grace saves, blesses, and surprise, surprise - it TRAINS us to live right. If your tired of Christianity's so-called rules and regulations, if religion makes you want to gag, tune into Christianity Made Easy with Dr Linda Travelute. You'll be pushing toward a faith that's freeing beyond belief! There's hope in what Christ has done. Quit performing. Let's get your Soul Fit - the Easy Way! Grab more thoughts that will change your perspective on Prayer, Miracles, Crucifixion, Discipleship, & God's Grace at You can also pick up a FREE copy of my mini-book, "What's in It for You When Things Go Bad?" when you sign up for updates @


  • Do You Know How Your Words Work?

    18/12/2013 Duration: 12min

    If you use words the right way you’ll get what you want and need. Listen to this podcast to discover 3 ways words work for you and what you can do next to make things happen.

  • Make a Difference in Someone's Life Even If You're Not "All That"

    12/12/2013 Duration: 15min

    Have you ever struggled with thinking that you don't make much of a difference in the world?  Learn how easy it is to make a big splash with little things.  Being the salt of the earth is easier than you think!

  • When You're Alone This Will Help

    28/11/2013 Duration: 13min

    If you're all alone and feeling like no one gives a rip about you, I feel your pain.  This podcast episode will show you what to do when loneliness strikes.  Learn a way to push lonliness away.

  • How to Convince Yourself that Jesus Really Loves You

    22/11/2013 Duration: 12min

    Do you have a hard time believing Jesus loves you?  If you are in a season of struggle or maybe you have had a tough life, you might think Jesus loves everyone but you.  By the end of this podcast you will be persuaded that Jesus really does love you!

  • 4 Bad Mood Busters

    15/11/2013 Duration: 11min

    You’re in a bad mood?  So what’s bugging you?  Someone tick you off?  Got a bill you can’t pay?  Or did you just wake up that way today?  It happens.  Life sometimes stinks.  If you are looking for a lift, let me show you how to rise above a bad mood when it’s gripping you.  Check out these 4 guaranteed bad mood busters!

  • How to Keep Fighting When You're a Bloody Mess

    08/11/2013 Duration: 10min

    Do you feel like you've been through hell and back? Are you struggling to keep it all together? Wondering how you can keep your hope afloat? If you feel like you've been beaten to a bloody pulp, this podcast episode is for you. Let Dr. Linda push some hope your way and show you how to stay in the game and come out winning! Learn the meaning behind the Nike brand and how it applies to you as a conquerer. Discover the one thing you can do today to come out a winner and on top - every time!

  • Make Sure You Get the Devil to Pay You Back When This Happens

    01/11/2013 Duration: 09min

    That Devil...he's always trying to get one over on you, isn't he?  Want to know the one instance when he has to pay you back and not only pay you back, but pay you back in a BIG way?  Listen and find out!

  • Have You Ever Experienced a Fake Healing?

    23/10/2013 Duration: 12min

    Have you ever experienced a healing, told people about what God did, even thanked God for it, but then your symptoms returned? What? How could that be? Now you're looking like you've got egg on your face! What do you do when you thought you were healed but then your sickness or pain comes back? Bigger yet, can you believe God again for future headings? Don't throw your trust out the window just yet - learn what's really going on when your symptoms return and what to do about it. Tune in so your healing won't slip away.

  • Why God Doesn't Give a Flip If You Deserve It

    12/10/2013 Duration: 17min

    Have you been working hard to impress God or score points with him? If you live a good life and please God, you should get His favor and blessings, right? Guess what? God doesn't give a flip about what you deserve!  If you've ever been ticked off at God because you haven't recieved something you asked for and worked so hard to get, you need to hear this. Discover what got us conditioned to believe it's all about what we deserve. And learn why if you work for God's'll destroy it!

  • Does Prayer Really Work?

    04/10/2013 Duration: 12min

    If you're afraid to pray because you don't know if God is really listening or if God hasn't given you what you've asked for, you might be wondering if prayer really works. Tune in to find out when prayer does work. You'll get answers and hear about the absolute craziest prayer I ever prayed. It will stir you with hope! 

  • Why God Hates It When You Trash Talk Yourself

    03/10/2013 Duration: 06min

    Do you trash talk yourself? You know, like slam yourself... call yourself names like, "Stupid" or say things like, "I'm so dumb?", "I'll never get this…", "I'm so ugly", "I'm an idiot!"  Find out why this is so destructive to you, why God hates to hear you trash talk yourself, and how to stop. You'll be happier if you can catch this one - and God will like it too!

  • Getting God's Promises BEFORE You Get to Heaven

    28/09/2013 Duration: 11min

    There are tons of promises in the Bible; you’ve seen them, you’ve heard them.  But if you don’t have them – why is that?  Discover how you can get God’s promises now BEFORE you get to heaven…right here on earth!

  • Why We Need More Hypocrites in Church

    20/09/2013 Duration: 12min

    Startling fact: We need more hypocrites in the church!  Have you ever found yourself saying, "Look at that guy he's not fooling anyone, he's such a fake!"  Learn why acting like Christ requires you to be a fake...and why we need more hypocrites in the church (and yes, it's different than what you think!).

  • If You Are Feeling Far Away From God, Here's How to Get Back

    17/09/2013 Duration: 05min

    It happens to all of us at some point in life – feeling far away from God and not too sure you can get back. If you’ve ever been in that spot or you want to be ready if it happens in the future, let me show you how you can get back to God when you feel far away.

  • Don't Be Fooled By Your Scars

    13/09/2013 Duration: 06min

    You live. You breath, therefore you have scars. Some can be seen by others, and some scars are under your skin. But they are there, aren’t they? Ever been tempted to believe your scars are proof that God wasn’t looking out for you? Here are two things to remember about your scars.

  • Does God Think You're Good Enough to Get Into Heaven and Access His Blessings?

    13/09/2013 Duration: 11min

    Find out if God thinks you are good enough to get into Heaven and access His blessings - it's probably different than what you think! 

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