Christianity Made Easy With Dr. Linda Travelute



Warning: This is NOT your Mama's religion! No rules. Just righteousness. How you say? Powered by grace. Gods grace saves, blesses, and surprise, surprise - it TRAINS us to live right. If your tired of Christianity's so-called rules and regulations, if religion makes you want to gag, tune into Christianity Made Easy with Dr Linda Travelute. You'll be pushing toward a faith that's freeing beyond belief! There's hope in what Christ has done. Quit performing. Let's get your Soul Fit - the Easy Way! Grab more thoughts that will change your perspective on Prayer, Miracles, Crucifixion, Discipleship, & God's Grace at You can also pick up a FREE copy of my mini-book, "What's in It for You When Things Go Bad?" when you sign up for updates @


  • What Can You Pray For

    01/08/2014 Duration: 10min

    Are you wondering what kind of prayers God will answer for you?  Get the scoop here and you'll know what you can and can't ask for.

  • What Communication Level Are You On With God

    24/07/2014 Duration: 17min

    Want to talk to God on a deeper level? Want to know how you can share your gut-honest thoughts and feelings with your heavenly father? What communication level are you on with God? Let Dr. Linda share with you 3 levels of communication and how you can easily move through them and get to a deep satisfying conversation with God. This will rock your prayer life and your relationship with God!

  • Are You Refusing God's Shortcuts?

    08/07/2014 Duration: 14min

    What do potato-peeling shortcuts and instant oatmeal have to do with grace?  EVERYTHING! Why is it you search for all kinds of shortcuts to make your life easier and yet refuse the shortcuts God provides?  Join Dr. Linda for this podcast and find out if you've been refusing something that will bless you and make your life easier.  You will be pleasantly surprised, Christianity is a lot easier than you think!

  • If You Have Trouble Remembering Your Identity in Christ - Here's What You Do

    13/06/2014 Duration: 10min

    Why is remembering your identity in Christ so hard? I’m going to show you two reasons why it’s hard and ONE very simple thing you can do immediately to help you remember who you are in Christ. Because if the enemy can keep you believing you aren’t in Christ - you won’t act like you’re in Christ. 

  • Why God Doesn't Serve You Leftovers

    06/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    If you NEED God's mercy today for what you're facing, I want you to know...God doesn't do leftovers! He's got something fresh for you today. Take it! This podcast will show you why God will never serve you leftovers and how to get fresh mercy you need every morning.

  • Your Fear Antidote

    29/05/2014 Duration: 12min

    If fear is eating you up and you can't get a grip, listen as Dr. Linda shares the guaranteed fear inoculation. Do this and you will never fear anything ever again.

  • How to be Grateful When Your Life Sucks

    23/05/2014 Duration: 16min

    Ok, your life just doesn't stink sucks? Too strong for you? Life can throw you curve balls and when one hits ya, how do you remain thankful? Let me show you, listen and I'll give you 3 things you can use to create grateful thoughts that will make you happy.

  • Pushing Hope Your Way

    01/05/2014 Duration: 22min

    Picture This: You receive a promise from God or you embrace a promise in His Word. Then the waiting begins. It takes longer than you think it should. You get discouraged and begin to wonder if God even remembers you and your situation. Is this you? Do you need a fresh load of Hope right now? Listen to this episode as I push hope your way so you can believe good things are coming your way!

  • No Matter How Dirty Your Background, You're Beautiful

    18/04/2014 Duration: 09min

    How dirty is your background? And how does it make you feel? Hey, it’s just you and me here, so let’s be real with each other. I’ve got skeletons in my past, you do too.  And I bet it makes you feel... embarrassed? Not good enough? Ashamed? Unaccepted? Unworthy? Unapproved? Dirty? No matter how dirty your background is, you’re beautiful. Oh, you may not feel like you’re beautiful, but if you can put your emotions aside, and put this fact in the front, you’ll begin to feel it!

  • You're a Joke!

    09/04/2014 Duration: 14min

    Feeling like you're a joke? Look at you! You're not much are ya? We could even say, you're laughable. No one really notices you - you're not even a blip on the radar. Your accomplishments leave much to be desired. My goodness, does that sound like you? If so, look out! God's a specialist at taking people who are puny, weak, and laughed at and using them to do big things. Get ready to leave people speechless. Give this episode a listen. The joke isn't on you any more!

  • You Can't Sleep? Here's What I Do

    27/03/2014 Duration: 19min

    If you've been tossing and turning and having things swirling around in your mind that are keeping you from getting back to sleep, you're going to get some good tips on this episode. Dr. Linda shares 7 things she does (as recent as the night before this episode was recorded) that will help you get back to sleep and stay asleep. Forget counting sheep, here's some much more effective and insightful ideas that will decrease stress, get you into a peaceful state, and have you refreshed by morning.

  • Satan's Bark is Worse Than His Bite

    14/03/2014 Duration: 13min

    Have you felt like the devil has been after you, or up in your business? Are you scared that the enemy may put a sickness on you that you can't get healed from? Do you fear that satan will someday try to drive a wedge between you and your mate, or that he'll try to wreck havoc in your kid's lives? Today is YOUR day to learn how to become devour-proof! Listen to this podcast and you'll learn what you can do to become devour-proof! The bark stops here!

  • How to Give God Your Heavy Load & Grab a Lighter One

    07/03/2014 Duration: 11min

    How heavy is the load you’re carrying? Do you feel like you're about to break? If you're tired and worn down, feeling like life has sucked you dry, let me show you how to give God your heavy load and grab a lighter one instead. These two small tweaks in your life will put the wind back in your sails!

  • How To Handle It When God Doesn't Answer You

    28/02/2014 Duration: 14min

    Come on, where is God when you need some answers? Can it get any worse? You ask and ask. No reply. Is baffled a good way to describe how you’re feeling? How about abandoned? Feeling forgotten? Do you have more questions than answers?Maybe you’ve been thrown a curve ball, and it seems like God hasn’t even noticed. Let me help you figure out how to handle it. There is a way to press on even when God doesn’t seem to be on the scene with you. And he’s certainly not doing any talking! Listen in, I'll show you!

  • You Don’t Have to Get Right With God To Get Your Prayers Answered

    19/02/2014 Duration: 12min

    Ever had someone look down on you because you were “out of fellowship with God?” or “living in sin?” Those stinkers! Why you say? Because that’s stinking thinking. If you think God doesn’t allow you into his presence because you don’t have it all together, I want you to know you can relax. In fact, you’re in good company. God is there and he loves you. Let me prove it to you so you don’t have to feel ashamed or wonder if you can spend time with him. Come on, listen in to this podcast episode!

  • Is Your Spirit Dry?

    06/02/2014 Duration: 07min

    Are you feeling like your walk with God is bone-dry?  If you're feeling parched, like you can't swallow spiritually, then you need a drink my friend.  So let me pour you one!  Discover an easy way to be refreshed without religious rules, no daily Bible reading plans, or no Hail Mary's! Find out how resfreshing your walk with God can be!

  • You Don't Have to Deserve It to Get It

    30/01/2014 Duration: 12min

    If you've ever thought God was looking down trying to catch you doing something've got to listen to this podcast! It doesn't matter how many times you've failed. You'll learn that you don't have to be anymore deserving than you already are to get God's blessings. This is good news! You don't deserve it - and it doesn't matter! If you're tired of Christianity's rules and regulations - this will give you a break you don't deserve!

  • When the Devil Throws Lemons at You Here's How to Make Lemonade

    16/01/2014 Duration: 11min

    Hope is on the way! What kind of tough stuff are you going through right now? Did your child get sent home from school for getting in a fight with another student?  Did you receive divorce papers in the mail? Was a friend who's battling cancer just taken off life support? Are you struggling to pay your electric bill this month? Or did you just get a bad night's sleep and it's thrown your whole day off?When the enemy throws you lemons - I'm going to show you how to make lemonade. In fact, when the enemy throws you lemons, we're going to throw them back!

  • How to Slap Your Enemies Around


    Got enemies? Of course you do. The jerk at the office who's always stealing your ideas, the idiot who lied about you not once but many more times you can count, the spouse who slept with your friend, the bank who won't let you refinance, the neighbor who let's their dog do business on your lawn, that woman claiming to be your mother-in-law... How big is your list of enemies? And you really want to stick it to em, don't ya? Revenge yes. Forgive them no! You hurt. You're in pain. But what if I told you God WILL let you slap your enemies around...with prayer! You'll sweeten the deal God has in store for you IF you can get your head around the info in this podcast.

  • You'll Get Through This

    31/12/2013 Duration: 09min

    If you're up against a wall right now and need a heap of hope pushed your way, here you go. Listen in and you'll discover the underlying culprit that keeps you stuck in your mess and the easy fix that will set you free. After this podcast, doubt and fear will take a hike and you'll be on your way to living large. You'll get through this, I promise!

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