Tech Briefs: Who's Who At Nasa



A monthly podcast that features interviews with NASA experts and luminaries.


  • David Mitchell: Who's Who at NASA

    01/02/2013 Duration: 16min

    David Mitchell is the project manager of the MAVEN mission, which will examine environmental changes on Mars.

  • Chuck Jorgensen: Who's Who at NASA

    01/01/2013 Duration: 19min

    Chuck Jorgensen, Chief Scientist for the Neuro Engineering Lab at NASA Ames Research Center, in Moffett Field, CA, currently studies biolelectrical interfacing and the detection of human emotion and visualization.

  • Dr. Carlos Calle: Who's Who at NASA

    01/12/2012 Duration: 21min

    Dr. Carlos Calle, lead scientist in Kennedy Space Center's Electrostatics and Surface Physics Lab, is developing instrumentation that addresses the problem of electrostatic dust. The technology will be used for future exploration missions on Mars and the Moon.

  • Dr. Greg Chavers: Who's Who at NASA

    01/11/2012 Duration: 18min

    Dr. Greg Chavers, test lead at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, helped to design the "Mighty Eagle" robotic prototype lander. The vehicle, which can guide itself to a specified target, flew "open loop" to an altitude of 100 feet in late August.

  • Dr. Neil Cheatwood: Who's Who at NASA

    01/10/2012 Duration: 30min

    Neil Cheatwood is principal investigator of the Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE-3). In July, the IRVE-3 team tested an inflatable heat shield that protects spacecraft from extreme temperatures and hypersonic speeds when entering a planet's atmosphere or returning to Earth.

  • Steve Gaddis: Who's Who at NASA

    01/09/2012 Duration: 22min

    Steve Gaddis runs the newly created Game Changing Technology Development Program Office. Gaddis leads the program's efforts to develop innovative technologies that will revolutionize space exploration.

  • Marcia Domack and John Wagner: Who's Who at NASA

    01/08/2012 Duration: 20min

    Marcia Domack and John Wagner, engineers in the Advanced Materials and Processing Branch at NASA Langley Research Center, have worked with Boston-based metal fabricator Spincraft, focusing on a one-piece manufacturing process called spin forming.

  • Sandeep Yayathi: Who's Who at NASA

    01/07/2012 Duration: 23min

    Sandeep Yayathi is developing a battery-based power system that will allow the Robonaut 2, now aboard the International Space Station, to move about freely without having to be plugged into the ISS power grid.

  • Jack Viera: Who's Who at NASA

    01/06/2012 Duration: 19min

    In March, NASA successfully launched five rockets from its Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The launch was part of NASA's Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment (ATREX), which will help scientists better understand the jet stream. Jack Vieira, range project man- ager for the ATREX mission, helped to launch five suborbital rockets more than 60 miles above Earth.

  • Stephen Merkowitz: Who's Who at NASA

    01/05/2012 Duration: 27min

    NASA is helping to lead an international effort to upgrade the systems that supply crucial location information and earth science measurements. Stephen Merkowitz, the project manager of NASA's space geodesy initiative at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the budget and schedule for the upgraded ground station that will help serve satellites of the future.

  • Michael Gazarik: Who's Who at NASA

    01/04/2012 Duration: 23min

    As NASA's Director of Space Technology Programs, Michael Gazarik contributes to the development of technology that can be applied to NASA's exploration systems, space operations, and science missions. Gazarik integrates and tracks all investments across the agency. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Chief Technologist at NASA headquarters.

  • Donald Wegel: Who's Who at NASA

    01/03/2012 Duration: 18min

    Scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt Maryland are in the early stages of designing a sample-collecting comet harpoon. NASA Goddard's Donald Wegel, lead engineer on the project, will work with researchers to send a spacecraft to rendezvous with the comet, and then fire a harpoon to acquire samples from specific locations.

  • Dr. Bruce Wielicki: Who's Who at NASA

    01/02/2012 Duration: 25min

    Dr. Bruce Wielicki works as lead of the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) mission. The Tier-1 earth science decadal survey initiative will anchor a future climate observing system.

  • Sam Ortega: Who's Who at NASA

    01/01/2012 Duration: 17min

    Sam Ortega, manager of the NASA Centennial Challenges Program, leads progressive aerospace initiatives, encouraging the participation of independent teams, individual inventors, student groups, and private companies. Most recently, the program's Green Flight Challenge awarded the largest prize in aviation history.

  • Who's Who at NASA: Dr. Robert Okojie

    01/12/2011 Duration: 25min

    Dr. Robert Okojie, Research Electronics Engineer at the NASA Glenn Research Center, develops harsh-environment microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Okojie currently processes, fabricates, tests, and packages silicon carbide pressure sensors, accelerometers, and fuel injectors.

  • Who's Who at NASA: William Allen

    01/11/2011 Duration: 14min

    William Allen, senior engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is the mechanical systems design lead on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), NASA's biggest, most expensive, and most capable Mars rover.

  • Who's Who at NASA: Phil McAlister

    01/10/2011 Duration: 20min

    Phil McAlister, acting director of commercial spaceflight development, oversees the efforts of the Commercial Crew Development and Cargo programs. The dual initiatives spur efforts within the private sector to boost human spaceflight capabilities.

  • Who's Who at NASA: Dr. Lin Chambers

    01/09/2011 Duration: 20min

    Dr. Lin Chambers is Project Scientist in the Innovations in Global Climate Change Education program.

  • Who's Who at NASA: Leland D. Melvin

    01/08/2011 Duration: 21min

    Leland D. Melvin is responsible for the development and implementation of the agency's education programs that strengthen student involvement and public awareness about NASA's scientific goals and missions.

  • Who's Who at NASA: Michael Ryschkewitsch

    01/07/2011 Duration: 27min

    As NASA's Chief Engineer, Michael Ryschkewitsch is responsible for the overall review and technical readiness of all NASA programs.

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