Living On The Edge Of Chaos



This podcast explores the world of education through the lens of story.What will your story be? As you prepare to embark on the next chapter in your own story it sometimes helps to hear from others who have done the epic work to get it done! Be inspired by others to empower others!


  • 047: Living On The Edge of Chaos - Fear and Excitement are Confusing

    18/08/2017 Duration: 11min

    In this episode I am sharing a big learning moment I have had as I attempt to launch a non-profit STEAM Innovation Hub called 212 STEAM Labs. In this particular episode I am finally able to announce that we are actually moving into the space. The dream is becoming an official reality and it makes me sweat a bit as reality is setting in for my vision. When doors don't open, all is safe and not risky Open doors means you have to put your money where your mouth is! Fear and Excitement - when these emotions catch you off guard! Let me know what you think. How does this connect to your life and your thoughts? What questions do you have? What do you think about sharing the behind the scenes podcast episodes?

  • 046: Living on the Edge of Chaos - Wishy Washy

    17/08/2017 Duration: 04min

    In this episode I am sharing another learning moment I have had as I attempt to launch a non-profit STEAM Innovation Hub called 212 STEAM Labs. In this particular episode I was working to learn how to speak in business meetings and make sure that the communication between both sides are clear to avoid any misunderstandings. I learned this the hard way in a few meetings I was part of as I was trying to figure things out. Wishy Washy is a form of communication in education Business world has no time for wishy washy as you will get ignored Clear and effective communication starts with a vision and bit of confidence Let me know what you think. How does this connect to your life and your thoughts? What questions do you have? What do you think about sharing the behind the scenes podcast episodes?

  • 045: Living on the Edge of Chaos - Risk Sucks!

    16/08/2017 Duration: 11min

    In this episode I am sharing another learning moment I have had as I attempt to launch a non-profit STEAM Innovation Hub called 212 STEAM Labs. In this particular episode I was working to learn how to create a flyer to promote classes and how expensive things can be. Even more importantly, I talk about Risk Sucks Why most people avoid risk Why we must be passionate about our work Let me know what you think. How does this connect to your life and your thoughts? What questions do you have? What do you think about sharing the behind the scenes podcast episodes?

  • 044: Living on the Edge of Chaos - No Job Is Too Small

    15/08/2017 Duration: 07min

    In this episode I am sharing another notch on my journey attempting to create and develop a non-profit education center focused on STEAM education. I am working to record the journey so people can follow along and understand what it takes. You can learn more about 212 STEAM Labs at Be sure to let me know what you think as well as any questions or topics you would like for me to explore.

  • 043: Living on the Edge of Chaos - New Direction and Bigger Goals

    11/08/2017 Duration: 08min

    Please remember to leave a rating and feedback. We would love it if you took 3 minutes to leave us a rating In this episode I will be discussing new changes coming to the podcast. Don't panic, it is nothing too crazy and actually all changes are for the better. I will discuss the new direction of the show in regards to the non-profit STEAM Innovation Hub I am trying to launch called 212 STEAM Labs ( We will also discuss how I will be sharing the behind the scenes of how to actually launch a non-profit. We will finally discuss the types of guests we will be adding to the show. Be sure to leave a comment or email if you have someone who you think would be a good fit for the show. Finally, let me know what you think about this episode and where things are headed. I am excited and hope you are too. Until next Tuesday, stay awesome

  • 042: Living on the Edge of Chaos - Goals, S-Town, Mindset, and Sun Dials

    11/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    This episode covers some ideas that have been on my mind lately. Goals vs. process oriented Sundial mottos Fear of failure S-Town Make it happen

  • Living On The Edge of Chaos Roundtable talk on The OA

    18/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    In this episode the crew assembles once again for a roundtable discussion on our favorite show, The OA. If you have not watched the show, then stop what you are doing and go binge watch right now. If you have watched the show, then you must check this episode out and leave a comment sharing your ideas and thoughts. As always please give us a like and review on iTunes to help people learn about the show. You can learn more at

  • 040: Living On The Edge of Chaos Podcast with Brian McCormick

    03/03/2017 Duration: 43min

    Listen to the Show and access all links at Check out the show and episodes on iTunes In this episode we discuss: How do we work to change how we as coaches and teachers change our perception of teaching? Why we need to change the perception on how we do the things we are currently doing. Understand the problems when players/students don't see the reason WHY they are being asked to do the things they are being asked to do. The fear of charting down the paths that nobody else is doing and dealing with the following: What is the biggest difference in athletic mindsets today versus 10 years or 20 years ago? How do we deal with the idea of continuing to do the wrong things right instead of the right things wrong? Why children should play multiple sports instead of specializing in one. What are skills needed to be successful in life and on the court? [shareable]If you do things differently, then you are on an island on your own and if you are not successful you are screwed.[/shareable] Res

  • 039: Living on the Edge of Chaos Podcast with John Cole

    27/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    John Cole, founder of Dexter Industries joins us for the latest episode of the podcast. In this episode we learn a great deal about life, learning, and entrepreneurship. What I love best about this particular episode is how he is able to share a glimpse of his journey into how he has arrived at his current point in life. This journey connects to so many students who are trying to navigate their interests and passions. We discuss the following: How did he end up as the founder of Dexter Industries? The key skills needed to be adaptable and mobile in the job market and being successful in life. Why there is no discussion of the specific content needed to be hired for a job. Focus on the traits companies are looking for and no so much on what content you contain in your head. What is missing from the next wave of people looking for a job?(hint: you must be able to WRITE) Building a portfolio of perseverance and grit. We must prove our worth! [shareable]There is an advantage to being an amateur because you don't

  • 038: Living On The Edge Of Chaos 2nd Roundtable Insanity Talk

    04/12/2016 Duration: 32min

    Our second roundtable discussion of 4 educators being human beings. We each bring a new topic to the table to discuss live. You don't want to miss it. To read all shownotes and more head over to our website So many goodies layered into this show you don't want to miss out.

  • 037: Living On The Edge Of Chaos Roundtable Talk of Insanity

    23/11/2016 Duration: 35min

    Be sure to check out the 360 degree video footage of this podcast as well. Head over to for shownotes, links, and video 360.

  • 036: Living On The Edge Of Chaos with Sarah Loomis

    19/11/2016 Duration: 25min

    I am so pumped to share this episode with everyone. Sarah Loomis is an educator that has inspired so many people to be great. I was lucky to meet her this past summer in Colorado and her presentation on Makerspaces and Literacy has motivated me to create these experiences myself by using her ideas and testing out some new ones. You can find Sarah on Twitter at @dodeastoy2015FOLLOWS She is a Department of Defense Instructional Tech Coach working in Germany. She is also a DoDEA Teacher of the Year, MIE Expert #mieexpert, MIE Surface Expert #surfaceEdu, Microsoft Cert. Ed, and SMART Exemplary Ed #see My favorite part of this podcast is when she talks about a student who says [shareable]I'm a quitter. I don't want to be![/shareable] and the one question that has stuck with me [shareable]Do I give too may instructions?[/shareable] In this podcast you will learn about Makerspaces and how to make it work with limited supplies How to connect books to making The power of the lightbulb moment How to help students see t

  • 035: Living on the Edge of Chaos with Todd Flory

    11/11/2016 Duration: 20min

    In this episode I have the pleasure to chat with Todd Flory. Todd is a 4th grade teacher from Kansas. He is doing some amazing work in regards to global education. This was a fun episode as we explore the ins and outs of expanding your classroom beyond the four walls. This topic has been covered many times, but Todd brings a new level to the conversation as we discuss How do you find another classroom to connect with? How do you go about finding experts to speak to your students? The benefits of mystery skype What happens when a global learning moment ignites a spark for a student? His latest project of doing a Skype BreakoutEDU How to connect global projects to the standards There are plenty of examples to get you started. You can find more about Todd at the following Shownotes Skype in the Classroom - this page will help you find other classrooms and experts from around the world Get Started Resources Skypeathon Event Flattening Classrooms by V

  • 034: Living On The Edge of Chaos Podcast with Ginger Lewman

    30/10/2016 Duration: 43min

    You are in for a treat with this episode. My great friend and educational hero, Ginger Lewman, was kind enough to spend some quality time discussing project based learning, quality learning, and a ton of other powerful concepts in this latest podcast episode. If you have not check out her work, then you must check the resources at the bottom of this page. I recently read her latest book and after reading the book, scribbling mass notes in the margins, and being reminded about the key things we must be doing in schools I just had to pick her brain some more. screen-shot-2016-10-30-at-6-15-38-am In this episode we cover some key questions such as: What is project based learning? What are the common misunderstandings of pbl? Are shorter projects better? The importance of Wows, Hows, and Bows How to get started with pbl? How to make pbl work within the confines of the school system? Why did we get into the profession of teaching in the first place? [shareable cite="Ginger Lewman"]Everybody is somebody e

  • 033: Living on the Edge of Chaos with Tammy Dunbar

    23/10/2016 Duration: 25min

    I am back! Season 3 of Living on the Edge of Chaos podcast is here in the now and ready. It has been a long time since season 2 ended. In that void of episodes I had a series of small side podcasts(all on the same channel) testing things out. After some learning, revision, and moving into action it is here. And I cannot be more excited to start off season 3 with anyone other than Tammy Dunbar. Tammy is a 5th grade teacher who also teaches technology and does a ton of trainings for teachers around the world. She is one who not just talks the talk, but walks the walk. In this episode we discuss Genius Hour. Genius Hour has been covered many times, but this episode looks at the bigger picture of Genius Hour. How does one connect this concept to the standards? How do we move away from it being a "pocket of innovation" into the culture of innovation for a school? Can implementing a program like this actually raise test scores? What happens when we treat students as more than simply a number and data plot

  • 032: Quad Cities Ghost Hunters

    12/10/2016 Duration: 17min

    I am really excited to share some amazing work of 7th grade students. One of our incredible educators from Bettendorf Middle School launched a project in her language arts class where students went on field trips to a variety of locations in the Quad Cities to explore whether or not these places are indeed haunted. Students conducted field research and came back to work and develop a podcast to showcase and highlight their experiences. What you are about to listen to are the top recordings of each location to give you the best listening experience. Sit back, listen, and enjoy the podcast. The students welcome any feedback, comments, ideas, and most importantly if you have any stories from these locations or other locations. In a future episode we will record a podcast with the students and teachers about the actual project and how to implement in your classroom. But for now, we hope you don't get too scared and maybe check out some of these locations for yourself.

  • 031: Math Masterpiece

    17/04/2016 Duration: 14min

    Interview with Amanda Maurer and her algebra math art project.

  • 030: November 2015 Month Goals, What Are Yours?

    01/11/2015 Duration: 13min

    My podast is back! Check out this episode where I discuss my four goals for the month of November. I have 4 big goals Weight under 230 Donation of 500 books Build a robot that delivers coffee to teachers NaNoWrimo nonfiction style to finally finish my book! Follow and Subscribe to my podcast on iTunes Follow and Subscribe on Stitcher so please follow here if you use Stitcher

  • BMS 6th Grade Bat Project

    05/10/2015 Duration: 07min

    This is the first podcast covering a 6th grade science and language arts project where students are working to eliminate the mosquito problem in one of our local parks. This group of students are discussing what they are doing and why.

  • Make Your Move

    26/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Friday, I was given a wonderful opportunity to speak to students at Bettendorf High School. Students had a choice between three speakers who were all speakers that the students were able to connect with. I was beyond honored that the student council reached out to me to speak. I won't lie, after saying yes I was very nervous. I was not nervous for the sake of giving a talk, but I was nervous because high school students can be a challenge to hold their interest AND I also know there is a chance that the words I speak could make an impact. The whole week the school focused on the theme The Power of One helping students to understand that they matter, their voices matter, and that they can do amazing things if they want to. As I plotted, organized, developed, and practiced my speech over and over I finally was able to connect the dots and make it work. I only had about 23 minutes to deliver my talk which is not a lot of time. My first practice run was over 80 slides and 47 minutes long. Through practice and pra

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