Salesman Podcast - The World's Biggest B2b Sales And Business Show



The Salesman Podcast is the worlds most download B2B sales and selling podcast. Will Barron interviews the worlds leading influence, body language, psychology and sales experts to give you the information YOU need to close more deals and make


  • The 5-Step Cure To Low B2B Sales Motivation | Salesman Podcast

    10/08/2022 Duration: 21min

    “What’s my motivation?” Clichéd as it is, this question still resonates today. And not just with actors. But with retail workers, executives, laborers—with everyone. For sales reps, in particular, keeping up their sales motivation day after day is often a struggle. Boredom, anxiety, hopelessness, and downright depression can all be expected in the face of a […]

  • Salespeople - Stop Trading Time For Money! | Selling Made Simple

    09/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    A lot of sales reps I work with have been caught in the time/money trap – what they make is DIRECTLY tied to how much they work. But the great thing about sales is you can create a “flywheel” system that SCALES UP your ability to earn without requiring more of your time. And if […]

  • SPIN Selling: 4 Steps To Predictable Sales Success | Salesman Podcast

    08/08/2022 Duration: 17min

    ​In sales, no two scenarios, and neither two customers are alike. So sales professionals have to cut through the clutter and get to the heart of what a client wants. The best way to do this is by asking the right questions—questions that help salespeople build a strong rapport with sales prospects. Following the SPIN […]

  • How I Design My Ultra Productive Selling Days | Selling Made Simple

    06/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    Being productive is a major pain point in sales. I should know—I used to be lazy, procrastinate, and flake out all the time. But today I run a 7-figure sales training company, produce TONS of quality content, and still have time for coaching calls, hobbies, and a family life. How? I’m tyrannical about how I […]

  • Replay: How Buying Emotions Are Made And How To Create Them In Others

    05/08/2022 Duration: 47min

    In this episode of The Salesman Podcast, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett talks about how buyer’s emotions and feelings are formed in the brain, regardless if it’s positive such as happiness, or negative, such as remorse. We cover some sales training nonsense on the topic of influence and Lisa debunks a few more sales myths in […]

  • Setting Sales Goals That Lead To SMASHED Sales Targets | Salesman Podcast

    03/08/2022 Duration: 27min

    Here you are—another year gone by. And you almost, aaaaaalmost hit your sales goal this time! Just like last year. And the year before that. And the year before that… But this year is going to be different. Maybe it’s the world rapidly changing around you. Or maybe it’s you getting another year older. But […]

  • How to Sell Against Competition: Convert Your Competitors Accounts To Your Own | Salesman Podcast

    01/08/2022 Duration: 19min

    In the minds of many reps, competitor buyers are off-limits for prospecting. After all, why waste time with a buyer that’s already entrenched with someone offering a similar product? But as it turns out, competitor buyers are some of the best prospects you can target. They’re more qualified, they’re budget-ready, and they’ve already got a […]

  • Replay: What Are "No Nothing Deals" And How To Close More Of Them | Salesman Podcast

    29/07/2022 Duration: 38min

    Tom Pisello is the current Chief Evangelist for sales enablement at Mediafly. On this episode of the Salesman Podcast, Tom uses data-backed evidence to explain “Do Nothing Deals” and how salespeople can break the status quo to close more of these deals. Resources: Evolved Selling by Tom Pisello The Transparency Sale by Todd Caponi […]

  • How to Improve Self-Esteem in Sales: 12 Techniques to Try | Salesman Podcast

    27/07/2022 Duration: 29min

    Sales is hard. You know it. Your family knows it. And (if you’re lucky) your employer knows it too. And despite the high potential earnings a successful sales career rakes in, the profession isn’t growing as much as other jobs. For many, it all has to do with rejection. Rejection is, of course, a given […]

  • How To Sell Yourself In a Job Interview | Selling Made Simple

    25/07/2022 Duration: 13min

    You just can’t compare regular job interviews to sales job interviews. Because in sales, it’s way harder to get a measure on your skills from just one conversation. So if you want to nail that interview, you’ve got to show up READY to demonstrate what you can do. Here’s how. Why Sales Interviews Are Different […]

  • This Book Will Help You Sell Through The Recession | Selling Made Simple

    21/07/2022 Duration: 13min

    Like it or not, experts agree there’s a recession looming on the horizon. And the sales professionals that know how to tweak their strategy accordingly are the ones that will survive, even thrive over the next few years. Here’s how to do it. Today we’re talking about concepts covered in the amazing sales book The […]

  • LinkedIn Lead Generation: Cold Email Has Nothing On This | Selling Made Simple

    06/07/2022 Duration: 15min

    As your quarterly deadline creeps ever closer, you begin to have a terrible revelation—you just aren’t going to make it. Not this time. But… why? You haven’t changed a single thing about your sales process. Your cadences are as tight as ever. And your schedule’s already jampacked with cold calling and cold emailing. So, what […]

  • This Graph Changed My Sales Career | Selling Made Simple

    29/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    When’s the last time your life changed because of a single picture? Well I can tell you I started closing bigger deals, closing them more often, and earning way more commission—all because of this one graph *show on screen*. And today, I’m showing you how it can change your life too. One of the biggest […]

  • One Change That Makes Every Sales Person Better | Selling Made Simple

    29/06/2022 Duration: 20min

    A few times in life, we come upon a single concept that radically changes the way we interact with the world. And in sales, there’s one concept in particular that’ll change the way you sell forever—The Law of Averages. This concept has taken more average salespeople to top 1% than any other. It might be […]

  • The Best Opening For A Cold Call | Selling Made Simple

    27/06/2022 Duration: 11min

    The average length of a successful cold call that ends in a meeting is just 5:14. That’s it! For unsuccessful ones, it’s around 3:14. But as brief as these encounters usually are, it’s actually the first three seconds that make or break a call. This video covers the rejection-proof cold call one-liner that’s guaranteed to […]

  • How I Stopped Procrastinating Over Sales Prospecting | Selling Made Simple

    24/06/2022 Duration: 10min

    Want to make it big in sales? Step #1—stop procrastinating. I used to have a huge problem with putting off my tough tasks till later. And my career suffered because of it. But then I learned how to stop procrastinating for good. And today, I’ve built a 7-figure sales training business, run two YouTube channels, […]

  • This Question Will Make You Better At Sales | Selling Made Simple

    22/06/2022 Duration: 13min

    Want to get better at selling in two seconds? Easy peasy. Ask potential buyers, “What’s stopping you solving this problem for yourself?”  You’ll eliminate objections AND set yourself up for an easier close with just one phrase. But hold on—asking the question is only half the battle. To get the right effect, you need to […]

  • You NEED to Understand This About Cold Calling | Selling Made Simple

    16/06/2022 Duration: 12min

    Cold calling’s dead? I don’t think so. 82% of buyers say they accept meetings with reps who cold called. And 57% of C-suite execs preferred way to be contacted. So don’t fall for the hype—cold calling is alive and well. And if you’ve already seen some success with it, here are just a few small […]

  • The Rocky Road to Becoming a Sales MILLIONAIRE | Selling Made Simple

    13/06/2022 Duration: 14min

    Money! We all love it. We all want it. And we all never seem to have enough of it. Sam here tried his hand at sales because of the earning potential. But he quickly dropped out due to the stress. But Walter knew that if you could push through the downsides, you could bring in […]

  • SALES Is Just Like DATING... | Selling Made Simple

    08/06/2022 Duration: 10min

    Question for you—what do a product demo and a candle-lit dinner have in common? As it turns out, more than you might think. See, sales is a lot like dating. If you jump into a sales call by bragging and boasting about your product, your buyer is going to immediately lose interest. But just like […]

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