Computers Byte Back



Taking a byte at computer hardware.


  • Episode 13: Optical Drives

    04/07/2010 Duration: 27min

    Times change and so do optical drives. Grebog and Malkor talk about the various optical drives and the media they use. After that we discuss the trend of what was and what likely will be for optical media and most media.

  • Episode 4: Intel Processors and the comparison

    25/04/2010 Duration: 43min

    The 3rd and final episode about processors. We cover the details that make the Intel processors what they are today. Grebog tries to make a prediction of where he sees the processors heading in the immediate future. Finally Grebog and Malkor delve into the comparison of AMD and Intel processors and where they stand.

  • Episode 1: Power Supplies

    04/04/2010 Duration: 38min

    Grebog and Malkor discuss the intricacies that make up a power supply, what the Wattage and the 80+ certification means, and what you need to look at when considering a power supply.

  • Episode 0.5 What are we going for?

    27/03/2010 Duration: 10min

    Malkor and I sat down and began recording and testing that we had a viable method to easily record. We then began discussing what we wanted to cover, who we are, and side tracked on a few things about computer hardware.