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Ep. 257 – Chris Beall “The number one mistake entrepreneurs make is not trying to sell their product before building it.”



For 30 years Chris Beall has led software start-ups as a founder or early-stage developer. He believes the most powerful part of a software system is the human being, and that the value key is to let the computer do what it does well — go fast without getting bored — in order to free up human potential. Chris is currently CEO of ConnectAndSell, Inc., based in Silicon Valley, and hosts a podcast at MarketDominanceGuys.   Most passionate about What I'm doing now, and I’ve been doing for quite a while, is running a company called It helps companies dominate their markets by leading with the human voice. I've been passionate for a long time about having computers and humans work together in a way that unleashes the strengths of each. Chris’s career and story I was raised out in the desert in Arizona, pretty far away from most people. I was raised by animals—by horses and dogs and cats and goats and all manner of creatures like that. I think that's how I learned how to sell. My first sale eve