Misandry With Marcia And Rae

Khaled Is A Cop



Welcome back, militants! Be sure to *RATE US ON iTUNES* and: E-mail us/PayPal us: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Instagram: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae & join our group: The Militia in the Woods. And don't miss Marcia's HANDMAID'S TALE: THE MUSICAL - this Thursday! 5/10, 7pm sharp at Caveat (Houston & Ave B) The last three have sold out, so buy your tickets now! And look out for the return of THE GOOD PLACE on NBC. This week in Final Wave Feminism we discuss: Michelle Wolf and the White House Correspondents Dinner, DJ Khaled not eating pussy and being a narc, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Jeffrey Goldberg and Kevin Williamson, Trading on black female loyalty, Kanye West, R. Kelly, Billy Cosby, The Golden State Killer, bitch made busters & how cops are dweebs. Until next time! Meet us in the woods.