Nerd On Nerd

92. The End ... ?



Well hello there listeners! It's the episode we've all been waiting for. No not the Captain marvel special that is definitely edited don't even worry about it. No, it's the episode where we call the whole thing off! Liam and I (Ellie, I'm breaking my rule of not writing these in the first person) are going to be putting Nerd on Nerd on hiatus (an indefinite one). Listen to the whole episode to find out why in incredible detail, but I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for coming with us on this awesome journey. It's been a really fun ride and we'll still be around doing personal projects and stuff so keep in touch (if you want) (also don't worry we haven't fallen out or anything ... just go listen to it, it will all make sense) Ellies Twitter: @exp172 Liams Twitter: @LiamUnderwood