Think Of The Children

Episode 51 - Hostile Takeover (Feat. Crit Chat)



Happy New Year, friends! After comitting a terrible podcast crime, Jay is on the run and Owen drank himself into a coma. So, as a cruel and unusual punishment, we have used the power of Jumanji to trap Ismay Hutton, Alfred Clark and Emily Kuklinski in our podcast! They will only be released when the 7 Jumanjis have been collected or they've ruined a childhood, whichever comes first. Join us for a spell in this first ever Hostile Takeover! Currently Brainstorming: Jumanji'd, Rotten CDRomatos, BYOG, Elizabethan LARP Winter Camp, Virginian Feminism, Incomprehensible Animal Names, Bellatrix Beev, Bastard Money, Candyland Glass Time, Dead Clock Clown, Major Bedhead, NoAssitol and The Big Comfy Couch (2020 Reboot) Crit Chat Crew: Ismay (@aTeacupGamer): Alfred (@pennyblue_): Emily (@ThePunnyEmily) Crit Chat (@Crit_Chat): Music: Intro: Baffy, Money Man Break: Baffy, The Numberless Circling Cows of the Crop (Cow Pie) Outro: Baffy, Purple Wine