All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri



Join well-known theologian and author Edward Sri for weekly insights on understanding and living out the Catholic faith. Delve deeper into the Bible, prayer time, virtue, relationships, marriage and family and culture with practical reflections on all things Catholic. Don't just go through the motions. Live as an intentional Catholic, a disciple of Jesus Christ.


  • How to Respond When the Church Lets You Down (Part 1)

    28/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    What do you do in the face of concerns over the state of the Church? There are problems in the Church on the parish level all the way to the Vatican. So, how do we understand these problems and what role do each of us play in truly reforming the Church? Dr. Edward Sri weighs in on this topic and offers his advice on how to respond to it. Snippet from the Show The most important spiritual battle to fight is the one within our own souls. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • What Does It Mean to Be "Open to Life"? (with Beth Sri)

    21/05/2024 Duration: 22min

    Should we be open to having another child? This is a question that many married couples face throughout their marriage. Having children requires a lot of sacrifice. However, the Church and experience teaches us about the “supreme goodness” of having children. Dr. Edward Sri is joined by his wife Beth Sri to discuss the discernment process of having children and some practical tips to aid you in the process. Snippet from the Show Children are meant to bring a husband and wife into deeper unity. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Learning Salvation History at the Basilica of St. John Lateran

    14/05/2024 Duration: 20min

    Join Dr. Edward Sri on this special edition episode from the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, Italy. Dr. Sri guides listeners through the center aisle of the basilica and explains the magnificent artwork found there. He reveals the significance of the Biblical scenes depicted and emphasizes the importance of understanding both the Old and New Testaments. Snippet from the Show “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” -St. Jerome For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Are You Ruled by Your Emotions?

    07/05/2024 Duration: 26min

    Are you able to maintain a sense of peace in your soul? Or do you struggle with constant disruptions and feel weighed down by your emotions? Emotions are not a bad thing, but at times, a person can become ruled by their emotions. So, what is the proper role of emotions? Dr. Edward Sri delves into this question and also explains the roles of the intellect and the will. Snippet from the Show God wants to heal our emotions and give us greater freedom. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Turning Work into Prayer

    30/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Does it ever feel like work is keeping you from your relationship with God? Work can be stressful, exhausting, and overwhelming. So, how can we bring God into our work instead of allowing it to separate us from God? In preparation for the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Dr. Edward Sri shares some contemplation on the work of St. Joseph. He also shares ways in which we can turn our work into a prayer. Snippet from the Show "Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families." -St. John Paul II For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Darkness in Prayer: A Lover’s Game?

    23/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Do you ever feel like God is not listening? Is prayer just merely a game to God? So many of the saints have gone through seasons of dryness and darkness in prayer. In today’s episode, Dr. Edward Sri looks to the wisdom of St. Catherine of Siena, a Doctor of the Church, who shows us how to faithfully respond and cooperate with God amid those most difficult seasons.  Snippet from the Show "Prayer is the meeting of two desires: our desire for God and God's desire for us."  St. Catherine of Siena  _ _ For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Catholic Parenting: Connection, not Perfection (with Beth Sri)

    16/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    How do we navigate the anxieties and pressures that come with parenting? Beth Sri joins Dr. Sri for an honest conversation about the challenges of parenting, particularly when you're trying to raise your kids in the Catholic Faith. Together, they share valuable insights and advice to help you parent from the Lord's peace rather than from a place of fear. Snippet from the Show "Connection is more important than perfection." _ _ For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • What It Means to Rejoice

    09/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    What does it mean to rejoice? How do you continue to rejoice even in the midst of struggle? According to Dr. Edward Sri, Mary offers an extraordinary example of what it means to rejoice. Dr. Sri explores some of the key moments of Mary’s life and reveals how she rejoiced in each one. He offers practical advice on how we too can rejoice throughout our lives. Snippet from the Show Take time to rejoice at every Communion. Don’t go through the motions at Mass. Take time to rejoice like Mary and marvel over the mystery that my God is dwelling within the walls of my soul. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Why We Need the Resurrection

    02/04/2024 Duration: 23min

    Jesus’ death on the Cross is not enough; we need the Resurrection. Dr. Sri explains the significance of celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection and why this event is essential in his work of salvation. We also discover how Easter resolutions can help us build upon our Lenten spiritual growth as we move into the Easter season and beyond. Snippet from the Show What Jesus did in the Resurrection is what he wants to do in your soul every day. _ _ For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • What Christ Really Meant by “It Is Finished”

    26/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Do you know what Jesus’ last words were before he died on the cross? More importantly, do you know what his last words meant? This Holy Week, Dr. Edward Sri reflects on the final moments and words of Christ. He explains their deeper meaning so that each of us can better understand Jesus’ passion and death on the cross. Snippet from the Show Jesus poured out everything. He held nothing back. He gave it all. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Mark’s Passion Narrative: What You Need to Know for This Palm Sunday

    19/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Are you prepared for the most important week, the holiest week of the entire year? This Sunday is Palm Sunday which begins Holy Week. Dr. Edward Sri helps you prepare for these sacred days by digging into the Gospel for Palm Sunday which is Mark’s passion narrative. Dr. Sri explains some of the unique aspects of Mark’s narrative and what they mean for our understanding of Jesus’ passion and death. Snippet from the Show “Truly this man was the Son of God." For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • How Martha Found Freedom from Anxiety

    12/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    How do you handle the stress and anxieties of life? Does it frequently overwhelm you and rob you of your peace? Martha is a character from Scripture that many can relate to. She struggled with anxiety and became overwhelmed. Dr. Edward Sri examines the stories of Martha from the Bible and reveals what we can learn from her about overcoming anxiety and finding interior peace. Snippet from the Show Be Mary before becoming Martha. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Praying with the Psalms

    05/03/2024 Duration: 25min

    No other collection of poetry has influenced the world more than the Book of Psalms. In this episode, Dr. Sri explains the different types of Psalms and how they are a powerful vehicle for prayer. Snippet from the Show The Psalms remind us to put God’s Word first. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • God’s Commandments: Loving or Limiting?

    27/02/2024 Duration: 22min

    How do we see the ten commandments? Are they just hoops to jump through? For many, rules and laws can feel controlling and cold. It can be difficult to understand how we can be in a loving relationship with God when he imposes rules and laws upon us. To answer these questions, Dr. Edward Sri looks into the story of the Israelites and the ten commandments. He explains the goodness of God’s commands. Snippet from the Show “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.” For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Hold Nothing Back from the Father

    20/02/2024 Duration: 22min

    What are you holding back? As a person pursues holiness, they sometimes find that they are still holding certain things back from God. Dr. Edward Sri addresses this challenge by walking through the story of Abraham and Isaac. He shows how both were ready to give everything to God. Dr. Sri explains the result of such incredible trust in God. Snippet from the Show The more we learn to trust and the more we learn to sacrifice, the better we are able to give our entire hearts to God. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Letting Jesus Touch Your Wounds

    13/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    Is there a part of your life that you are afraid to share with God? Perhaps, there are things you would like to keep hidden from everyone. Dr. Edward Sri dives into the Gospel passage from last Sunday about Jesus and the leper. He explains how Jesus responds to the leper and what that reveals about how Jesus responds to each of our wounds. Snippet from the Show Jesus wants us to come to him and admit that we cannot do this on our own. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Rend Your Heart and Not Your Garments

    06/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by Lent? There are so many different devotions, fasts, and studies to participate in. How do you figure out what God is calling you to this Lent? Dr. Edward Sri answers this question and offers five practical ways to transform your life this Lent. Snippet from the Show If we truly know ourselves, we know that we cannot rely only on ourselves. We must rely on God. His grace makes all things possible. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • The Real Meaning of the Presentation of the Lord (UPDATED VERSION)

    31/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    Perhaps, you are familiar with the story of Joseph and Mary taking the baby Jesus to the temple after his birth. This event is called the Presentation. But why is it called this and what is so significant about this event? Dr. Edward Sri answers these questions and explains the deeper meaning of the Presentation that few Christians understand. Snippet from the Show Our lives are meant to be a sacrifice to God. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Don’t Be a Dead Sea

    23/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    Do you want to live your faith as a true disciple? St. Paul desired that his student St. Timothy know and live the faith. However, he also desired for St. Timothy to pass on the faith effectively. Do you pass on the faith effectively? Dr. Edward Sri discusses the importance of passing on the faith and how to do it effectively. Snippet from the Show We should always be on the lookout for opportunities to share our faith. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

  • Prayer: A Chore or a Response?

    16/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    Do you treat your prayer life like a chore? Many of us find ourselves treating it like a checklist. However, prayer isn’t just about completing a task. Rather, it is about responding to God. Dr. Edward Sri goes in depth on this topic and explains what is really at the heart of prayer. Snippet from the Show Prayer is not about a performance. It is about responding to the thirst of Jesus for your soul. For full shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777 for weekly shownotes sent to your inbox.

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