Master Mike

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 15:21:55
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What is value Marriage for a male.


  • Why marriage should be abolished

    03/02/2024 Duration: 15min

    There are several reasons why marriage is a good idea,  Personal freedom: Marriage requires a significant commitment of time, energy, and resources. The courts will award the woman half of all your resources. The institution of marriage has undergone significant changes over time, with a rise in its importance in the past and a decline in recent years. These changes reflect the evolving social and economic landscape, as well as changing attitudes and values.

  • The greatest scam ever

    09/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    The scam that will let you fall on your knees and have you asking to be on the to be plantation

  • obesity a health threat

    29/06/2023 Duration: 13min

    Obesity increases the risk of several debilitating, and deadly diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. It does this through a variety of pathways, some as straightforward as the mechanical stress of carrying extra pounds and some involving complex changes in hormones and metabolism.

  • Don't play the dating Game with Women

    11/03/2023 Duration: 13min

    Games start early in seduction. Before a single word has been exchanged, women are already making sure that he is chasing. And the very first game to frame him into the chasing position is to get his attention while pretending she hasn’t even noticed him. More times than not indeed women don’t want men to realize they are looking at men while at the same time trying to get men to look at them. Some women keep playing this game long after the two have first met. Have you ever noticed that some women bury their noses on their phones on your agreed meeting spot or always fail to see you first?

  • "True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows."

    04/03/2023 Duration: 13min

    "The practice of goodness is accompanied by spontaneous spiritual joy and moral beauty. Likewise, truth carries with it the joy and splendor of spiritual beauty. Truth is beautiful in itself."  ... " Created 'in the image of God,' man also expresses the truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works ... To the extent that it is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's activity in what he has created."

  • Entitled Woman with Unrealistic Expectations for Men

    11/02/2023 Duration: 12min

    The problem is I see with women who are in their late 20s or 30s who are still single is not just high expectations but also double standards. They also have massive attitude (entitled, egoistic and arrogant) and self esteem issues. These women want someone who has money but they don’t make the same , they want someone with nice body but themselves don’t have that, they want someone successful but they are lazy themselves. People who usually end up together are both in the same league . A successful good man with money would want someone in his level (he makes sure that he doesn’t end up with a gold digger and superficial women, who is only it for his money and status) No successful decent man will wanna marry someone who isn’t even in the same league as him, unless he is a sugar daddy . High expectations as well because of social media, thinking grass is greener in the other side. No girl. You water your own grass . Some women also stay too long for men who made it clear he doesn’t want relationship with her

  • Exposing the Marriage Scam

    25/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    This discussion is uncovering the truth about the marriage scam from my experience's and observation of the Contractual agreement in Marriage. Join me as i look deeper into the castration courts and it's behavioral practices towards decimation of the male species

  • Man want sex woman need security

    17/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    Any human can live without sex it's a want, not a need  Security a woman need may surprise you listen to the podcast 

  • top 10 things a female will do for you

    17/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    10 things a female will do for you at the start of your relationship Complements, your handsome, love being with you Making love to you passionately just want to have sex all the time Spending hours on the phone conversation calling you several times a day They will do what it takes to keep the relationship, saying sorry crying to demonstrate her love for you to scam you They will show you their softer side, the smart one who is master of the scam will let you be her hero, she balances her action to accomplish her end gold of getting the world smallest handcuffs the rings She will ask for your advice and opinion to ensure you that you matter. 

  • Relationship: Top 10 Things a woman will do in a new Relationship

    08/04/2021 Duration: 10min

    Red Flag  #1 She will say she loves you, and enjoy been around all the time!

  • Man want sex woman need security

    07/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    A man needs sex like a fish needs a bicycle The security a female needs is at the end of all relationships  The castration courts will ensure she receives all the security she needs 

  • Mike Master (Trailer)

    04/04/2021 Duration: 59s
  • Relationship

    21/10/2020 Duration: 11min

    Relationship The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. An intimate relationship is an interpersonal relationship that involves physical or emotional intimacy. Although an intimate relationship is commonly a sexual relationship, it may also be a non-sexual relationship involving family, friends, or acquaintances.Description

  • What happens in a marriage when the money's all gone

    23/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    According to a new survey by Ramsey Solutions, money fights are the second leading cause of divorce, behind infidelity. Results show that both high levels of debt and a lack of communication are major causes for the stress and anxiety surrounding household finances. Financial infidelity — secrecy or dishonesty about money with a partner — is a real thing. ... In a recent survey of married couples who had combined their finances, more than 40% admitted that they've hidden cash, bills, or purchases from their partners — or outright lied about how much they make or owe in debt.Oct 19, 2018

  • Happy life with out wife

    18/08/2020 Duration: 23min

     A wife held him back from doing the things he really wanted to. This, of course, refers back to the actual ball and chain, which was a heavy metal ball secured to a prisoner's leg by means of a chain and manacle. The ball and chain was in use in both Britain and the USA by the early 19th century (and possibly much earlier). The earliest citation in print is from The Times,

  • Zoom WEDDING 2020

    08/08/2020 Duration: 14min

    Don't Stop at the Ceremony: Bake a cake or a pie to cut, have the first dance, wear a garter! ... Do Zoom Toasts: Have a maid of honor who lives across the country? ... Get Ready With Your Girls: You can still hang out with your bridal party beforehand.  Enjoy all this with the blue pill just before the plantation  A Virtual DJ, a Drone, and an All-Out Zoom Wedding that could end you up in a real jail a magical destination wedding. that lands you into a neutered castration court 

  • Black Americans are killed at a much higher rate than white Americans

    03/07/2020 Duration: 23min

    After Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, was killed in 2014 by police in Ferguson, Mo., a Post investigation found that the FBI undercounted fatal police shootings by more than half. This is because reporting by police departments is voluntary and many departments fail to do so. Black Americans are killed at a much higher rate than white Americans Although half of the people shot and killed by police are white, black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of white Americans. Hispanic Americans are also killed by police at a disproportionate rate. 1,298killed(total)904killed 2,485 killed220 killed 2M39M1 97 M49M Black31 perThe rate at which black Americans are killed by police is more than twice as high as the rate for white Americans.

  • We will rise up

    30/06/2020 Duration: 15min

    The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed African Americans in rebel states, and after the Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment emancipated all U.S. slaves wherever they were. As a result, the mass of Southern blacks now faced the difficulty Northern blacks had confronted—that of a free people surrounded by many hostile whites. One freedman, Houston Hartsfield Holloway, wrote, “For we colored people did not know how to be free and the white people did not know how to have a free colored person about them.” Even after the Emancipation Proclamation, two more years of war, service by African American troops, and the defeat of the Confederacy, the nation was still unprepared to deal with the question of full citizenship for its newly freed black population. The Reconstruction implemented by Congress, which lasted from 1866 to 1877, was aimed at reorganizing the Southern states after the Civil War, providing the means for readmitting them into the Union, and defining the means by which whites and blacks could liv

  • Revealing the scam

    07/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    I hope you're both feeling sparks by the end of the drive I hope you know she's the one by the end of the night I hope you never ever felt more free Tell your friends that you're so happy I hope she comes along and wrecks every one of your plans I hope you spend your last dime to put a rock on her hand I hope she's wilder than your wildest dreams She's everything you're ever gonna need And Then I hope she cheats

  • 2020 Interview with Ghost Part 1

    12/01/2020 Duration: 18min

    Marriage for anything but love, Is love real will your marriage last . I do or I don't or I wont please provide your comment  let me know what your taught are .

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