Pulling Through



Chloe here! i'm just your ordinary girl who likes to talk about ordinary things and trichotillomania. This podcast touches on varying subtopics correlating to the mental disorder known as: Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh). Trichotillomania is the compulsive disorder to pull out your hair repeatedly, usually correlated to OCD and initiated by trauma. I am here to discuss how Trichotillomania has impacted my life experience and how I am "pulling through". Instagram: @loveechloe


  • BONUS: motivation, bullying, and self confidence.

    13/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    hey lovelies!! today’s podcast covers three main topics: motivation, bullying, and self confidence. I hope this podcast helps someone in some shape, form, or fashion! please don’t hesitate to confide in me! talk to you guys next week!  Instagram Handle: @loveechloe **EDIT: This is one of the original episodes with minimal edit and revision. 

  • BONUS: a little bit about trichotillomania

    06/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    Hey guys! Thank you so much for tuning into the first episode of Pulling Through! I hope this episode explains a bit of my experience dealing with trichotillomania and I am very excited to cover it in more detail throughout this podcast! **EDIT:  instagram handle: @loveechloe