Dr. Ruth Tanyi Ministries Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 57:29:04
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Sharing God's Unconditional Love and Grace


  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 23 (Part B): What These Details About The Crucifixion of Lord Jesus Mean To You Today?

    21/09/2024 Duration: 39min

    In this verse-by-verse Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 23 (Part B), listen and then learn details about the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus you might not Know! What is the significance of these events in your personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus? Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031  

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 23 (Part A): How To Handle Unjust Treatments from Others: Lessons from The Lord Jesus’ Trial

    18/09/2024 Duration: 31min

    In this verse-by-verse Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 23 (Part A), listen and learn how to overcome when treated unjustly. This Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 23 will help you to better understand the Lord Jesus’ Ministry, and the Nature of God. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part E): It Is By God’s Power - And Not By Your Might- Lessons From Peter’s Failure!

    10/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    In this Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Paet E), learn timeless lessons how to depend on God. Drawing from Peter’s denial of the Lord Jesus- Learn what to avoid! Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031  

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part D): How To Be Strengthened In Crisis – Lessons From Lord Jesus In Gethsemane!

    07/09/2024 Duration: 33min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 22 (Part D), listen and learn timeless lessons from the Lord Jesus on how to overcome various trials and hardships. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part C): Leadership In God’s Kingdom Vs The Worldly System - Jesus Explained!

    04/09/2024 Duration: 28min

    In this Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part C), the Lord Jesus explained the KEY difference between Leadership in God’s Kingdom versus those of the World. Listen and learn more. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031  

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part B): What Does The Lord's Supper Mean To You Today?

    30/08/2024 Duration: 27min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel pf Luke Chapter 22 (Part B), listen and find out the significance of the Lord’s Supper? How does this benefit you today? Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part A): Examining The Motives – Timeless Lessons From Judas’ Story - Guarding Our Motives

    26/08/2024 Duration: 42min

    In this Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 22 (Part A), Dr. Ruth examines the motives why Judas Iscariot betrayed the Lord Jesus, and then she discusses timeless lessons how we can guard our motives for following the Lord Jesus. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031  

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 21 (Part C): Take Heart! - And Be Encouraged By These Signs - Lord Jesus Warned!

    22/08/2024 Duration: 26min

    In this Bible study of the Lord Jesus' Ministry, the Gospel of Luke Chapter 21 (Part C), the Lord Jesus taught on signs of end-times, and then encouraged us to Beware of these signs! So, are you aware of these signs? Listen and find out! Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 21 (Part B): How To Be Prepared For End- Times - According To Christ Jesus!

    16/08/2024 Duration: 35min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 21 (Part B), listen as Dr Ruth explains the signs the Lord Jesus wants us, His Followers, to be aware of, as we approach end times. This  Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 21 will help you to be better prepared for end times, hence reducing anxieties. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources:                                                     Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com                                                                                                                   Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website                                                                                                                                  www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 21 (Part A): The Power In Sacrificial Giving That Unlocks God’s Blessings

    30/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In this expository Bible study and preaching out of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 21 (Part A), listen as Dr Ruth explains why God honors sacrificial giving.  Are you giving your talents and resources into God’s work sacrificially? Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 20 (Part E): Beware - Of These Signs Of False Teachers!

    26/07/2024 Duration: 42min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 20, which is the conclusion of this chapter.  Listen as Dr Ruth explains how The Lord Jesus offers insight on how to discern false teachers. Listen and beware! Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 20 (Part D): Much Clarity About The Afterlife From The Only One Who Has Been There - Lord Jesus!

    23/07/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this Expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 20 (Part D), listen as the Lord Jesus offers great insights about the afterlife. This Bible study of the Ministry of the Lord Jesus will help you to gain much understanding about God’s Love for you. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 20 (Part C): Why Obey The Laws Of The Land? The Lord Jesus Offers Timeless Insights!

    16/07/2024 Duration: 30min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 20 (Part C), Dr Ruth explains, in accordance with the Lord Jesus’ teaching, why we should pay taxes and obey the Laws of the Land? Plus, learn how to prioritize paying your taxes, listen and be blessed. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 20 (Part B): Is Jesus Your Cornerstone Yet?

    12/07/2024 Duration: 33min

    In this Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 20 (Part B), listen and then ask yourself whether the Lord Jesus is your Cornerstone? This Bible study will help you to better understand the Lord Jesus as The Messiah- Lord and Savior! Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 20 (Part A): How To Apply Godly Wisdom When Others Doubt Your Authority In Christ.

    10/07/2024 Duration: 31min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 20 (Part A), listen as Dr. Ruth explains how to apply Godly wisdom when dealing with those who challenge and/or criticize your relationship with God, due to jealousy and their unbelieve in God His promises. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 (Part D): What Does The Triumphal Entry Means To Your Relationship W/ The Lord Jesus?

    06/07/2024 Duration: 37min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 19 (Part D), listen and ask yourself- What Does The Triumphal Entry of the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem means to Me? This expository Bible study of the Ministry of the Lord Jesus will help you to grow closer to God. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 (Part C): What Are Consequences of Spiritual Laziness - According To The Lord Jesus?

    04/07/2024 Duration: 28min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 (Part C), listen and find out why the Lord Jesus dislikes Spiritual Laziness or Passivity? How can we overcome this? And what lessons can we learn for the Lord Jesus from this Parable of the 10 Minas? Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 (Part B): What Are Your Unique Gifts/Talents? Insights Into The Parable Of The 10 Minas

    01/07/2024 Duration: 35min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 19 (Part B), Dr Ruth explains the Lord Jesus’ Parable of the 10 Minas and how this applies to us today! Listen and learn how to discern your unique gifts/talents and start making a difference in the World today by advancing the Kingdom of God. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 (Part A): What Does True Biblical Repentance And Faith Looks Like - According to Jesus?

    28/06/2024 Duration: 38min

    In this Bible study of the Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 (Part A), listen and learn what true Biblical repentance is, in accordance with God’s Will.  Plus, find out what the qualities of true Bible Faith are? This expository Bible study of the Ministry of the Lord Jesus will help to strengthen your faith! Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

  • Gospel of Luke Chapter 18 (Part D): How Do You Receive God’s Best? Timeless Lessons From The Blind Beggar!

    23/06/2024 Duration: 29min

    In this expository Bible study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 18(Part D), listen and learn timeless lessons on how to position yourself to receive God’s promises - meditate on the Truths discussed herein, and start receiving God’s best for you, today, in Jesus’ name! Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Bookstore Website www.DrRuthTanyi.org Are You Moving Forward W/ Jesus? www.AreYouMovingForward.Com Zelle Donation Telephone #: (+1) 909-501-9031

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