Christina Merkley, The Shift-it Coach

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 24:38:04
  • More information



Christina Merkley, The SHIFT-IT Coach & Interactive-Visuals Mentor


  • What’s Your Strongest Clair Ability?

    17/11/2017 Duration: 27min

    We all have spidey senses ... but some of us are more aware of them than others. How does your Right Brain (your subconscious that is tapped into the all that is) communicate to your slower and more literal Left Brain? Is it through sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, feel or knowing? I find that Process Professionals, even if they aren't consciously aware of what they are doing, are pretty darn tapped into these signs, signals and synchronicities How about you?!

  • Two eCommunities for Your Outer/Inner Balance

    01/07/2017 Duration: 21min

    Powered By My Kundalini Process Is Creating Strong Balance Within Me - Which Is Impacting My SHIFT-IT School Offerings. We Now Have 2 eCommunities To Support Grads of My Left-Brain and Right-Brain Programs. The Working Visually eCommunity Supports Visual Practitioners With Skill and Business Development. The SHIFT-IT eCommunity Covers Equally Important Inner Work of Personal Visioning and Energy Alignment. See 2017 and 2018 Monthly Dates.

  • Where Tech Is Headed For Process Professionals And Humanity

    15/04/2017 Duration: 28min

    What used to be science fiction is fast approaching. As a Process Professional, are you prepared for the vast changes that technology will soon bring?! Learn how Holographic and Virtual Reality technology is going to impact us all, even Visual Practitioners ... the good, bad and potentially scary. And how you can start changing your practice now so what you do isn't taken over by a robot, seriously!

  • Visual Coaching: Coach Does, Client Does ... Or Both!

    10/03/2017 Duration: 21min

    A short definition of “Visual Coaching” or “Graphic Coaching” is … the spontaneous use of writing and drawing as a mirroring effect during process work with individuals. A Client (an individual, couple, partner, family or group) is guided by a Process Professional (HR, coach, therapist, counselor, mediator, financial advisor, etc.) through specific processes that simulate specific kinds of thinking and/or feeling (life mapping, visioning, planning, resistance work, etc.). The Client’s perspective, reactions and answers are literally drawn out right in front of them … in-person via paper or whiteboards or digitally via web conferencing with digital tablets.

  • Inspiring Examples of Deep Inner Work

    21/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    The Processing Of Our Deep Emotions Not Through Projection, Denial or Avoidance. See Three Inspiring Examples of Deep Inner Work. From a Woman Who's Scared of Trump. Between a Wrongly Convicted Man And the Crooked Cop Who Was Responsible. And, Between a Rapist and The Woman Who's Trust He Violated. If They Can Do It So Can We. Time to Do Our Inner Work!

  • Our Shift From Type 0 to Type 1 Civilization Status

    13/01/2017 Duration: 16min

    SHIFT-IT Coach eZine- Vol 13, Issue 1 This issue of the SHIFT-IT eZine I’m sharing some thoughts and resources on a REALLY BIG SHIFT — the shift of our civilization from Type 0 status to Type 1 status. A massive shift which isn’t easy or pretty but is essential if we are to survive as a species and keep our planet functioning.

  • Three Resources to Shift Post Election Angst

    02/12/2016 Duration: 32min

    Got You Tweaked, Triggered and Reactive?! Check Out 3 Soothing Resources I Find Helpful to Ease Post-Election Angst. Hopefully They Will Bring You Some Relief and Comfort Too. Hang In There ... We Are In the SHIFT!!!

  • Shares From My Summer Vacay

    02/12/2016 Duration: 27min

    Thoughts on Secret Space Program Conference and Paul Selig's Seattle Workshop.

  • Adventures in 21st Century Messiness

    26/08/2016 Duration: 21min

    Adventures in Messiness. Recommended Books. Deep Democracy Method. And, My Attendance at Secret Space Program Conference.

  • Summer Reads: Selig, Singer And Silver

    18/08/2016 Duration: 22min

    The 3 Books That Kundalini Has Steered My Way. Selig, Singer and Silver.

  • International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP): My Three Top Tips for Attending the Annual Conference

    15/07/2016 Duration: 24min

    NEW ARTICLE: International Forum of Visual Practitioners: My 3 Top Tips for Attending the Annual Conference. Should You Go? What To Focus On? What to Look Out For?

  • Spirconomics

    24/06/2016 Duration: 26min

    Spirconomics. How to Snatch Back the Future. How a Hidden Demographic Will Reshape the Emerging World. See If Your Mission Falls Into Marcia Schafer's 7 Pillars and How to Connect and Link Forces with Others To Do SHIFT Our Planet!

  • How I Did It And How You Can Too

    06/05/2016 Duration: 23min

    Been Asked A Lot Lately About How I Did It: Creating an "IT" That's Interesting, Fun and Sustainable. Here are My Answers Including A Tip About Burning Boats ... Something You Might Need to Consider?

  • Sound Modalities to Aid Your SHIFT

    08/04/2016 Duration: 27min

    Use Sound, Harmonic and Frequency Modalities to SHIFT Your Mood and Maintain Emotional Balance. Info on Electromagnetic Aids to Combat Frequency Stress and Other Interference

  • Graphic Recorders: How To Build a Thriving Practice

    01/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    Graphic Recorders: You Are The Creator Of Your Own Reality ... YOU! Practice. Get Into As Many Rooms As Possible. Build Relationships. Be Consistent Over Time. Perseverance Pays Off!

  • Do You Need To Bio Hack Your Life!?

    11/03/2016 Duration: 14min

    Do You Spend a Lot of Time in Front of Computers? If So Read Today's eZine Article About Blue Light And How To Protect Your Eyes and Circadian Rhythms. Includes Resource List.

  • Visual Coach Certification Enhancements

    26/02/2016 Duration: 33min

    Visual Coach Certification - New Enhancements. Now Includes 30 Visual Maps! Plus Juicy Combo Package Now Includes Biz Essentials Kit.

  • Why Working Visually Is Powerful

    12/02/2016 Duration: 15min

    Learn Why Using Visuals with Coaching and Personal Growth Is So Powerful. Plus New Recent Breakthroughs That Rapidly Expand This Helpful Method.

  • Resources for Dealing with Stress and Trauma

    15/01/2016 Duration: 16min

    Thought Leaders and Modalities That Help People Heal From Stress and Trauma. Leading Edge Resources That Work.

  • For You: Mini Shift-It Retreat With 4 Visual Maps

    01/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    Create Your Own Personal Vision and Plan for 2016. Powerful New Years Gift. Free eBook with 4 Visual Maps. SHIFT-IT!

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