Conversations With Kim Carson

Rita Coolidge Singer Songwriter Painter And Author of Delta Lady A Memoir



There are just so many nuggets in Rita Coolidge's book Delta Lady:A Memoir. Nuggets of wisdom, learning enlightenment, compassion, caring and biggest of all resiliance. I have always been a Rita Coolidge fan ever since first hearing Higher and Higher and playing that on the first Christian radio station I worked at. I loved her long dark hair, Cherokee heritage, her Boho style and the turquoise...loved seeing her wear all of her turquoise. Rita has been making music for a lifetime and she has worked with some of the greats like Jimi Hendrix, Joe Cocker, Leon Russell and so many others there just isn't the time to list them all here but she covers so much of it in the book. She was married to Kris Kristofferson who I fell in love with after seeing A Star Is Born. She talks about their relationship and making beautiful music together, the ups and downs of it all. The biggest bombshell for me was learning about the Eric Clapton song Layla and what Rita contributed to it (uncredited). It's very clear he