Conversations With Kim Carson

The Vietnam War Documentary By Ken Burns and Lynn Novick Debuts September 17, 2017



Ken Burns being Ken Burns tells The Vietnam Story like no one before him. His mind, his perspective, his attention to detail, the way he frames a story I feel like he has no equal telling it...a story that is 50 plus years old but we are still learning from it. This series took a decade to complete...Ken worked side by side with documentarian/film maker Lynn Novick for the past 10 years researching, compiling, interviewing, documenting everything they needed to have to be able to tell the unique and fresh story that they wanted to tell. The Vietnam War docu-movie debuting on PBS television September 17th, 2017. The vast amount of interviews, raw footage, speaking to the Vietnamese first hand about their side of the story, Generals, Vietnam vets telling the story they lived during that time period in history it's all there. In addition to the compelling soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Attcus Ross there's the period piece music... Bob Dylan, Hendrix, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Marvin Gaye. If you want t