Conversations With Kim Carson

Suzanne Somers: Two's Company A Fifty Year Romance With Lessons Learned In Love, Life & Business



I interviewed Suzanne Somers today she has a new book out called Two's Company: A Fifty Year Romance With Lessons Learned In Love, Life and Business. I adore her this is the second time we've talked and I always learn a valuable nugget of wisdom. In other news Elton John lost his mother yesterday after they finally reconciled and made peace. I talked to Suzanne about that same thing today and what were the feelings she had when she reconciled with John Ritter one month before he passed and the reconciliation with Joyce DeWitt her Three's Company co-star...David Cassidy's last words pretty much sum it up "So much wasted time" Suzanne is such a wonderful and wise woman who has lived and continues to live a full life...the read is inspirational and would make the perfect stocking stuffer for that special person who needs to know that "It's not the problems in your life that define you it's how you respond to those things that define you"-Suzanne Somers Get her book on Amazon: