Kinsman Podcast

Epi. 102 - When fiery trials and intense challenges come....!



"When you go through deep waters and great trouble come, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you" - Isaiah 43:2 Focus on this Episode derived from the Living Inspirations embedded within this written Scripture in the Book of Isaiah 3:2; on this may you listen with Faith and prayerfulness, as GOD surely shall Blessed the Heart that receive the inspirations by FAITH. Hence, may you be highly blessed, as you stay strong in Jesus Christ the LORD, our ONLY Salvation and Life to GOD's Eternal Paradise in Heaven. Remember! You are destined for VICTORY in Jesus CHRIST, you are more than Conquerors in Jesus Christ. Peace ------- Welcome to Kinsman Podcast.  Connect and Follow in Faith. Kinsman Podcast is committed to inspiring souls/ Living souls willing to Listen, while we’re still among the Living. For in death is silence evermore. This Podcast is driven by Faith in