Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Ep 131 Calm and Bright



Far too often we pay attention to the loud and brash, which tend to have little meaning, while overlooking the important things that are taking place so quietly and humbly just outside the corner of our eye. ~ Erik Stensland “Whispers in the Wind”   At different points in our lives, the Christmas holiday season is marked by stress and anxiety, overwhelm, overindulgence, undernourishment and sadness and depression.  For many, it is a hollow season of unmet expectations, disappointment and despair.  Instead of Joy we’re met with sorrow. Instead of Hope we carry anguish, self-blame, loss and regret… “If only I had done this…If only I had this… If only…” Why does this time of year, meant to be a celebration of Joy to the world and Peace on Earth, goodwill toward mankind, seem to bring the exact opposite?  How is it that we have created self-inflicted traditions that make us manic and weary, ultimately losing all sense of the true meaning of Christmas? In the frenetic hustle and bustle of the holiday parties, fr