Pure Hope

Natural Healing & The EE System with Dr. Baker



Bessheen Baker is a Naturopathic Doctor and founder of the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education in Central Michigan.  The Institute is well respected for teaching a four year Naturopathic Doctor program, Massage, and Doula programs.  The Institute is home to a large herb and supplement store that provides numerous services through a team of Naturopathic Doctors and therapists who serve clients from all over the state of Michigan. Dr. Baker is also the co-founder of the non-profit Naturopathic Community Center and the Embassy of Life Mastery, a nine year self-discovery and mastery embassy.   Bessheen Baker grew up in the country with Christmas trees, animals, bees, and 3 brothers!  She gained her passion for natural health through her mother and love of sustainability through her maternal grandmother.  She has built her own organic, biodynamic, permaculture, and sacred geometry ranch with her sons where they raise Scottish Highland Cattle, vegetables, fruit, herbs, and spices.     Her latest e